Twitter: NFL will not suspend Tyreek Hill; unlike Ezekiel Elliott **merged**


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Who raised you to be a victim my man? There was no veiled and immature anything smh. You sound like someone who doesn’t have a girlfriend or a wife ime. I don’t know how that’s all of a sudden some big insult like it’s something wrong if you don’t have one heck outta here.

So now we just go by what people say? That’s your stance so if I say anything it’s true because I said it right and you’d have to believe me or does that only come into play when it helps your pov?

I’m defending Hill based on what we know currently unless you have more you’d like to share. I mean I guess to make you feel all good he can be a scumbag but you have no proof of such. Lastly my argument always stood on its on merits but you want to be offended by comments you made out to be more than what they were. Like you said I said you seem like someone without a girlfriend or something to that effect you can’t put more into those comments than that going by your own logic sir.

I made comments out to be more than what they are? You’re the guy that just admitted to making a foolish and wrong assumption. Don’t play the lame card that I’m acting like a victim when you’re the one making assumptions about other people based off nothing. Making assumptions about other people is the exact definition of making something out to be more than what it is, without evidence of it being so.

Tyreek Hill was charged and plead guilty to beating his girlfriend in college. Unless you have evidence to the contrary, I’m going to take that as he is guilty of domestic violence. I’m sorry you don’t agree with that, but it’s a fact. He was guilty of domestic violence. Yes I consider men who beat women to be scumbags. If that bothers you too, sorry but that’s my opinion.
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Yeah I'll do that later. We should get a list going.

Any complaints must be about Hill without reference to Zeke or the Cowboys specifically.

Nobody will listen when they hear fan bias because they get overwhelmed with the "it's not fair to my team" types of complaints.

I would suggest researching the details about Hill. It does appear that the GF wanted to set him up.

There does not appear to be any real evidence against him. Even the kid's broken arm was most likely due to bracing for a fall according to authorities. Obviously Hill could have pushed him but there does appear to be evidence of exactly what happened.


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so tired of hearing this notion that somehow what the league did to Zeke in 2017 or whatever was justified because he fought back and lawyered on...HE WAS NEVER CHARGED OR CONVICTED...the NFL investigator sided with ZEKE!!!! Goodell went rogue and overruled his own league investigator and took a hardline on him!!! That's why Zeke and Jerry fought this nonsense!! THEY HAD NO CHOICE. What we saw was a innocent man get railroaded. Its not a crime to be a knucklehead off the field...


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we all should be very concerned for that child that's NOW at the mercy of the inept mother and the abusive father(hill) ...the NFL and Goodell will have to answer for their inaction if something else happens in that household.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Ray, then why do the Cowboys have significantly less fines and penalties then the Giants since 2010?
Maybe because the Cowboys aren't making the same dumb, illegal mistakes as the other teams. We don't collude or talk to players before it's legal, or any of the other dumb stuff teams do for a competitive edge.


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Any complaints must be about Hill without reference to Zeke or the Cowboys specifically.

Nobody will listen when they hear fan bias because they get overwhelmed with the "it's not fair to my team" types of complaints.

I would suggest researching the details about Hill. It does appear that the GF wanted to set him up.

There does not appear to be any real evidence against him. Even the kid's broken arm was most likely due to bracing for a fall according to authorities. Obviously Hill could have pushed him but there does appear to be evidence of exactly what happened.
I've looked into it. There is enough to IMO show that both parents are abusive. Given that I wouldn't be surprised if one of them tried to setup the other.


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of course not.
our empty-suited,gutless,spineless,untalented swamp-hagg commish only takes interest if its a Cowboy.
we should all sleep well knowing America's self-appointed top cop is on the case.


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Just as the Carolina Panthers OL did to Greg Hardy, I expect that DBs around the league are going to be targeting Hill for a little extra ... and the refs probably are going to let stuff go because everyone knows he's a terrible human being.


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The NFL already said no discipline for Elliott in the Las Vegas incident.
I thought they recently said they are examining the new charges ,the guard is suing Zeke on? ...The guard is suing him..and filing charges now. That may change things.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The thing is I don’t care to influence anybody with my alleged attitude and approach. If people are that sensitive to read into typed words that have no attitude, anger, or anything else attached to them I can’t help them. Maybe people need to get out of their bubbles and get everybody doesn’t talk exactly like them but I doesn’t mean there is malice behind it either. There is no attitude in posted words unless you choose to feel that way. You and others really need to understand that.

I’m glad we do agree but if people won’t listen to facts because of alleged tone that says more about them than me sorry. Even if I disagree with a person overall I know if they are right I don’t shut it out because of perceived attitude. That’s just me and everybody is obviously different.

People believing the media despite evidence obviously does irritate you and it's something you appear to prefer that people avoid doing; otherwise you probably would debate the issue with multiple posts.

If you would prefer that people "use their thinking caps" then it's possible that you can influence some people to give this type of issue more thought".

You won't influence them by being belligerent. Some posters do bring harsh replies on themselves but a general tone from you to everyone of "I don'r give a $#&* what you think, just makes people dig in even more to their emotions and original opinions on the subject.

I ascribe to the theory:
You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem.

Little Jr

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However, that problem without the court's cooperation is a real one. They had to file a suit against the PD in the Hardy situation to get any real evidence. No court, PD or prosecutor's office has to cooperate with the NFL. They did in the Elliott case and that was the report given to the panel along with the investigator's report.

This is why i didn't think he would get anything onthe child abuse. Zeke case also had the woman saying he did it and cooperating with the NFL. They didn't have that in this care.

What I'm surprised about is, they have him on audio saying she better fear him and called her a *****. Although he never came out and admitted he never denied hitting his son on the chest to discipline him. Even just with the threat to the woman by saying she better fear him should get him at least 2 games.


Outta bounds
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we all should be very concerned for that child that's NOW at the mercy of the inept mother and the abusive father(hill) ...the NFL and Goodell will have to answer for their inaction if something else happens in that household.
It is the United States legal system that is to blame if something happens to the woman and child. They are the ones that put them out on the street. The NFL could kick Hill out forever and he would still be living with the girl and kid.

The law let him off.


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thought he was pressing charges. I will have to do more homework on this one I guess