I did, and turned out I was right....yes, I went there....
I get what some say, don't pop the cork, need to win a playoff game...blah, blah...but as others say, lets enjoy the moment for this week too, well, 2 weeks.
Now this is about the division only, when I said this, nothing to do with the playoffs or beyond.
After that 1st weekend I made a thread, that the Cowboys looked the best in the NFC East for that week. In spite of an Eagles win, that all the usual suspects brought out their Chip Kelly faces.
I got lambasted for creating a MORAL VICTORY thread, for which it was not created for that.
I really thought even though we lost from a 1st bad half of turnovers. We actually looked the best.
Well, yes a lot happened since then...but guess what you all....WE ARE THE BEST afterall.....