NFL commisioner tells Vick to stay away from training camp *MERGE*

peplaw06;1560038 said:
Sorry, but I just think this is so dumb.

Goodell's basically saying, "I don't know what happened, but while I investigate it myself, you sit out. I'm going to err on the side of punishing you."

He strikes me as very arrogant.
"The criminal justice system will determine if you're guilty, but it's MY responsibility to determine if you violated my policies."

Who's looking out for the players against the NFL? I'm not a fan of Bryant Gumbel, but his comments re: Gene Upshaw seem more and more valid every day.
Just now getting that? ;)

He'll likely only get moreso as long as people keep licking his butthole and telling him what a magnificent job he's doing (Never mind that his efforts as a deterrent seem to be accomplishing nothing in their overactive, albeit brief, tenures - he's banning thugs! Yippee!).

The leash comments were very apropos - didn't even realize it at the time.
theogt;1560033 said:
This is something lawyers like to call prejudicial to the defendant. If Goodell gave a damn about Vick having his day in court, he'd do just that -- let the courts handle it.

He should have just let Vick take his leave of absence without any indication that Goodell was forcing him to take it.

Maybe Vick didn't want to take it. In fact, I was hearing on ESPN radio last night that he didn't want to.

And didn't I read, maybe when Poindexter was "investigating" the scene, that the NFL had its own investigators out there? Maybe they heard or saw enough to be pretty sure Vick was deep into this stuff.

Or maybe the league, its owners, and its players are just sick of having their names tarnished by all this bad publicity.
Bob Sacamano;1560031 said:
:laugh2: :bow:
prosecutor: "Michael Vick, what is your occupation?"

Vick: "NFL Quarterback"

prosecutor: "careful Michael, may I remind you that you are still under oath"

superpunk;1560052 said:
Just now getting that? ;)

He'll likely only get moreso as long as people keep licking his butthole and telling him what a magnificent job he's doing (Never mind that his efforts as a deterrent seem to be accomplishing nothing in their overactive, albeit brief, tenures - he's banning thugs! Yippee!).

The leash comments were very apropos - didn't even realize it at the time.

Oh no, its a deterrant.

Nevermind that people continue to get arrested/in the news all the time/etc, by golly, Goodell's policy is working!

Hail Caesar.
peplaw06;1560038 said:
Sorry, but I just think this is so dumb.

Goodell's basically saying, "I don't know what happened, but while I investigate it myself, you sit out. I'm going to err on the side of punishing you."

He strikes me as very arrogant. "The criminal justice system will determine if you're guilty, but it's MY responsibility to determine if you violated my policies."

Who's looking out for the players against the NFL? I'm not a fan of Bryant Gumbel, but his comments re: Gene Upshaw seem more and more valid every day.

Goodell had to make this move if only to protect Blank. Blank's hands were tied but it was pretty obvious that he didn't want the distraction that Vick would bring so Goodell's discretionary power was his only hope.

I'd suggested this would happen but did not see the "until our investigation is complete" angle. That'll give the NFL/Falcons time to find concrete evidence of Vick associating with a known gambler to give him the Hornung treatment for the season allowing the legal system to play out before Vick ever sees the field.
Bob Sacamano;1560031 said:
prosecutor: "Michael Vick, what is your occupation?"

Vick: "NFL Quarterback"

prosecutor: "careful Michael, may I remind you that you are still under oath"
Now that is funny.
superpunk;1560052 said:
Just now getting that? ;)

He'll likely only get moreso as long as people keep licking his butthole and telling him what a magnificent job he's doing (Never mind that his efforts as a deterrent seem to be accomplishing nothing in their overactive, albeit brief, tenures - he's banning thugs! Yippee!).

The leash comments were very apropos - didn't even realize it at the time.
I hear Goodell does love his rim jobs.

Side note... and another "just now getting that" moment... but "thug" seems to be becoming a pretty racist word nowadays...

Chocolate Lab;1560053 said:
Maybe Vick didn't want to take it. In fact, I was hearing on ESPN radio last night that he didn't want to.

And didn't I read, maybe when Poindexter was "investigating" the scene, that the NFL had its own investigators out there? Maybe they heard or saw enough to be pretty sure Vick was deep into this stuff.

Or maybe the league, its owners, and its players are just sick of having their names tarnished by all this bad publicity.
Sounds to me like some sort of strongarm tactic. Goodell, and all his authority, tells Vick, "take a leave or I'll suspend you." Today some rumors of Vick taking his leave surface. Vick ultimately balks, and Goodell "suspends" him, pending further investigation.

I wouldn't have taken leave either. If I was in Vick's position, I say, if you wanna suspend me, suspend me. I'm not falling on the sword so you can seem more forgiving.
Chocolate Lab;1560053 said:
Maybe Vick didn't want to take it. In fact, I was hearing on ESPN radio last night that he didn't want to.

And didn't I read, maybe when Poindexter was "investigating" the scene, that the NFL had its own investigators out there? Maybe they heard or saw enough to be pretty sure Vick was deep into this stuff.

Or maybe the league, its owners, and its players are just sick of having their names tarnished by all this bad publicity.
Wow. The NFL investigating criminal activities on its own? Geez. This is getting silly.
Bob Sacamano;1560031 said:
:laugh2: :bow:
prosecutor: "Michael Vick, what is your occupation?"

Vick: "NFL Quarterback"

prosecutor: "careful Michael, may I remind you that you are still under oath"
Don't ever post again. You'll never be able to top this post. Classic stuff.

Vintage;1560056 said:
Oh no, its a deterrant.

Nevermind that people continue to get arrested/in the news all the time/etc, by golly, Goodell's policy is working!

Hail Caesar.

The bottom line is that the human condition is the human condition. He's not going to change deep psychological problems with this policy. Must more needs to be done. All he's doing is keeping it in the news.
5Stars;1559952 said:
That is the best thing to do...

But? What about the courts? He's not guilty yet...?


Things will work way or the other!

I know you were kidding but allow me to use your joke to expand on a discussion we had in a previous thread of whether Vick is being denied due process.

He is not.

As long as the NFL continues to pay him, he is not being denied due process.

By paying him, Vick doesn't have grounds to sue. What is he going to sue for?

Lost wages? He's still getting his money.

Ruined reputation? Pulease. That's already out the window.

What I suspect is that Roger Goodell will review whether there's any way legally he can suspend Vick based on the NFL conduct policy.

And I think he has an out.

Remember, Vick owns the property where this dog fighting occurred. I suspect that the NFL is going to investigate this indictment very thoroughly and find out whether Vick indeeds owns the house. If he does, there may be legal wiggle room for Goodell to say, "although Vick's guilt or innocence must be proven in a court of law, there is legal and paper documentation that proves his ownership of a house where illegal activity occurred. Vick may or may not have been involved in that - that's for the courts to decide. But because the property is under his name and under his responsibilty, he should have no better. And that gives us grounds to suspend him."

My gut tells me that's why the league wants to review this case further. It is trying to find some way it can suspend Vick - without pay - and secure its actions from any lawsuit.

Of course, Blank could just dispense with it all and release Vick. I'm starting to think he'll ultimately do that. At some point the negative publicity may override the dollars Vick generates for the franchises.

Vick really stepped in it this time, pun intended. ;) :D
theogt;1560076 said:
News to me.

this is like any multi-million/billion dollar corporation, they employ their own team of investigators for situations such as these, as well as for situations in which to legally protect their best interests, remember Tags came from a lawyer background
Bob Sacamano;1560078 said:
this is like any multi-million/billion dollar corporation, they employ their own team of investigators for situations such as these, remember Tags came from a lawyer background
I know of no other corporation that investigates criminal behavior in such a manner. They typically just let the courts run their course and/or fire the employee. It's not cost effective.
theogt;1560081 said:
I know of no other corporation that investigates criminal behavior in such a manner. They typically just let the courts run their course and/or fire the employee. It's not cost effective.

I can't find anything, but this isn't the 1st time I heard that the NFL was going to use their investigators to search out the crimes accused of an NFl player
Chocolate Lab;1559889 said:
Last year I listened to tons of NFL Radio on Sirius, and I got so tired of Pat Kirwan talking up Williams as the next great player... Even though he was a known knucklehead.

This is why you don't gamble on these guys. Leopards almost never change their spots.

Please, let's not insult leopards

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