NFL will ban fans for racist comments during game

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Do I get banned by the NFL for yelling, "Commander!" at Terrelle Pryor? Shame on those that might have been yelling the N-word but when did we start limiting speech that some find offensive? When did the 2nd Amendment only apply to pleasantries and a certain ideology and who's ideology? Slippery slope NFL, slippery slope.
:oops:I mean to write 1st Amendment there, not 2nd Amendment.
Honestly, it will be interesting to see how this works. I mean, unless you have some kind of proof, I would think that it would be very difficult to throw somebody out.
Can't say I've heard anyone use the N-word at a sporting even in the last 20+ years.
In the pre-Mavs NBA title years, I did hear a couple of guys who sit near me regularly calling Dirk "German white trash" whenever he wasn't a hero.:muttley:
Yes, that too is racist.
Kind of funny...but racist.
And if we have these rules, that should be grounds for expulsions too.
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1st amendment rights protect you from the government, not from a private business, ie, the NFL.

Boom. The Truth is a non-starter for so many involved. The Constitution is what WE THE PEOPLE constructed to set guidelines for the newly formed Government (that we empowered) on how this was all going to work going forward. Now, that was back then when our elected officials were seen as "public servants". Centuries have passed and it feels more and more that "we the people" are filling the role of the "servants".

Do I agree with people saying nasty, offensive things to or about others? Nope. But the minute we start labeling anything that is offensive as "hate speech", therefore banning it, is even worse. You either have Free Speech or you don't. I could be convinced of some exceptions, but "being offensive" is not one of them. You don't have the right to "not be offended".
Anyone that uses hate speech should have all their assets forfeit (and deposited into my accounts), stripped of their US citizenship, and put on a plane for Somalia to live with the pirates.
Honestly, it will be interesting to see how this works. I mean, unless you have some kind of proof, I would think that it would be very difficult to throw somebody out.

You're not exactly by yourself in an NFL stadium. If you shout it at a player, odds a good someone nearby will hear it too.
I knew you and JoeMommaKing were ok with the N word. Thanks for both of you to publicly announce it.

I don't understand why you have such a strong need to lie all of the time. I really don't. A lot of us would like to have civil discourse on things, but that can't happen with comments like yours.
I don't understand why you have such a strong need to lie all of the time. I really don't. A lot of us would like to have civil discourse on things, but that can't happen with comments like yours.
I'm not lying so quit embarrassing yourself. You defended the fans for saying the N word based on the 1st amendment when there is no defense for anyone using that word.
1st amendment rights protect you from the government, not from a private business, ie, the NFL. So when the NFL bans a fan for language they deem inappropriate, they are within their rights to do so. The NFL, is also within their rights to suspend/fire players who take a knee, however they won't, because that would be just as big, if not a bigger **** storm. Nascar came out and said they would, and as much as I disagree with the stance, it is 100%, not a first amendment issue.

The problem is, that's not the argument the NFL was making. They've changed their position. They look foolish.

They are within their rights, and it's never been a 1st amendment issue, and neither is this. But they tried to hide behind the 1st amendment before and ignore it now.
I'm not lying so quit embarrassing yourself. You defended the fans for saying the N word based on the 1st amendment when there is no defense for anyone using that word.

I did not defend the fans.

I criticized the NFL's inconsistency and hypocrisy.

You lied.
I think everyone agrees that there are certain words that are universally assumed to be hate speech.

Aside from this thread topic, I do have an issue with snow flakes crying to mommy and calling any discussion that they don't agree with--politically or other--to now be deemed "hate speech".
It dilutes the meaning.
For example, I may not agree with some of their views, but there's a very alarming trend of certain people being invited to campuses to speak and then being told they can't come because their often right-of-center views are considered "hate speech". Often it's just a different political view with no hate at all...yet it gets thrown into that bucket with the real stuff.

But yes, certain words are just over the top silly and divisive.
I think everyone agrees that there are certain words that are universally assumed to be hate speech.

Aside from this thread topic, I do have an issue with snow flakes crying to mommy and calling any discussion that they don't agree with--politically or other--to now be deemed "hate speech".
It dilutes the meaning.
For example, I may not agree with some of their views, but there's a very alarming trend of certain people being invited to campuses to speak and then being told they can't come because their often right-of-center views are considered "hate speech". Often it's just a different political view with no hate at all...yet it gets thrown into that bucket with the real stuff.

But yes, certain words are just over the top silly and divisive.
Call someone a snowflake to their face not behind a keyboard when it's so much easier.
Who determines what is offensive? The N-word is obviously over the line but there are words that are not intended to offend and yet some find offense none the less... is "anchor baby" off limits? What about Trump or Clinton? Some are terribly offended when seeing those words written. There is a slippery slope and you are not addressing it.

I just answered your question. The definitions of obscene or inciteful are necessarily broad. In practice, it'll be decided by the courts.

A good rule of thumb, though, is probably to just not behave like an idiot and nobody will kick you out of the stadium.
Sure it is otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned the 1st amendment. was a general comment about the first amendment. Followed up with a dig at the NFL's inconsistency and hypocrisy. Maybe read what was being discussed in the quoted comments? matters.
Call someone a snowflake to their face not behind a keyboard when it's so much easier.
Why so upset?
It's a term that goes across political and racial lines...a term about anyone who gets all bent out of shape or mentally anguished , and needs a wittle safe space, just due to dissenting views. Survive in a regulated atmosphere, but wilt in the real world.

Again, why does that bother you?
It's just a descriptive term of an attitude that some have.
Last edited: was a general comment about the first amendment. Followed up with a dig at the NFL's inconsistency and hypocrisy. Maybe read what was being discussed in the quoted comments? matters.
So does common sense.
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