NHL Playoffs

Poor Dumson. He is now in 7th game hell.

All the pressure is now on 8, Boudreau and the Capitals.

If they do not win, Boudreau gets canned and the season an abject failure.

We go in loosey goosey, already having won 3 more games than most media pundits expected.

If we lose, expected, if win one of biggest chokes in NHL history.
I blame the fact that so many of you Cowboy fans are also Caps fans

The playoff choking has spread via you all :)
CanadianCowboysFan;3377322 said:
Poor Dumson.

I guess this would help explain why your wife gets around and your kid beats you up.....but at least your goalie can stop 50+ shots on goal. :rolleyes:

Have fun with that dip****.
CanadianCowboysFan;3377662 said:
Good comeback. When all else fails call a guy a cuckhold.

You have issues.

You don't have issues with that though. So what's the problem?

Everyone has issues. Apparently one of yours is the "take" part of "give and take."

You make your bed, you lie in it.

Congrats on the Habs win last night. Sounds like they played a hell of a defensive game (I was on duty so I haven't watched it yet). If the Caps lose, they'll have to lie in their beds too...and it's going to be lumpy. (Especially if the Pens end up winning again....that would be the worst case scenario. It's kind of sad how the Ovi vs. Sid thing has become almost as important as the game itself.) :banghead:
Crosby has shown himself a winner, 8 hasn't yet.

You will still win tomorrow night so don't worry.

The refs tried to even it out last night by calling phantom diving calls on us. Bettman will order the Caps to win just like Tagliabue/Goodell ordered the Steelers to win SBs recently.
CanadianCowboysFan;3377928 said:
Crosby has shown himself a winner, 8 hasn't yet.

You will still win tomorrow night so don't worry.

The refs tried to even it out last night by calling phantom diving calls on us. Bettman will order the Caps to win just like Tagliabue/Goodell ordered the Steelers to win SBs recently.

For crying out loud, don't give those awful excuses

Seriously, those were some lame dives last night. Why is it every call against the Habs has been because of Bettman? Are you serious that Bettman is sitting their plotting, calling in saying "make sure the Habs are in the box?"


Oh I know, that delay during game 2 during the replay was because Bettman was instructing the officials to allow Knuble to get in Halak's way so Backstrom could start to light him up.

Come on man, don't come up with lame excuses like the rest of the Crabs fans have been coming up with on the HF board.

MTL has played the last 2 games very well, and deserve kudos for their wins. Washington is far more talented, however has not played the tough team game that MTL has played

What will win out tomorrow? Well seeing that I have watched every Caps playoff game since 1990, I have seen this movie before and see the Habs winning 3-1

Again, I mostly blame this on the fact that so many bandwagon Cowboy fans in the DC area are on the Capitals bandwagon. Makes me sick :)
Dear Alexander Semin and Mike Green,

The object is to try to put the puck where the goalie isn't. This applies in the playoffs as well as the regular season.

God bless you all.
The six minute delay in game 2 was ridiculous as it was clear Pouliot had not even come close to scoring. It did allow the Craps an extra timeout and calm down after we went up 4-1.

Then of course big bully Knuble viciously ran into Halak allowing the second goal to go in when it should not have.

We all know head office will want the Craps to advance in the hope of a Penguin-Craps ECF.

I truly believe we will have to beat the Craps, 4 refs and HQ tonight.

While there might have been a dive on Lapierre's first, the second at worst should have been two guys off as there was a hook and there is NO way Gionta dove.

During 1200+ games this year, there were only 35 dive only calls, in our game there were 2. A tad out of the ordinary.

So far in the series, Caps were better in first half of game one, we were better second half. Game 2, reversed.

Game 3, we were better first period, Caps last two

Game 4, see above

Game 5, we were better most of the game

Game 6, we were better first 10 minutes, Caps last 50.

Pretty even series so far.
superpunk;3380145 said:
Dear Alexander Semin and Mike Green,

The object is to try to put the puck where the goalie isn't. This applies in the playoffs as well as the regular season.

God bless you all.

they can keep doing that one more game for all I care :cool:
Capitals have to be favoured tonight. They were better all season even though the teams have each won 5 of the 10 played with four going into overtime.

The Capitals have more offensive talent both up front and from the back end. Our goalies are better.

I am hopeful my team pulls it out but coming back from 3-1 to win a series is not easy.
Capitals are big time chokers if they lose this one. Opens the door for Penquins to reach finals again, most likley.
so anyway, a few weeks ago, I went to Buffalo Wild Wings down here in SA with my bro to watch the Spurs game. Next to us was sitting some Capitals fans, from DC.....ticket holders to the Caps no less. I had totally forgotten the Pens and Caps were playing. Well I saw the Pens score a goal and I got real excited, but nothing overly obnoxious. They just looked at me. It gave them a lead, but I just had a feeling the Caps would come back in the 3rd and win the game...afterall, they have done it all season to the Pens.

Well the game goes into OT, and the Pens have several chances to win it, as do the Caps...but both come up short. Then the Caps won in a shootout. Well afterwards one of them gets up, gets all loud, and makes a complete spectacle of himself...simply cause I was a Pens fan. He was a total butt clown. So I told him, "YEAH BUT WE ARE STILL THE CHAMPS"....he said get out of here wit that Champs BS. So because of him and Ovechkin.......I am so happy the Caps lost. I mean if the guy took a chance to have a hockey chat with me, he would have known I expected the Caps to win that game and that they have the Pens number this year. I also expected the Caps to play the Pens in the playoffs, with the winner of that series to go on and play for the Cup.

However, his friend was pretty cool. he was down to earth and willing to have a decent hockey discussion without all the BS.
I won't gloat. I am ecstatic we won. I am still on cloud nine. My son and I walked our dog wearing our Canadiens' jerseys. A couple of people came by and went woohoo.

Even though I am on the west coast, there are still a ton of Canadiens' fans out here, many are transplants, many just always liked the team.

It was too close at the end with the last power play for the Capitals. I think my boys thought it was over at 2-0 so they eased up, Capitals scored but we held on.

I wonder if during the hand shake ceremony if Halak asked 8 if he thought his hand was still shaking.

Bring on the Penguins.
I am shocked the caps lost game 7.

I didnt think they would lose game 7.

the nhl playoff ratings are going to nose dive now.

no ryan miller and the sabres, no caps penguins conference championship....and really nothing of major television interest in the west.

philly washington would have been a great series.
new stop signs in Montreal

CanadianCowboysFan;3380343 said:
I truly believe we will have to beat the Craps, 4 refs and HQ tonight.

MTL deserved to win the series. Outcoached and outhustled Washington

But do you still believe your bull**** about the refs and NHL office after last night's disgraceful officiating in the 3rd?

And Dear Cowboy fans that jumped on the Caps bandwagon

Please get the hell off it. You bring some serious bad karma
SkinsHokieFan;3382178 said:
MTL deserved to win the series. Outcoached and outhustled Washington

But do you still believe your bull**** about the refs and NHL office after last night's disgraceful officiating in the 3rd?

And Dear Cowboy fans that jumped on the Caps bandwagon

Please get the hell off it. You bring some serious bad karma
Oh ****ing stop it. The Capitals have been gagging in the playoffs for as long as I've been alive. Quit acting like it's a recent development.

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