NNL - Romo Most Underrated QB


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love how you throw out the 4th quarter stats. But then that is you. Proud #1 Romo hater in all of the Zone.

I wouldn't use the term hater. I would call myself a Romo Realist. I would also love for him to prove me wrong, I just know it isn't going to happen.


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I wouldn't use the term hater. I would call myself a Romo Realist. I would also love for him to prove me wrong, I just know it isn't going to happen.

If you have already resigned yourself to failure why do you even watch? And for that matter why post of the forum? Seems like you could be spend that time on more positive life endeavors.


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I wouldn't use the term hater. I would call myself a Romo Realist. I would also love for him to prove me wrong, I just know it isn't going to happen.

outside of your fellow haters EVERYONE knows. Just trying to claim otherwise just makes you look bad.


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I wouldn't use the term hater. I would call myself a Romo Realist. I would also love for him to prove me wrong, I just know it isn't going to happen.

What is your realistic alternative? Why do you ignore all the stats showing how he compares to all your heroes playing today or in the past?


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If you have already resigned yourself to failure why do you even watch? And for that matter why post of the forum?

This makes no sense at all. Sure, It is true, I'm a critic of Romo but that doesn't mean I'm not a huge fan of the Cowboys. Why post on the forum? Because just like you, I have an opinion and love discussing the Cowboys.


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What is your realistic alternative? Why do you ignore all the stats showing how he compares to all your heroes playing today or in the past?

I have posted it here a few times but don't want to keep bringing it up. We signed Romo and he is our QB weather we like it or not. No reason to talk about others options we could have had like Kap, Wilson, Dalton, etc.


Fire Garrett
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This makes no sense at all. Sure, It is true, I'm a critic of Romo but that doesn't mean I'm not a huge fan of the Cowboys. Why post on the forum? Because just like you, I have an opinion and love discussing the Cowboys.

I disagree with you on some things but you're right...everyone has their own opinion and shouldn't be ridiculed for posting it.

I think Romo will end up proving you wrong.


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outside of your fellow haters EVERYONE knows. Just trying to claim otherwise just makes you look bad.

Huh? Like I said, I'm not a "hater" I'm just a realist on what I see out there. If you feel better by calling me a hater because I disagree with your opinion, then that is cool.


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I disagree with you on some things but you're right...everyone has their own opinion and shouldn't be ridiculed for posting it.

I think Romo will end up proving you wrong.

Great post Dragon. You are right about the opinion part and I HOPE you are right about the Romo proving me wrong part too.

big dog cowboy

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No reason to talk about others options we could have had like Kap, Wilson, Dalton, etc.
Interesting you bring up Dalton. I know we liked him a lot. If he had fallen to us, do we draft him? I'd like to know what Jerry was thinking.


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Interesting you bring up Dalton. I know we liked him a lot. If he had fallen to us, do we draft him? I'd like to know what Jerry was thinking.

Jerry was probably thinking.. why would we get Dalton if we have Romo?


Fattening up
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Just because he has a high rating in the 4th quarter in games doesn't mean he is great under pressure...

Take a look at his fourth quarter splits when the game is within 7 points, then, and get back to me. Or his half-time splits in the same situations. Tony Romo is good under pressure.

It'd be interesting to see just how many deciding 4th quarter series he's been put in relative to other QBs. To see how often he's put in a score-or-lose situation, scores, only to have his defense give up the next series and put Tony back in the same situation only with less time to be successful. This might account for him having the high rating and also the (relatively) low success rate at pulling out the games. And why we see so many bizarre stats where he's the only guy in the league to have 300 yards passing, 3TDs and no picks and lose, or whatever those numbers are that percyhoward trots out from time to time to make us all feel bad.


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This makes no sense at all. Sure, It is true, I'm a critic of Romo but that doesn't mean I'm not a huge fan of the Cowboys. Why post on the forum? Because just like you, I have an opinion and love discussing the Cowboys.

I disagree with you on some things but you're right...everyone has their own opinion and shouldn't be ridiculed for posting it.

I think Romo will end up proving you wrong.

I wasn't ridiculing ufcrules1 on the particular point he made. If one is already resigned that failure is going to happen, I cannot see how one could enjoy watching the game while believing the worse is inevitible. I also do not see how one could enjoy talking Cowboys when they believe that failure is written in stone. That is all.


Fire Garrett
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I wasn't ridiculing ufcrules1 on the particular point he made. If one is already resigned that failure is going to happen, I cannot see how one could enjoy watching the game while believing the worse is inevitible. I also do not see how one could enjoy talking Cowboys when they believe that failure is written in stone. That is all.

That's cool...wasn't trying to put you on the spot or call anyone out.

Compared to some other posters on here ufcrules isn't that bad. More cynical than anything else which is different than hating IMHO.


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I wasn't ridiculing ufcrules1 on the particular point he made. If one is already resigned that failure is going to happen, I cannot see how one could enjoy watching the game while believing the worse is inevitible.

Because the QB alone doesn't always lose the game for his team, although he typically plays the biggest role win or lose. The Cowboys are my team so I am going to watch them no matter what. Lately I don't get as emotionally invested because I have come to the realization that we are just a .500 team regardless of our talent and that means we will typically beat the bad teams and more than likely lose to the better teams.

I also do not see how one could enjoy talking Cowboys when they believe that failure is written in stone.

I feel Tony choking is inevitable when the pressure gets high but again, I think we can all agree that doesn't necessarily mean we will lose the game.


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Compared to some other posters on here ufcrules isn't that bad. .

Thanks Dragon. I don't see myself as cynical, just blatantly honest with what I see and won't back down from what I believe... even if it doesn't benefit me. I have had other fans attack me here and then a year later they are agreeing with my opinion on Romo. Like most of us here, we believe our opinions are right until they are proven wrong... "IF" they are proven wrong.

Stats can be eye opening but they can also hide A LOT.


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I have posted it here a few times but don't want to keep bringing it up. We signed Romo and he is our QB weather we like it or not. No reason to talk about others options we could have had like Kap, Wilson, Dalton, etc.

Ok. We will check back in a couple of years. I say no. Dalton. Umm no. That's ridiculous.


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Ok. We will check back in a couple of years. I say no. Dalton. Umm no. That's ridiculous.

Check back in a couple of years for what? To see if Romo has post season success without choking? Also, Dalton isn't so bad. He has led that team to the playoffs every year since he has been there.

Ring Leader

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Check back in a couple of years for what? To see if Romo has post season success without choking? Also, Dalton isn't so bad. He has led that team to the playoffs every year since he has been there.

And how have these "elimination games" worked out for Dalton?