NFL sends video to teams regarding players reporting as eligible

No, the plan was for him to run on making the motion but never verbalizing. That was intended to confuse Dallas. 68 also verbalized but did not jesture so Dallas wouldn’t see it. That was all the plan and they told the refs before the game wanting them to ignore 70 swiping his chest as he ran in. Problem was Allen wasn’t in that pregame meeting and interpreted 70s actions as reporting and that’s why he announced him. It all a lot Detroit trying to exploit the rules and basically cheat. They even tried to enlist the refs to participate in their scheme. They got what they deserved.
I'm glad it was them who tried to win the game with underhanded trickery and not the Cowboys. Had it been the Cowboys the talking heads would've never let them live it down. You're right, they got just what they deserved, and if we have to play 'em again, I hope we totally embarrass them the next time.
That video shows 70 reporting with 23 seconds to go just like he had been all game. Won’t shut up some people, but it proves this wasn’t rigged, that the refs did not mess up this play, and that both fouls(illegal touching and illegal formation) were the right calls. 70 reported.
This whole thing only blew up because a legion of Cowboys fans have been showing the long term stats proving the Cowboys not being treated fairly by the officiating.

They seized upon the very first thing they could possibly misconstrue into shutting up Cowboys fans about the officiating.
Is it the refs job to tell you something is ok or not?

Suppose you go through the pre-game meeting and the team tells the refs all that you plan to do to make them aware. I'm not sure that the refs are obligated to tell you if it's legal or not, wouldn't the onus be on the team to know prior to the meeting? And the refs can confer amongst themselves and say, they warned us they were going to do this but it's an illegal play because of XYZ reasons even if the team thinks that it is legal. And if they do it during the game the refs can flag them for it.

Again, I'm not sure that the refs are obliged to correct the team in those pre-game meetings. I think it's just informational meeting not a discussion. The refs can walk out and look up the rules and find that the team was wrong in their assumptions and flag them during the game.... That's just my take on it, as I'm not sure if it's just an information meeting or if there is a dialogue back and forth about the legalities of trick plays and such ..
I'm not sure what happens in the pre-game meetings but refs are generally helpful in guiding teams and players so they don't cause a flag fest out there. Before the season starts, they go out to teams to teach them about the new rules. You see it on the field where refs tell receivers to back up or they'll be called for offsides. Technically, receivers should know how to line up all on their own without help. They also coach players in the moment for what they're doing that caused a flag. I also remember in that Sounds from the Sidelines video the ref was telling Dak to start his slides early for some reason. Maybe he knew that team we were playing were head hunters or something but it seems unnecessary to have to tell a player that, right? So I would guess that refs open themselves up to questions before a game if a team wants to try something but isn't sure if it's legal based on their reading of the rules.
Now think back to all those "unbiased" analysts who rushed to the Lion's defense and declared that the Cowboys didn't deserve to win.

Their opinion was based on what?
The bigger story IMO after the fact was the stubbornness by Dumb Dan to continue going for 2. That was about as idiotic as I’ve seen.
Now think back to all those "unbiased" analysts who rushed to the Lion's defense and declared that the Cowboys didn't deserve to win.

Their opinion was based on what?
It was based on what they saw. I felt the same thing initially. It appeared Detroit was robbed. And was general consensus immediately after the game.

Although it didn’t have to end the game. The bigger story was continuing to go for 2. That created what IMO was one of the stupidest decisions I’ve ever seen. Thanks Dumb Dan.
Still a ton of people on ESPN all day talking about how the refs should be "held accountable", and they made a "game-changing mistake". We all know they would have been fine with Dallas losing on a pass to a player never announced eligible.

Same thing goes for our conspiracy theorists here too. ;) If it was the other way round, you could have shown them a video like this and they would still complain about us being shafted.

So no need to fingerpoint here, (some) fans are fans.
70 did a physical sign. The video says there needs to be a physical AND a verbal sign and he contends he didn't give a verbal. Maybe Campbell thought he could get away with only doing one and not the other.
I’m wondering if Skipper did the visual sign and Decker did the verbal sign. And they did it on purpose at the same time to be tricky or as someone else put it, “shenanigans “

It’s interesting to me Skipper said, “I didn’t saying a ******* thing”. Decker said, “ I did what my coach told me to do and said report “. Both Decker and Skipper are probably telling the truth and Campbell tried shenanigans to fool us and it didn’t work.
I feel like this has been discussed in depth and this video the NFL sent out is a sign to me they tried to get away with something. So I think I’m done thinking about this.

To quote Terrell Owens after he spit in Deangelo Hall’s face and asked about in post game. “It happened and I’m ready to move on”.
So #70 does the hand gesture but doesn't talk to the ref. #68 and #58 doesn't do the hand gesture but looks like they talked to the ref.
That means, according to the NFL video, none of them have correctly declared eligible. Hence, none of them should have been eligible.

This guy's video does a good job of explaining what exactly happened.

They tried to create an unfair advantage by concealing who the reporting player was and deserved to lose for trying to play fast and loose with the rules.

70 put his hand up just as he had done before, they lined up a lineman out wide then motioned him in and sent 3 players to the ref when only one was supposed to report. Screw them!
He was busted, and still tried to force the victory by going for two. How dumb are you trying to gamble your home field advantage on a two point try? He got what he deserved.
Is it the refs job to tell you something is ok or not?

Suppose you go through the pre-game meeting and the team tells the refs all that you plan to do to make them aware. I'm not sure that the refs are obligated to tell you if it's legal or not, wouldn't the onus be on the team to know prior to the meeting? And the refs can confer amongst themselves and say, they warned us they were going to do this but it's an illegal play because of XYZ reasons even if the team thinks that it is legal. And if they do it during the game the refs can flag them for it.

Again, I'm not sure that the refs are obliged to correct the team in those pre-game meetings. I think it's just informational meeting not a discussion. The refs can walk out and look up the rules and find that the team was wrong in their assumptions and flag them during the game.... That's just my take on it, as I'm not sure if it's just an information meeting or if there is a dialogue back and forth about the legalities of trick plays and such ..
Dak tried to report Edoga against the eagles (1st game). The ref didn't tell him that Edoga had to report. Just threw the flag after the play. Cost them the game.
I'd be upset if i was a Lions fan sure.

But why yall need 3 people to report to the ref? why not kick the fg and go into over time? you had the momentum

but i wont console any Lions fans because if it was dallas everyone wouldve just said "you had 3 tries at the 2 point conversion..its on you"
That's why I'm saying 70 probably shouldn't have gestered. And of course it was designed to cause confusion but there's nothing wrong with it. Gain a competitive edge where you can. I wish we'd thought of it first and executed better.
but when you try to confuse the opponent, sometimes you confuse yourself!

Watch the video. It's pretty much a smack down of the Lions' shenanigans.

Translate........any team trying to pull this crap again will face consequences
Let’s be very clear, even back to the point when Campbell supposedly told the refs that number 68 at some point in the game would be reporting as an eligible receiver. All of this was orchestrated and planned, and it’s cheating. Then he sends number 70 out there touching his numbers, which is the signal for I’m going to be an eligible receiver on this play. Whether he gave a verbal or not to confirm it. The fact is that the refs announced to the Cowboys and the entire world that number 70 was the eligible receiver. Then they try and line up as being in eligible, to confuse the refs, to confuse the fans, and to confuse the Cowboys most of all. And then dare the refs to call back the conversion. In my opinion, the refs should be highly commended for standing up to this nonsense, and not allowing to play the stand. That took some cojones to make that call. But it was the right call and they made it. Mr. Campbell you got caught trying to cheat, so shut your mouth and take your loss and move along.
Exactly.........and 70 was throwing a tantrum on the sideline that he didn't say a word. Well, why the hell did you approach, KNOWING 68 had already approached?

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