NFL Sunday Game Thread


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You don't go from being the best team in the country in pursuit of a three peat to being out of the playoffs by losing an SEC championship in a tight game. I'm just pointing out the ludicrous nature of "rankings". If you want the best 4 teams, Georgia has to be in the playoffs. Alabama has to be in the playoffs. Texas seems solid. Washington probably should be the last team in but the Pac 10 isn't an impressive conference. Michigan doesn't play anyone but one other wildly overrated team so their conference is a joke.

Only good news is we will get an expanded playoffs soon so that BS rankings like this won't matter as much.
Sure you do. You do not deserve to be ahead of the team that just beat you. You do not deserve to be ahead of the undefeated teams that took their conference title. It does not matter what they were 2 years ago or 3 years ago, it matters that this year, they lost, including to the team that passed them by beating them in the conference championship game. Each of the teams ahead of them had to take on a top 10 team and won but Georgia lost their key game so they are out.


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For the millionth time, it’s Week Freaking 12.

If we play the 9ers in the playoffs, that’s a long time from now and a whole lot of things can change before then.

How about some of you table the fear of them until at least a couple of weeks before then?

Geez, get ahold of yourself.


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the 49ers look unbeatable
Looks as we will have to go into Santa Clara to play them in the divisional round Yikes!:omg:Unless your in the camp that thinks the Eagles will drop 2 more and that the Cowboys will win out. Lets hope! Dont want another early departure!