NFL PA Statement

I think it's safe to say from the condition of the guy from the alleged bar fight that Zeke did not "hit" her. The bruise on her hand looks to be offensive. In my opinion the level of bruising fits the bar fight narrative more than a three day torture session by a 225 pound man
If he hit her I think it was to get her off him. I just think she sounds deranged. I don't know how the NFL could have taken her word in a case where no charges were filed. To give him 6 games with a ban coming next you have to have 100% proof. If they have evidence then turn it over to the DA. Don't hide behind we won't release it. This is not going away. The man's reputation is at stake. I think they used Zeke's off field actions against him to hammer him feeling everybody will just go along with it. They needed a skapegoat and Zeke was just easy picking.
I don't know where the truth lies in this PR battle.

But one thing I know for sure if I am an NFL player is that I am FURIOUS at my reps at the NFLPA for the malpractice they committed by agreeing to CBA Article 48.

They are talking tough now, but they are basically left with a big crapburger of their own making.
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You can't throw around "victim" without a court case

Alleged victim or accuser would be more appropriate

Zeke also can't be classified as someone guilty either. Because it never went to court and all charges if there ever any was dismissed.

How can someone be guilty of something if he wasn't even charge or went to court?

Sure the CBA says that he doesn't have to be proven guilty. However, Zeke's case never went to court or there was no charges leveled against him. Thus this whole thing is a big fat mess.
I don't know where the truth lies in this PR battle.

But one thing I know for sure if I am an NFL player I am FURIOUS at my reps at the NFLPA for the malpractice they committed by agreeing to CBA Article 48.

They are talking tough now, but they are basically left with a big crapburger of their own making.
The owners will ALWAYS choose an owner-friendly commissioner. It doesn't really matter if it's Goodell or somebody else.

NFLPA really did kind of screw over its members.
Yup... gonna get NASTY

It needs to get nasty because the standard that will be set will be more than any reasonable person can live up to. Trying to prove yourself innocent of an accusation is very hard to do yet the punishment is pretty stiff. That is why our legal system is you are innocent until proven guilty. If the NFLPA, Zeke and yes even Jerry are not willing to put their foot down now then the bar will be set very low for players who are falsely accused
I become so weary of the either/or false choices we are presented. We are almost taunted into accepting the idea that any defense offered is somehow "victim shaming," which is of course nonsense. The state of mind of the accuser, the background of the accuser and the actions of the accuser all provide insight into the likely truthfulness of the accuser. Yes it's true "victim shaming" has occurred, and we ought to make every effort to protect women and encourage them not to fear telling the truth. But we can't cross a threshold that eliminates the ability of the accused to defend his reputation, which merely by the fact of the accusation has already been heavily damaged.

This is framed these days as a man/woman issue when it is correctly a human/human issue. We have a responsibility to respect the rights of both parties and to respect the fact that either could be telling the truth. But the NFL issued a statement publicly branding Ezekiel Elliott as an abuser. Should we prevent him being able to offer any public defense? Those inclined to accept Elliott's guilt keep reminding us this isn't a criminal case and is more akin to a civil case, where preponderance of evidence trumps reasonable doubt. I would argue it is neither. It is an employer enforcing discipline on an employee under the strictures of a collective bargaining agreement.

But we can't stop there. We can't be naive. This is also a PR battle. The NFL made public accusations. It is now slamming the NFLPA for -- supposedly -- attempting to poke holes in the accusation by presenting alternate facts. Those alternate facts present the accuser in a poor light. But they are, it would seem, facts. And I struggle to understand why it is "public shaming" to point out those facts. Yes it creates an uncomfortable situation for the accuser, but this is true in almost any situation in which one is accused of doing something illegal, immoral or criminal. The character and motives of the accuser are as much an indicator as those of the accused.

We are a nation built in part on the concept that the accused has a right to a defense. At what point did we decide that wasn't true for a man accused by a woman of having committed violence against her? At what point did we say this is sufficiently reprehensible that the accusation alone makes the accused guilty? And if it turns out he was innocent, the fact his reputation was destroyed is merely unfortunate collateral damage.

At what point did we decide the accuser's reputation is more important than the reputation of the accused? They are both human beings. Both of them have already endured a measure of public shaming. There are people who will never believe her, absent 100% proof. There are people who will never believe him, absent 100% proof. He is at a disadvantage because of the inherent difficulty of proving a negative.

But is it reasonable to take the position that Elliott and his defenders must not use facts to defend his reputation before it is tarnished beyond repair? Is his reputation meaningless because he has been accused of a heinous act? Is this what we've come to? Have we gone so far that even his family cannot point to facts that suggest their son might just be innocent? And if they do so that explains everything -- of course he is a woman beater because look at the insensitivity of his family in defending their son by pointing to her actions, motives and behavior? Aha! Now we have the answer.

Is this where we've come? Is this the outcome we want?
That's a big IF, what about his IF. What would you do if that was your son?

If it were my son, and I believed he was innocent, I would tweet out that my son was innocent and that the truth would come out. I would not get caught up in trying to discredit the other party.
It needs to get nasty because the standard that will be set will be more than any reasonable person can live up to. Trying to prove yourself innocent of an accusation is very hard to do yet the punishment is pretty stiff. That is why our legal system is you are innocent until proven guilty. If the NFLPA, Zeke and yes even Jerry are not willing to put their foot down now then the bar will be set very low for players who are falsely accused

100% agree. Wish it hadn't come to this-- but the NFL chose to make Zeke the poster boy for their new war on DV and weren't in a mood to alter their PR strategy even if Zeke wasn't guilty.

Don't blame Zeke (or JJ/NFLPA) at all if he fights the accusation if he didn't do it.
I become so weary of the either/or false choices we are presented. We are almost taunted into accepting the idea that any defense offered is somehow "victim shaming," which is of course nonsense. The state of mind of the accuser, the background of the accuser and the actions of the accuser all provide insight into the likely truthfulness of the accuser. Yes it's true "victim shaming" has occurred, and we ought to make every effort to protect women and encourage them not to fear telling the truth. But we can't cross a threshold that eliminates the ability of the accused to defend his reputation, which merely by the fact of the accusation has already been heavily damaged.

This is framed these days as a man/woman issue when it is correctly a human/human issue. We have a responsibility to respect the rights of both parties and to respect the fact that either could be telling the truth. But the NFL issued a statement publicly branding Ezekiel Elliott as an abuser. Should we prevent him being able to offer any public defense? Those inclined to accept Elliott's guilt keep reminding us this isn't a criminal case and is more akin to a civil case, where preponderance of evidence trumps reasonable doubt. I would argue it is neither. It is an employer enforcing discipline on an employee under the strictures of a collective bargaining agreement.

But we can't stop there. We can't be naive. This is also a PR battle. The NFL made public accusations. It is now slamming the NFLPA for -- supposedly -- attempting to poke holes in the accusation by presenting alternate facts. Those alternate facts present the accuser in a poor light. But they are, it would seem, facts. And I struggle to understand why it is "public shaming" to point out those facts. Yes it creates an uncomfortable situation for the accuser, but this is true in almost any situation in which one is accused of doing something illegal, immoral or criminal. The character and motives of the accuser are as much an indicator as those of the accused.

We are a nation built in part on the concept that the accused has a right to a defense. At what point did we decide that wasn't true for a man accused by a woman of having committed violence against her? At what point did we say this is sufficiently reprehensible that the accusation alone makes the accused guilty? And if it turns out he was innocent, the fact his reputation was destroyed is merely unfortunate collateral damage.

At what point did we decide the accuser's reputation is more important than the reputation of the accused? They are both human beings. Both of them have already endured a measure of public shaming. There are people who will never believe her, absent 100% proof. There are people who will never believe him, absent 100% proof. He is at a disadvantage because of the inherent difficulty of proving a negative.

But is it reasonable to take the position that Elliott and his defenders must not use facts to defend his reputation before it is tarnished beyond repair? Is his reputation meaningless because he has been accused of a heinous act? Is this what we've come to? Have we gone so far that even his family cannot point to facts that suggest their son might just be innocent? And if they do so that explains everything -- of course he is a woman beater because look at the insensitivity of his family in defending their son by pointing to her actions, motives and behavior? Aha! Now we have the answer.

Is this where we've come? Is this the outcome we want?
It looks like that's the world we live in in 2017.:(
If it were my son, and I believed he was innocent, I would tweet out that my son was innocent and that the truth would come out. I would not get caught up in trying to discredit the other party.

I understand. I think your position is understandable and I have no doubt sincere. But what if your son's reputation was being irreparably harmed and because of the nature of the accusation and the venue in which the damage occurred, the truth simply wouldn't come out? What if your son was never able to recover his reputation? And what if you knew the actions of your son's accuser pointed to a likelihood that she -- or he -- wasn't being honest?

Would you tell your son, "Suck it up. Accept that your reputation is destroyed. Maybe move somewhere. We can't talk about these facts, even if they shed light on the situation. We can't do it son. I'm sorry. Accept that you've been ruined."
If it were my son, and I believed he was innocent, I would tweet out that my son was innocent and that the truth would come out. I would not get caught up in trying to discredit the other party.

Still hung up on this whole, why didn't they come out on Friday screaming innocence angle, huh?

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