NFL Ratings Down 16% in the Playoffs from a Year Ago


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You are new here but it is a cool little feature that you can highlight and reply to only part of a post

Just right click the sentence you want to respond to and a little reply button will pop up

Ha! I've been here since - well probably since the forum started - and I never knew that. I always just hit reply and manually edited out the part I wanted ignored.


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I don't necessarily disagree with what you say here but different people are motivated to speak up in different ways when a feeling hits. Add in opportunity, which platform, what time, etc. and it's not something one can paint with one brush as is the case with many things. I don't think even Kaepernick thought it all the way through but it just became the way to express frustration for others as well. There's more I can say but I noticed that several posts on this page "disappeared" and the parties involved haven't posted here since so I'll leave it there.
Politics, religion and Colin Kaepernick are not to be discussed here...... at joking around.....and never question a Mod........ever

You are correct.......Posts were removed and warnings were given...... even talking like this makes me nervous and I don't scare easy....... but I am the President of Ban-istan because of my big mouth


The Boognish
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He didn't say the NFL lost revenue. He said the stations broadcasting games did. That has to do with makegoods due to poor ratings.

This at a time when they are negotiating a contract. How stunning I tell you!

Meanwhile, the NFL is monetizing the web and mobile media market for billions. I suspect a deal with google, yahoo, or a similar company with a web media platform will sign for more than what Verizon did. TV is signed through 2022 or something outside of Thursday games.

Have fun wishcasting what will go on in 4 years though.


The Boognish
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That is why I said 'Loss Leader' .....but it won't work for long at those prices

Verizon paid 4.5billion for yahoo and now 2.5b over 5 years to stream in market NFL games over devices and phones

It is ton for a terrible service...........sports over streaming is ugly and who wants to watch a game on their 5" phone..... maybe if you are stuck on a bus or at work but that is too much money for a fringe service

CBS and NBC are asking for a huge discount for Thurs NF.........ABC and TNT didn't even bid ....only Fox wants to spend some of that Disney money to build the brand like FS1 and FS2

But the 20% ratings drop is not helping anyone

:lmao: The Verizon deal basically invalidates your entire premise: that the NFL is going to see diminishing deals. Trying to cover that up with baseless name calling and emotional generalizations like "terrible" is amusing.

That is doubly so when in these discussion over the past year people have been telling you that people are migrating their viewing online and onto their devices. OF course you pretend like we have not been saying this to you the entire time. As people have told you repeatedly, the drop in ratings does not consider the online and mobile market. The Verizon deal speaks to that phenomenon.

And who would want to watch games on their phone? People about 30 or so years younger than you. You argue entirely from the vantage of your ego. The way you say it, all the people who are protesting think like you when around half are protesting the NFL itself not the players and no one wants to watch the game online or on the phone when the last two generations coming of age live in exactly that world.


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The Verizon deal basically invalidates your entire premise: that the NFL is going to see diminishing deals. Trying to cover that up with baseless name calling and emotional generalizations like "terrible" is amusing.

That is doubly so when in these discussion over the past year people have been telling you that people are migrating their viewing online and onto their devices. OF course you pretend like we have not been saying this to you the entire time. As people have told you repeatedly, the drop in ratings does not consider the online and mobile market. The Verizon deal speaks to that phenomenon.

And who would want to watch games on their phone? People about 30 or so years younger than you. You argue entirely from the vantage of your ego. The way you say it, all the people who are protesting think like you when around half are protesting the NFL itself not the players and no one wants to watch the game online or on the phone when the last two generations coming of age live in exactly that world.
The verizon deal is peanuts......500m a year is 8m per franchise or 4% of the cap

The TV ratings really dropped by 20% and they aren't coming back
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The Boognish
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As soon as you stop White Knighting for the NFL...... they don't need your help

I never said they do and you and I both know that I hate the league office. At the same time I find it amusing that the NFL signs a multi billion dollar deal in a new media market with Verizon and you guys are still coming with the exact same take you guys were in October.


The Boognish
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The verizon deal is peanuts

The TV ratings really dropped by 20% and they aren't coming back

All you have is gratuitous characterizations. You can make baseless predictions all you like. In the meantime, this year revenues increased yet again.

When the NFL signs a deal with youtube, vimeo, or the like that you will be downplaying that just like you are doing here with the mobile deal. Nevermind that it is an empirical example of how your narrative is not reality.


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I never said they do and you and I both know that I hate the league office. At the same time I find it amusing that the NFL signs a multi billion dollar deal in a new media market with Verizon and you guys are still coming with the exact same take you guys were in October.
4% of the cap is minuscule ...not massive

it is 7m per team or one TCrawford


The Boognish
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4% of the cap is minuscule ...not massive

Nice strawman. I don't use such gratuitous qualitative declarations and try to pass it off as truthful hyperbole. I consider that deception.

According to your narrative it should be diminishing. Reality does not jive with your narrative. That is my point.


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Nice strawman. I don't use such gratuitous qualitative declarations and try to pass it off as truthful hyperbole. I consider that deception.

According to your narrative it should be diminishing. Reality does not jive with your narrative. That is my point.
here is some change for your 5 dollar words

as your argument weakens your vocabulary expands....... you are so sad and predictable


Well-Known Member
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I'm glad its down.

Heck I haven't even watched the games, so I'm doing my part. Might not watch the superbowl either.


The Boognish
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here is some change for your 5 dollar words

as your argument weakens your vocabulary expands....... you are so sad and predictable

Well seeing that you have stopped even making an argument, that does not even matter if that is the case. You have intellectually surrendered and gone completely with the ad hominem. You are cliche.

In the meantime, NFL revenue continues to expand as they expand their media empire into online and mobile markets. Your narrative is based on wishes, hope and little more.

Protip: I use multisyllables all the time. I tend to use them correctly too. Nice whine though.


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Well seeing that you have stopped even making an argument, that does not even matter if that is the case. You have intellectually surrendered and gone completely with the ad hominem. You are cliche.

In the meantime, NFL revenue continues to expand as they expand their media empire into online and mobile markets. Your narrative is based on wishes, hope and little more.

Protip: I use multisyllables all the time. I tend to use them correctly too. Nice whine though.
sad and predictable

you live up to your reputation every time


The Boognish
Reaction score
sad and predictable

That I will still argue points relevant to the topic while you will resort to these petty personal attacks instead of conceding anything? Yeah that has been how most of your arguments go.

I use multisyllables all the time. My first response to you today has about a dozen of them in the post. Your narrative once again does not comport with reality.

I do find it amusing that you don't criticize my usage or the logic in said words but instead my use of them in and of themselves as if vocabulary is a bad thing. Nice anti-intellectualism. You truly are cliche.

In the meantime the NFL continues to make more money and not all the protesters boycotting the game think like you do nor value the same things. Your crusade has no foundation in reality or the people that live in it..


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That I will still argue points relevant to the topic while you will resort to these petty personal attacks instead of conceding anything? Yeah that has been how most of your arguments go.

I use multisyllables all the time. My first response to you today has about a dozen of them in the post. Your narrative once again does not comport with reality.

I do find it amusing that you don't criticize my usage or the logic in said words but instead my use of them in and of themselves as if vocabulary is a bad thing. Nice anti-intellectualism. You truly are cliche.

In the meantime the NFL continues to make more money and not all the protesters boycotting the game think like you do nor value the same things. Your crusade has no foundation in reality or the people that live in it..
You ignore the argument then go off on your wordy tangents......" hominen ...blah blah blah"

I destroyed you with real links 50 posts ago and you ignore the facts and come back with some weak 500m deal out of 14 billion a year like it means something ........ it was 300m a year last year....whoopee

Verizon wasted 4.4b buying Yahoo and now wasted 2.5b on the NFL deal......yeah football is saved

You know Goodell wants to double the 14b in revenues by 2027...... good luck with that with 20% drops in TV ratings