NFL commisioner tells Vick to stay away from training camp *MERGE*

Of course Goodell comprehends that. He just doesn't agree with it.

Geez guys, some of you talk like Goodell put Vick in jail or otherwise took away his human rights. He didn't. All he did is suspend him, with pay. People get suspended from jobs all the time for things that are far less than illegal.

And as far as prejudicing the trial, that's up to proper jury selection to find impartial and unbaised jurors. It's hard for us to believe, but there are plenty of people out there who don't know and don't care about the NFL and its players.
Vintage;1560382 said:
My guess is that Goodell was forced into the decision.

He was getting negative press.

He decided to suspend Vick for training camp.

That'll deter people that will....

I am not sure, to be fair, what Goodell should have done. The best scenario would have been for Vick to step away on his own accord and let this investigation take place. I am guessing Vick didn't want to; hence Goodell's proclamation. Goodell did not want to hear backlash, so he suspended him before he committed to saying whether or not he'd go after Vick.
I'm not sure if Goodell was forced to this decision. I think Blank and NFLPA wanted this as much as Goodell and since Blank didn't have the guts to be the bad guy, he may have asked Goodell to make the call.

I have no believe that Goodell, Blank, and NFLPA had to come to this agreement for Goodell to announce it.
peplaw06;1560329 said:
Who or what says he has to be careful about the way he does things? Seems to me he's got pretty much free reign to do whatever he wants, under the guise of, "protecting the NFL." What's the check on him?

We've been through this, but there is a due process even in the NFL, which is why the NFL has people investigating to see if Vick has violated league policies.

He can't just suspend anyone at anytime for anything. Sure he has some latitude, but he can't violate civil rights and he has to be sure that Vick isn't just some innocent who was unaware of what was going on at the property.

I know the idea that Vick is innocent seems funny - I certainly don't think that - but the league needs to take the steps to feel comfortable with whatever Vick has done before charging ahead.

Frankly it would have been easier to make a quick decision on something like Vick shooting the bird at fans, because there was clear, undeniable video proof of what he did. This case requires a little closer scrutiny rather than a kneejerk reaction.
Chocolate Lab;1560385 said:
And as far as prejudicing the trial, that's up to proper jury selection to find impartial and unbaised jurors. It's hard for us to believe, but there are plenty of people out there who don't know and don't care about the NFL and its players.
That's the point. It's makes the system nearly impossible to accomplish. Ever wonder why the government won't comment on public officials while they're under investigation? It's because they don't want to prejudice any potential trial. It's just common sense. Goodell seems to lack that basic common sense.

If I came to your job and poured coffee on your computer, what would you think if I said, "Well, it's the job of your IT department to keep your equipment up and running, so they should deal with it." That's just ludicrous.
Vintage;1560382 said:
My guess is that Goodell was forced into the decision.

He was getting negative press.

He decided to suspend Vick for training camp.

That'll deter people that will....

I am not sure, to be fair, what Goodell should have done. The best scenario would have been for Vick to step away on his own accord and let this investigation take place. I am guessing Vick didn't want to; hence Goodell's proclamation. Goodell did not want to hear backlash, so he suspended him before he committed to saying whether or not he'd go after Vick.
Yeah, that's usually how Goodell makes his decisions (i.e., does what the media tells him to do).

This guy is turning into quite the boob.
You guys are all missing the point.

The NFL did not "suspend" Vick. He's on a paid leave of absence.

This does several things; First it takes almost every legal remedy for Vick to see the field out of Vick's hands. Secondly it buys time for everyone involved to figure out all the legal ramifications. Thirdly, it takes the NFLPA out of the equation for now. (remember the heat Upshaw's been under and the NFL likes the status quo) and lastly, it protects Blank's potential future pursuit of $20+ million in signing bonus monies.
I thought it was the wisest decision based on all parties' best interests at this point.

If someone has a better idea, I'd be interested to hear it.
stasheroo;1560404 said:
I thought it was the wisest decision based on all parties' best interests at this point.

If someone has a better idea, I'd be interested to hear it.

A better idea would have been for Vick to do it voluntarily.

But that didn't happen.....and I get your point.
stasheroo;1560404 said:
I thought it was the wisest decision based on all parties' best interests at this point.

If someone has a better idea, I'd be interested to hear it.

Convict him now, throw him behind bars.
Screw the trial we all know he's guilty
Is it wrong to love the job Goodell is doing for the simple singular reason that he's pissing people off?

StanleySpadowski;1560400 said:
You guys are all missing the point.

The NFL did not "suspend" Vick. He's on a paid leave of absence.

This does several things; First it takes almost every legal remedy for Vick to see the field out of Vick's hands. Secondly it buys time for everyone involved to figure out all the legal ramifications. Thirdly, it takes the NFLPA out of the equation for now. (remember the heat Upshaw's been under and the NFL likes the status quo) and lastly, it protects Blank's potential future pursuit of $20+ million in signing bonus monies.

Good post.
theogt;1560396 said:
That's the point. It's makes the system nearly impossible to accomplish. Ever wonder why the government won't comment on public officials while they're under investigation? It's because they don't want to prejudice any potential trial. It's just common sense. Goodell seems to lack that basic common sense.

If I came to your job and poured coffee on your computer, what would you think if I said, "Well, it's the job of your IT department to keep your equipment up and running, so they should deal with it." That's just ludicrous.

Sorry, but that analogy makes no sense.

It's not the responsibility of an employer to not prejudice a potential juror.
DallasEast;1560415 said:
Is it wrong to love the job Goodell is doing for the simple singular reason that he's pissing people off?

Honestly, I couldn't care less. So, he's not pissing me off. I have yet to see anyone pissed off about it. It's quite different for people to think he's an idiot.
theogt;1560427 said:
Honestly, I couldn't care less. So, he's not pissing me off. I have yet to see anyone pissed off about it. It's quite different for people to think he's an idiot.
StanleySpadowski;1560400 said:
You guys are all missing the point.

The NFL did not "suspend" Vick. He's on a paid leave of absence.

This does several things; First it takes almost every legal remedy for Vick to see the field out of Vick's hands. Secondly it buys time for everyone involved to figure out all the legal ramifications. Thirdly, it takes the NFLPA out of the equation for now. (remember the heat Upshaw's been under and the NFL likes the status quo) and lastly, it protects Blank's potential future pursuit of $20+ million in signing bonus monies.

There you are again Stan. This is exactly correct. As Hos said, the second post of this thread, this is the best possible direction that can be taken right now.

The thing that I find interesting is that people seem to gravitate towards guilty or innocent where Vick is concerned. I mean, we all realize that there is due process that must take place but by and large, most people seem to think it's one or the other, which is understandable. The really interesting thing I see is the opinions of Goodell. People seem to think he's a good solid guy or he's a drunken Judge Roy Bean. I don't know Goodell real well but the one thing I hear reported from almost everybody is that he is a fair guy. IE, he doesn't suspend guys who aren't in a position to get themselves suspended. He has a lot of power, to be sure. However, he was the hand picked guy, even over more senior people who many thought might be in line. I suspect it's because of his character.

I honestly believe the NFL had a plan when they knew a new commish was on the way. I believe that Roselle was the guy who built the NFL. He was the guy who started it and built the foundation. He was the perfect guy for that job. He was hard enough to deal with the rival leagues, enough of a ontraponor to make deals and relationships with potential owners. To form a league with enough strong backers to last. He had enough understanding of entertainment to create a show worth watching. He was the right man for the job.

Tags was a business man who understood how to make money and how to do it legally. He was tasked with the responsiblity of growing the NFL and making it a stable, proffitable enterprise for the long haul. He was the guy who was tasked with forming strong player relations, strong TV ties and taking the game to the next level, financially. Making sure the NFL was the best show in town, if you will. He was the perfect man for the job.

When Tags retired, I think the league and really, the owners, understood that the gravy train would not last if the players weren't brought under control. I think that everybody new this commissionars job would be to clean up the league. The money was in place for TV, League, Owners and Players. Now it would have to be made well so that all the hard work of Roselle and Tags would last. Goodell was specifically picked, IMO, because of his character and his ability to be fair about these kinds of things. The fact that the NFL negotiated the ability of this Commissioner to wield the power he does was no mistake. The Owners and the league gave up a substanial amount of money in return for this power. This was one of the things the players agreed to in return for higher revenue share. It was no accident that this was one of the things the League had to have, IMO. A guy who has this kind of power has to be a guy who is fair minded. Otherwise, you could be in more trouble then you know. I think Goodell is a very good guy. I don't think he's a tyrant or an unfair type of individual. I think, like Roselle and Tags, Goodell is the perfect guy for the job he has. His Job is to clean up the NFL. I think he's doing it exactly the way it needs to be done. I don't see him being unfair or even partial. He's going after the guys who need to be delt with. He's not going after the Wittens and Newmans of the world.

If the NFL has been more succesful in any one area, then the other major leagues, it's how they've picked there leadership. They, IMO, have consistantly picked the right guys for the job. You can't argue with there success. I think Goodell has a job and he's going to get it done. Good for him, I say. JMO
POSTED 12:54 p.m. EDT, July 24, 2007


A source who holds a fairly high-level position with one of the 32 NFL franchises tells us that "many" folks in the league think that Michael Vick will never play again in the NFL.

We've suspected that, even if Vick is acquitted of all pending federal charges and possible state charges, he likely won't find a home with another NFL team. For starters, he's simply not that good of a passer. And once his legs start to go, he'll be just another guy. When you match those skills with the fact that any team that signs him will instantly be targeted for protests and harassment, we can't imagine anyone touching him.

Not even that widely-regard haven for miscreants situated on the eastern rim of the San Francisco Bay.

If Vick is convicted after a public trial involving detailed testimony of dog fights and canine killings, he won't be back, either.

We still believe that his only hope is to strike a deal now, do his time, throw himself at the mercy of the fans and the league, and hope for redemption. I mean, if Marv Albert can return to the top of the broadcasting food chain, Vick should at least get a crack at playing pro ball again once he wraps up his tenure with the Mean Machine.

Even then, however, we're not sure that he'd find any takers. The allegations against Vick are probably too unusual and too heinous to allow him to ever be regarded as a guy on which an NFL franchise can justify taking a risk.
dgr81;1560566 said:

Yeah, I think the damage is done. I don't know of any team that would take the risk on Vick now...not with what has happened so far. And, the sad thing is that he is the one that could have prevented this, whether to know better than to fight dogs, or at least check his property (if he's really not guilty) or hire a property agent to make sure everything is going on right at his property...if he only would have done the right thing.
Stautner;1560392 said:
We've been through this, but there is a due process even in the NFL, which is why the NFL has people investigating to see if Vick has violated league policies.

He can't just suspend anyone at anytime for anything. Sure he has some latitude, but he can't violate civil rights and he has to be sure that Vick isn't just some innocent who was unaware of what was going on at the property.

I know the idea that Vick is innocent seems funny - I certainly don't think that - but the league needs to take the steps to feel comfortable with whatever Vick has done before charging ahead.

Frankly it would have been easier to make a quick decision on something like Vick shooting the bird at fans, because there was clear, undeniable video proof of what he did. This case requires a little closer scrutiny rather than a kneejerk reaction.

Vick going on a paid leave of absence provides some time for closer scrutiny by the NFL. Vick was going to miss the first day anyway because that is his court date. Him not reporting to camp removes a part of the circus. Maybe they ask him to show up two days later with no official announcement. Who knows? It would have been nice and wise for Vick to voluntarily take a LoA, but that did not happen. Like many have said, this is a good solution for now.
Chocolate Lab;1560362 said:
Well, the post that got burma attacked was accurate. (BTW, I thought the personal attacks weren't allowed here?)
Good call.... wait did you actually SEE Burm's post? Something about ignorant lawyers... I don't know I tend to tune him out.

Sorry Burm for the personal attack.