NFL PA Statement

So you think the NFL is better equipped to handle matters such as this (criminal) than say the police detectives and investigators and a district attorney office ?

The DA has said that there is a clear indication that there was some violence in the relationship, but essentially because of the alleged victim's lack of credibility, it decided not to pursue the case. So while the NFL is not better equipped to handle the matter, it wasn't like the professionals were saying nothing is there. They simply recognize that it would be impossible to prove anything in court because of the issues with credibility.

For the same reason, it should have been impossible to prove domestic violence to the NFL investigators. Their conclusion should have been the same, that even though there is some indication that violent acts were committed the alleged victim has been shown to be untrustworthy, so without any corroborating evidence, no conclusion can be reached.
you called skank a victim without proof.
you are twisting everything to label zeke as criminal and skank as victim.

yes that is an agenda.

I think evidence falsifying is probably at least FRAUD - ALSO a Felony

Lol. Who has an agenda? BTW, the evidence doesn't indicate she blackmailed him. Her friend texted her and said hey, we should blackmail him, they went back and forth a bit. But then Tiffany said she was too scared to do it.
Lol. Who has an agenda? BTW, the evidence doesn't indicate she blackmailed him. Her friend texted her and said hey, we should blackmail him, they went back and forth a bit. But then Tiffany said she was too scared to do it.

oh this website is for cowboys fans, so how would anyone here not be unbiased.
except for a couple like you who are calling the accuser who likely committed multiple FELONIES a victim.
i guess felons are cool with you as long as they serve your agenda.
Here is the whole thing posted by the NFL and than a response by the NFLPA



The NFL released a statement earlier accusing the NFLPA of leaking information about the girl in an attempt to discredit the girl, which is an oft used but shameless attempt by accused in matters like this. They went on to say tactics like this are why women do not come forward in matters like this. I am paraphrasing this but they basically tried to shift this whole thing to now shaming the NFLPA.

The NFLPA told them to pound sand.
So basically the NFL has gone out of their way to ensure that every party that could possibly be against them is now 100% against them. Yep...this is going to get extremely ugly.
time to take a stand.i remember playing in a important soccer match when the coach just pulled the team off the field for an obvious unjust call. Man it would be over the top for the Cowboys to pull the team. Turned out the ref was one of the players father for the other team. The real ref was a no show and we were not told that.
Sadly enough, it seems as though the people shaming the victim are Elliot's parents.
If he is guilty at all, its a pretty sad statement and maybe points to why he has some issues.

UGGGHHH! It's not shaming to put forth actual facts which can be proven about someone, especially when that someone is actively trying to ruin another's life/livelihood and the basis they are using to do so is their word over another's. I guess Zeke just has to take it and not fight back at all, huh?

It's not sad at all. Whether she is a victim or not, what's been released has shown the world her true character. SHE created that character. Now we all are learning about it as well. It's her own choices that result in that shown character being not very beautiful. Poor girl cant hide it anymore - wahhh! It is who she is.

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