NFL suspends former K Josh Brown 6 games

Well, the owners keep paying the clown Goodell $40M/yr and the NFL players union keeps agreeing to idiotic agreements and the players keep voting for the union and whatever garbage agreement the union comes up with. It just goes on and on and gets worse.

At some point, I assume the players will get fed up demand changes. I can definitely see a strike in the future.
The owners don't care about anything but the $$$. Whatever makes money is good, and the more money it makes, the better it is. Whatever it is.
At some point, I assume only real change will come when fans start leaving the game. I actually think the present landscape is ripe for an alternative league with different rules and will allow the fans to choose which they like better.

The NFL needs to be very careful here and fans are getting fed up with their shenanigans. I think there are enough rich people out there to start another league and many players just might consider it.
They suspended a guy who had no intentions of ever playing again? Lmao good lord. The thing this clown show does for public image. They knew they were behind the 8ball with the perception of Giants white kicker who admitted = 1 game and black Cowboys RB with no real evidence at all = 6 games. Oh hey, lets go give him 6 games when he isn't even an employee of the NFL any longer and has moved on from the game. You can't make up the amateur hour Goodell and his cronies are doing. It's pathetic.

Hey guys, if you want to know why ratings are falling, this is the reason. How Goodell is ruining the league. Nothing to do with the anthem protests. It's this crap right here.
For the players who were suspended during the off season and told their suspension starts with the FIRST REGULAR SEASON GAME, I'd be highly ticked off. If the league allow the crap with Brown then who's to say these player don't deserve the same treatment.....
NFL suspensions have always punished players PER GAME........not per week. Per game means players have to be officially signed by a team. 35 plus years of watching NFL games, I've never seen the league act with such disregard to fairness......:banghead:
For the players who were suspended during the off season and told their suspension starts with the FIRST REGULAR SEASON GAME, I'd be highly ticked off. If the league allow the crap with Brown then who's to say these player don't deserve the same treatment.....
NFL suspensions have always punished players PER GAME........not per week. Per game means players have to be officially signed by a team. 35 plus years of watching NFL games, I've never seen the league act with such disregard to fairness......:banghead:
NFLPA should definitely file on behalf of doug martin and other players whose suspensions don't count on bye weeks.
America should just make a check on their own balls and see if they still have a pair...something now, about double jeopardy.
On the surface, this is pretty hilarious. But, it's really more sad than anything else if you think about what a joke the NFL front office has become.
Hilarious is the key wordo_O
LOL........what's next, Mike Vick gets another 10 games for fighting dogs?

Maybe Sean Payton needs another year off for Bountygate.

Hey, I kind of like this retroactive punishment
I hope Kessler is able to subpoena all records pertaining to the reopening of Josh Brown's case. Would it shock anyone to find out that they decided to reopen the case, investigated it thoroughly, and decided on the new punishment all in the past 3 days since the hearing in Texas? I know that wouldn't shock me.
I would pay real money for the judge to ask the NFL's lawyers why this suspension was lengthened *today* of all days. I mean, what was the "new evidence" that made things so different from this point last year? (Lawyers are not sworn in or placed under oath, but they do have the legal and ethical responsibility to be honest when asked a direct question by a judge)

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