NFL suspends former K Josh Brown 6 games

If there was any doubt the NFL does not have an agenda this bogus save their *** suspension says it all. I have worshiped football since i have walked this earth. Im 44 years old. The league lately has been a complete disgrace. Its sad. What possible reason could they come up with by suspending Josh Brown now??? Ha. It reeks. They truly look foolish and will never fool the real fan. Sure legally it will help them by suspending him but really? Its way too late for that now.
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I hope these players have made a note to save their money. I hope next CBA these players wont cave and take all the power away from Roger. I have a feeling we may miss half a year because of it. But these players habe to stand their ground. That may be the out some fringe owners need to hang Godell. However we all know many owners love him because they make them all a **** load of money. So lets see how it all plays out next CBA
I hope these players have made a note to save their money. I hope next CBA these players wont cave and take all the power away from Roger. I have a feeling we may miss half a year because of it. But these players habe to stand their ground. That may be the out some fringe owners need to hang Godell. However we all know many owners love him because they make them all a **** load of money. So lets see how it all plays out next CBA

sadly, u know they wont just like last time. even though they are being told to now by the nlfpa.
and it counts now that he isn't under contract so he doesn't lose any money

Its so insulting and an absolute disgrace that the league takes some of us fans for fools. Wow. Its stuff like this that def cements my feelings to this clown running this league. He makes owners a ton of money so lets see what is most important to these owners. Money or the integrity of this wonderful game. Its time this bafoon to go away. He has done a horrible job. The 2 guys before him are and will be hall of famers. This reject name wil never be in the discussion
Obviously belated CYA by the NFL. :rolleyes:

But I thought they wouldn't suspend Brown because Mara is Goodell's buddy, and they're conspiring against the Cowboys?

Brown was cut by the Giants last season. Is he even on any team's roster? What a joke!
Roger Goodell punishing Josh Brown


Love it, that is a clear shot across the bow. Now we just need to curb stomp the Giants and the victory will be priceless. Not enough to win, we need to make Mara cry. Pouting is not enough, Benjamin Buttons Mara is going to poop his pants DURING the Sunday game.

Make me a prophet Cowboys!
Might as well serve a lifetime ban on bad boy Michael Irvin in case, you know, he ever wants to play again.
Now wait a damn minute, i was thinking about taking T Williams place on the team. The Playmaker will make plays cause I'm a BEAST
As much as we all have a hard time believing the NFL would do something this sleazy and transparent; think, honestly. How's many times in the past decade have we seen some WTH moments when it comes to the Cowboys and their enemy the NFL. The refs, several rulings against that we KNEW they couldn't lose, suspensions, fines for collusion the NFL created and a plethora of shenanigans. No I'll be surprised if someone actually female dog slaps Goodell (dumb dumb) for being this blatant and arrogant and overrules the suspension completely.
I guess we now know why this suspension happened right before the court decision today. Goodell knew he wasn't getting Zeke so he had to find somebody to suspend.
This is the equivalent of sneaking some of dad's whiskey and trying to pour water back in it so he'll never know.

Pretty much. The NFL and 'GODell' are total sh!tgibbons. The gibbons in the zoo that throw their feces at each other have more integrity and scruples than the NFL. I Sh!.T you not!!!!!!!
Not even kidding, I thought this was a troll thread and then a quick google search later I was flabbergasted.

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