NFL Executive Takes Stand On The Controversial 'Tush Push'


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I dont know NFL rules. Are all 10 non-QB players for the Eagles at the line or bunched up near the line?

Ultimately what I am getting at is...have the Eagles tried to use the Tush Push as show and faked for a deep pass yet?

If Eagles success rate is so high on the tush push while also being able to use it as a fake and get AJ Brown one on one in WIDE OPEN FIELD...seems like it would be boring to watch as a fan and I would be for eliminating the play due to it being almost unfair like. game is about creating mismatches. But who wants to pay or watch a near unfair game.

2nd and 1...tush push for an easy first down or an easy TD to AJ Brown open one on one with a CB.

I know it hasnt come to the above scenario...Im saying I could see it getting out of hand like the above. And it wouldnt be interesting to watch.


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Its a ruck or maul defending technique that works rather than a scrum defending technique. In a ruck you will have "offensive" players on all fours, backs parallel to ground trying to push forward and the defenders trying to stop them. Ive a family member who plays rugby at a high level - is brilliant at this. Likes to go low between arms legs - grabs one ankle with one hand and delivers a fast forearm blow to the inside of the other ankle. Usually ends up in a big pile up!
Well first off I appreciate the info. I'm the furthest thing from a rugby expert so I am more than open to being educated on the topic. With that said though it still doesn't compute in my brain how the techniques would translate well to stopping the tush push, even after watching a few Youtube videos of Ruck and Maul techniques. The idea of getting a hand on or punching out the ankles of a player firing off the ball just seems nearly impossible to me with this play.

Fast forward to 22 seconds on this video and there is an excellent example of what the Philly Oline is doing. There is just no way you're getting under these guys without knowing the snap count. Looking at how Kelce immediately lowers his head like he does amazes me that there hasn't been a serious neck injury though. The one team that has stopped it was Tampa, and I have to believe having a 350lb Vita Vea helps.


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Would have to be a fluke to get badly injured on the Tush Push. It’s hits that result in bad injuries. If the league says the Tush Push is being removed due to injury concerns the might as well start playing flag football. If the players ever banned, it won’t be because of injury concerns.
Oh, so knee exploding tackles should be allowed again? Why are you so for injuring players?


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“Don’t punish a team that strategically does it well,” Vincent said.
Vincent further complimented the Eagles on their success rate with the play.
"Their success rate, just amazing," he added.
I'm sure Cowboy haters were saying the same time about the "Shotgun", when Landry dusted it off and brought it back from the dead to give Roger a little more time in the pocket to find his open targets. Today's QBs don't know how to function without it..................LOL!


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He's obviously biased but it's a dumb defense for it too. A team can hold well or horsecollar tackle well or steal playcalls well. None of it should be allowed.
Lol yea, because those are exactly the same. A more accurate comparison is Qbs shouldn't have been allowed to throw jump balls to Randy Moss because he was too good at it. Put that on a shirt. I'm glad they're not banning it


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Would have to be a fluke to get badly injured on the Tush Push. It’s hits that result in bad injuries. If the league says the Tush Push is being removed due to injury concerns the might as well start playing flag football. If the players ever banned, it won’t be because of injury concerns.
It was mentioned during the Super Bowl that the Chiefs don’t use the tush push because of injury possibilities. The QB has to go all putting pressure on his legs, back etc. Hurts has Newsom thighs. Big. Maybe they’re worried about soft tissue strains.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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It was mentioned during the Super Bowl that the Chiefs don’t use the tush push because of injury possibilities. The QB has to go all putting pressure on his legs, back etc. Hurts has Newsom thighs. Big. Maybe they’re worried about soft tissue strains.
Mahomes has had ankle problems the past couple of seasons. They don’t want to risk him.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Mahomes has had ankle problems the past couple of seasons. They don’t want to risk him.
Right, they don’t want him to get injured doing the tush push because its dangerous to the QB.


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and as soon as an Eagle player is badly injured due to the Tush Push, Vincent will be the first one to cry foul to do away with it. Just watch. Its amazing til a key player on the line is hurt by it.
Like running the quarterback sneak is the only play in football that could cause serious injury? Not a valid argument against it my's not something exclusive to the Eagles. They just run it for now better than anyone else. That might change if their center does indeed retire. He's the guy most responsible for its success. That and the QB.


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Oh, so knee exploding tackles should be allowed again? Why are you so for injuring players?
Who's been hurt running the QB sneak? I'd venture to say more QB's are hurt dropping back and passing. At least statistically that would be the case.


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Who's been hurt running the QB sneak? I'd venture to say more QB's are hurt dropping back and passing. At least statistically that would be the case.
Sure. But they also drop back to pass a lot more often than they sneak.


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Sure. But they also drop back to pass a lot more often than they sneak.
Yeah, but there's documented evidence of QB's getting hurt dropping back. I don't remember a quarterback ever getting hurt during a QB sneak. That's the point. I've seen linemen injured protecting a dropback passer. I haven't seen one hurt running a QB sneak. Can you get hurt? Sure. You can get hurt kicking a field goal, or punting the ball.

Is there gonna take a staple of football away there needs to be a good reason. Getting hurt won't cut the mustard because it just doesn't happen much that I've seen.

Moreover if the team running it gets hurt they wouldn't run it. So that problem would be solved.


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I never thought it should be banned.. right now one team is doing it well but they haven't actually won a SB doing it..

Other teams will work out how to counter it.. the Eggs might struggle with Kelce gone.. and I think it is a high injury risk for a small gain. I think even towards the end of last season, some of the bigger DLines were getting a handle on it and getting some success.

I'm in a favour of letting the coaches work stuff out rather than banning plays because they are successful.


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he is not wrong. so if about 10-12, 14 teams learn this and I gaurantee you they will, then NFL will do something, because it fundamentally changes the game if a play is 95% successful all the time. it changes the game to 1st and 8 instead of 1st and 10. the one or two yards are given. it will take away from fan experience, etc. and then league will take action.

or somebody gets seriously injured. or you start to see a lot of fights as player frustration mounts.

NFL is all about its image.
10, 12, 14…it takes 24 teams to agree to a rules change. Only the Eagles are pretty good at it and still there are not 24 teams endorsing banning the play.


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Who's been hurt running the QB sneak? I'd venture to say more QB's are hurt dropping back and passing. At least statistically that would be the case.
Reread. His post was allowing illegal plays such as horse collar, so that means he wants to allow other illegal plays that get players hurt.


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Yeah, but there's documented evidence of QB's getting hurt dropping back. I don't remember a quarterback ever getting hurt during a QB sneak. That's the point. I've seen linemen injured protecting a dropback passer. I haven't seen one hurt running a QB sneak. Can you get hurt? Sure. You can get hurt kicking a field goal, or punting the ball.

Is there gonna take a staple of football away there needs to be a good reason. Getting hurt won't cut the mustard because it just doesn't happen much that I've seen.

Moreover if the team running it gets hurt they wouldn't run it. So that problem would be solved.
They do.
Hurts did get hurt, n they're still running it.