NFL suspends former K Josh Brown 6 games

Do we know what Bennett did (allegedly)?

Based on what I read I don't think Bennett did anything worth investigating... unless they want to investigate whether or not the police handled the situation appropriately.
Will the NFL now retroactively up Greg Harry's suspension from 4-games to 6-games or the original 10-games?

Why not retroactively up Adrian Peterson's suspension to???
Even a temp low level PR person will never advice them doing this it is so pathetic attempt.
This will back fire on them.It is a PR nightmare.
Would anyone be shocked if they nfl "found" a grainy and sketchy video of someone impersonating Zeke hitting a woman. I mean.. what's next?
Would anyone be shocked if they nfl "found" a grainy and sketchy video of someone impersonating Zeke hitting a woman. I mean.. what's next?
Well... I would hope that the video would be from Nov 13th, so the only accusation of assault that could possibly fit 21s alibi in that time frame was that of the Pittsburgh Steelers defense. And nothing else.
I know the nfl isn't the court system but Isn't that kind of like double jeopardy, receiving 2 punishments for the same crime. And on the day judge mazzant is supposed to rule on zekes injunction. Brah you can't make this stuff up. The NFL is becoming a clown show!
Good move by the NFL. Never too late to do the right thing.
He got suspended for 1 game then resumed his career as normal until such time as public outrage forced the Giants to cut him, effectively ending his career. So yes, the NFL is too late in doing the right thing here, not to mention they are doing it for all the wrong reasons.
I know the nfl isn't the court system but Isn't that kind of like double jeopardy, receiving 2 punishments for the same crime. And on the day judge mazzant is supposed to rule on zekes injunction. Brah you can't make this stuff up. The NFL is becoming a clown show!
That's a good point.

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