NFL Ratings Down 16% in the Playoffs from a Year Ago


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The NBA enforces the rule just fine....... the NFL would win any legal challenge in 10 seconds

It is a private company.......Free speech doesn't exist
Do you think if this happened in the NBA, they would fine players? Those guys are tighter than the NFL.

This entire situation went from being "what's not right" to "what could get so wrong" very fast.


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Do you think if this happened in the NBA, they would fine players? Those guys are tighter than the NFL.

This entire situation went from being "what's not right" to "what could get so wrong" very fast.
They all stand in the NBA and wear suits when on the bench....not 'Urban' designer jeans


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's nothing of that sort. It's contract law. You can have an agreement where parties are "required to" do something or leave in "it would make me feel better if you did" something. Which would stand a better chance in a breach of contract hearing where that "something" didn't happen?

And as for that other sort, it kinda did work, didn't it?
Don't know if it will work but those players in Miami took the initiative to try and work together. Something needs to work because we haven't come as far from the 50-60's as we'd like to think we have.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
They all stand in the NBA and wear suits when on the bench....not 'Urban' designer jeans
The active players wear uniforms.

Not to get off the subject but I do often, basketball kept the tradition of their dress code and I miss that about the NFL. I actually liked seeing the coaches nattily attired on the sideline instead of looking like middle aged men that forgot to pick up their cleaning and are wearing their son's clothes.


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I think the racially explicit part of this would have tied his hands in any regard. I don't think he operates within a vacuum and sought out many opinions about how to handle something that has never been this tricky in the NFL before.

Even doing nothing created problems for him. He was in a no win situation. I believe if he had further punished those participating, he would have lit the fuse for many other players and this could have mushroomed on him.

Yes. That's why you hire guys to write these things (preferably lawyers) that could be potential PR situations.


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The active players wear uniforms.

Not to get off the subject but I do often, basketball kept the tradition of their dress code and I miss that about the NFL. I actually liked seeing the coaches nattily attired on the sideline instead of looking like middle aged men that forgot to pick up their cleaning and are wearing their son's clothes.
look at the fancy lad


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The active players wear uniforms.

Not to get off the subject but I do often, basketball kept the tradition of their dress code and I miss that about the NFL. I actually liked seeing the coaches nattily attired on the sideline instead of looking like middle aged men that forgot to pick up their cleaning and are wearing their son's clothes.

Yeah but you don't get rain, snow and mud in arenas so I get it.


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Goodell's a lawyer.

Yup, that's why he gets it and handled it correctly, IMO. Falling ratings satisfies the bloodlust of those offended and is the first step to the whole thing blowing over and the NFL going about its business and Goodell continuing to get paid.


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I agree that it can get down a slippery slope like with that publication in France that I believe was done to incite and they found out what inciting does yet come out the heroes somehow. But there's disagreement and then there's antagonizing. People will disagree on where the line should be drawn but I don't see how not standing for an anthem that promotes symbolism you think is not applied equally is antagonizing. There are plenty more things they could have done to express disagreement. To me, true antagonizing would have been for protesters to each carry out little American flags and to step on them while the anthem played or to burn them at the same time. None of those things would have been against the law publicly but the NFL might have done something different privately. To me, the NFL handled it fine and it's like I said on the other boards that the league knows that they just have to wait out the drama queens and it'll wash over like it always does. The players made their point and moved on and then those offended can come back to claim that they "won" like they do with ratings drops. Meanwhile Goodell is still there and rollin' like a pimp, lol.

There's another end of the scale, too. They could have just done what many ended up doing and give money to charities, start community organizations, etc. The act of kneeling seemed unnecessarily provocative and honestly unrelated to the issue at hand.

In my opinion, of course. We have to say that part, right?


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There's another end of the scale, too. They could have just done what many ended up doing and give money to charities, start community organizations, etc. The act of kneeling seemed unnecessarily provocative and honestly unrelated to the issue at hand.

In my opinion, of course. We have to say that part, right?

I don't necessarily disagree with what you say here but different people are motivated to speak up in different ways when a feeling hits. Add in opportunity, which platform, what time, etc. and it's not something one can paint with one brush as is the case with many things. I don't think even Kaepernick thought it all the way through but it just became the way to express frustration for others as well. There's more I can say but I noticed that several posts on this page "disappeared" and the parties involved haven't posted here since so I'll leave it there.