NFL says no to Arm in Arm decal on Cowboys helmet

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So by your logic we(America) should've never stood with the civil rights movement, because MLK was not a public servant.


I knew this thread would turn out bad. Now we are arguing about something that everyone agrees on.

A few cops are bad. The vast majority deserve our respect and support. There are people with legitimate grievances, and others that pimp hatred to make themselves money. Folks feel strongly in both sides, but everyone agrees that shooting innocent people, whether they are civilians or cops is bad. So let's not bring here the silliness fomented by the media ****** trying to get you to listen to them instead of their competition.

Folks need to realize when they are being manipulated and not buy into it. People are dying over these silly assed games.

Let's talk football.
I sincerely agree with that take, but it's strange the league turns around and makes/allows its teams to wear pink in honor breast cancer awareness.

There just doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason.

Because breast cancer isnt a controversial topic. Whats so hard to understand, LOL
Because breast cancer isnt a controversial topic. Whats so hard to understand, LOL

So, you're seriously not grasping the point here?

When the esophogeal, melanoma, or Hodgkins cancer societies call in and say "hey, these are our colors, we want every team to wear them," the NFL should be on board right? No? Provide an argument why they shouldn't.

When the Make-a-Wish Foundation calls in and says "hey, lets make every Week 7 the 'Make-a-Wish Week'" the NFL should be on board right? No? Provide an argument why they shouldn't.

The point is why would the NFL allow for a precedent when they then have no basis for denying other similar 'non-controversial' tributes?
The very fact that supporting the local law enforcement after a vicious assassination plot was acted out upon them is viewed as "controversial" is everything that's wrong with today's culture.
I knew this thread would turn out bad. Now we are arguing about something that everyone agrees on.

A few cops are bad. The vast majority deserve our respect and support. There are people with legitimate grievances, and others that pimp hatred to make themselves money. Folks feel strongly in both sides, but everyone agrees that shooting innocent people, whether they are civilians or cops is bad. So let's not bring here the silliness fomented by the media ****** trying to get you to listen to them instead of their competition.

Folks need to realize when they are being manipulated and not buy into it. People are dying over these silly assed games.

Let's talk football.

Man, what a level headed response. Props to you.
I disagree. Political Correctness is totalitarian thought and language control, i.e., mind control to stifle dissent and control the masses.
PC is the new code phrase for and by people who long for the days of Jim Crow and prayer meetings that ultimately wind up in a countryside cross burning. You yanks have to choose: 21st century or 1930s bib overalls worn to the meetin' in the woods.
PC is about respect.. Respect everyone's rights period, I can't believe how difficult it is for some. YOU are the problem, not the people trying to respect others. It's like this generation thinks it's cool to just to be a dick.
Hear! Hear! A great man once said: respect for the rights of others is peace. Correctness is what our mums asked of us. PC is just another term for I DON'T HAVE TO GROW UP AND I WILL DENIGRATE YOU FOR ASKING FOR DIGNITY AND RESPECT
The very fact that supporting the local law enforcement after a vicious assassination plot was acted out upon them is viewed as "controversial" is everything that's wrong with today's culture.
When was the culture of America (right)? Just curious
There is no place for this on the helmet regardless of the terrible act it was.

I am so tired of the BLM BS - just an excuse to act like idiots. All lives matter and no person or race is perfect.

We can move forward or sit around and blame everyone but ourselves for the lack of growth and enlightenment in our society.
Hear! Hear! A great man once said: respect for the rights of others is peace. Correctness is what our mums asked of us. PC is just another term for I DON'T HAVE TO GROW UP AND I WILL DENIGRATE YOU FOR ASKING FOR DIGNITY AND RESPECT

Sorry PC movement was never about respect. It was about "feelings", hurt feelings, feelings of inadequacy, feelings of being inferior. PC movement is a social experiment that says, "you can think what ever you want, you just can't say whatever you want." It is like an MP3 compression takes out the highs and the lows and tries to make people believe the only important thing is the stuff left over. PC has done more to damage racial relations because PC only goes one way, Whites say something "controversial" about blacks it is not PC or its racist, Straight people say something about LGBT community same thing. Black people same something about whites its alright, Gay community tear down a straight person its Ok. etc etc. PC is shield that only protects certain people and used as weapon against those that it doesn't protect.
There is no place for this on the helmet regardless of the terrible act it was.

I am so tired of the BLM BS - just an excuse to act like idiots. All lives matter and no person or race is perfect.

We can move forward or sit around and blame everyone but ourselves for the lack of growth and enlightenment in our society.

Bull crap. They are a movement trying to bring attention to the vastly unfair mortality rate that African Americans face when involved in altercations with policemen. When all lives are treated like they matter thats when that bs phrase will actually mean something.
I think MileyDancer is spot on and would bet there are several here that feel the same way.

He's couldn't be further from the truth, and keeping in mind the ethnic background of several here and the location most of them are from I'm quite sure several here do feel the same way
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