NFL will ban fans for racist comments during game

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Yes he did. By wearing pig socks, he was inciting potential violence against cops. He was lumping all cops together and calling them pigs which is in effect "hate speech."

Im no fan of Kaepernick or lumping all cops in with their bad brethren but this is ridiculous. Insulting police officers is "inciting violence against"? So i guess the next time you insult a democrat, that's hate speech right?

Of course it isn't. And neither is an NFL player calling cops "pigs".

This thread (and this whole board, really) just further proves to me that the definition of free speech in most people's heads has been amended with " long as your speech agrees with my sentiments"
Who determines what is offensive? The N-word is obviously over the line but there are words that are not intended to offend and yet some find offense none the less... is "anchor baby" off limits? What about Trump or Clinton? Some are terribly offended when seeing those words written. There is a slippery slope and you are not addressing it.

Your limited capacity for reason is astounding.
Nice, just throwing insults out there for the sake of insults. No soup for you!

To be fair, it's not an insult as much as an assessment. And considering your post he was replying to, his assessment isn't very far off.

Using a "slippery slope" argument in a thread centered around the NFL banning fans for racist heckling shows a complete lack of reason.

This isn't a first amendment issue and it's pretty common knowledge what kind of language will not be tolerated.

It's fairly easy to avoid saying racist things if you're not a racist,so you nor anyone else should have anything to fear with regard to a "slippery slope".

Often times when arguing a larger ideological point, people can lose sight of common sense. And I think that's what you've done here.
To be fair, it's not an insult as much as an assessment. And considering your post he was replying to, his assessment isn't very far off.

Using a "slippery slope" argument in a thread centered around the NFL banning fans for racist heckling shows a complete lack of reason.

This isn't a first amendment issue and it's pretty common knowledge what kind of language will not be tolerated.

It's fairly easy to avoid saying racist things if you're not a racist,so you nor anyone else should have anything to fear with regard to a "slippery slope".

Often times when arguing a larger ideological point, people can lose sight of common sense. And I think that's what you've done here.
You are beating a dead horse that I wasn't even riding. Way to completely not comprehend what I said. I conceded the N-word is over the line. My point had NOTHING to do with racism.
To be fair, it's not an insult as much as an assessment. And considering your post he was replying to, his assessment isn't very far off.

Using a "slippery slope" argument in a thread centered around the NFL banning fans for racist heckling shows a complete lack of reason.

This isn't a first amendment issue and it's pretty common knowledge what kind of language will not be tolerated.

It's fairly easy to avoid saying racist things if you're not a racist,so you nor anyone else should have anything to fear with regard to a "slippery slope".

Often times when arguing a larger ideological point, people can lose sight of common sense. And I think that's what you've done here.

The NFL made it a 1st amendment discussion when they tried to hide behind it.
I agree. I feel the same way about Kap and the folks that disrespect the flag.

after all this time and so many posts you still probably can't state coherently how Kap or anyone else has disrespected the flag by their protest. Be careful, some may take your rage on the flag and disinterest in Russia curbing our democracy or the bumbling of North Korea and Iran incoherence by Trump as your hypocrisy. What say you?

If you care about Kap and his cause you are a snowflake. If you don't you are a hypocrite and a fake patriot. Thoughts? And by fake patriot I mean outraged by Kap and silent on Russia and our democracy that they stampeded upon. Fake patriot is Outraged by Bennett lying about the cops yet silent about Trumps incompetence in hiring and establishing a cabinet that functions or leading in caring for our brethren in PR.

You are beating a dead horse that I wasn't even riding. Way to completely not comprehend what I said. I conceded the N-word is over the line. My point had NOTHING to do with racism.

This is you, right?

Do I get banned by the NFL for yelling, "Commander!" at Terrelle Pryor? Shame on those that might have been yelling the N-word but when did we start limiting speech that some find offensive? When did the 2nd Amendment only apply to pleasantries and a certain ideology and who's ideology? Slippery slope NFL, slippery slope.

This thread is explicitly taking about the NFL banning fans for making racist remarks toward players.

And above is you morphing a very specific topic into a conversation about censorship, the 1st amendment and who determines what is offensive and what's not.

Or am I getting what you said wrong?
The NFL made it a 1st amendment discussion when they tried to hide behind it.

You do everything you can to avoid just stating what is wrong and right. Keep clinging to the 1st amendment and blaming the NFL. You've lost the ability and integrity to just state that saying the word is wrong. Do you even remember what you believe in? In reality, is anything else needing to be said other than the word is ugly and wrong? Why qualify it?

You, JoeKing and others are pathetic finding loopholes and definitions to allow you to couch your comments on a topic that is so simple. His ain't about amendments. Come out from under that crutch.
The NFL made it a 1st amendment discussion when they tried to hide behind it.

I mean, the NFL did hide behind that... or at least I think they did.

But just because the NFL are hypocrites doesn't mean this is a first amendment issue.
This is you, right?

This thread is explicitly taking about the NFL banning fans for making racist remarks toward players.

And above is you morphing a very specific topic into a conversation about censorship, the 1st amendment and who determines what is offensive and what's not.

Or am I getting what you said wrong?
You are getting what I said wrong. My point was not to excuse racist comments. I specifically said the N-word is over the line. The slippery slope I mentioned is who decides what can be said if we are limiting speech at a game. I got the answer from Idgit so there is no need in you answering that question.
Really there is no need not just in the league or any kind of sports or in the world for that matter, for racism. As really what are we teaching our kids! Need to teach them love and respect regardless. That is how to make it through the day.
Soon the misguided NFL won't have any fans.
If this policy was aimed at players who use racial slurs during games as well, yikes, you wouldn't have many players either. Tough to watch NFL films w/o hearing the bleeping out of these slurs.

I guess one would argue context and racial slurs made by a certain some are offensive but they're not slurs if made by another. I wonder if now the NFL would need to consider "context" when enforcing this policy.
Sometimes it's just in that person's heart and sometimes it's the alcohol...and most times it just learned.

The words that are thought, heard, and read......soon become words spoken.....bad move. Again, can't we just get along.
I mean, the NFL did hide behind that... or at least I think they did.

But just because the NFL are hypocrites doesn't mean this is a first amendment issue.

No, it isn't. But it is an issue when criticizing the NFL, since it's criticism of them being hypocritical and inconsistent in regards to their stance to the 1st amendment and how it applies to their product.
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