The reports of abuse came out before the first game. He was only formally indicted after the first game. It wasn't until the Ray Rice video came out, though, that the fit hit the shan. Before that, no one even contemplated Peterson sitting out a full season.
But does it really matter to the point of this discussion? If a team has the choice of (1) having a large salary count against their cap without the player playing all season and a potentially large portion of the next, and (2) simply cutting the player, then it's obvious teams are going to choose the second option in many cases. Thus, the player isn't given much of an option in whether to agree to the exempt list or not.
It's a severe form of punishment prior to actually being punished. That makes zero sense to me.
But that is the choice a team should be forced to make.
If the Ravens came out last Spring and said they were releasing Rice, I would have no problem with it. They would have chosen principles over production. But they wanted it both ways. They said they were standing behind Rice, he was a good guy and he was family. They accepted the 2 game suspension and were ready to bring him back when the video dropped.
THEN they released him even though he already admitted he hit her and we all already saw the video of him dragging her limp body. By waiting they cost themselves over 3m+ in salary and had a PR disaster.
CAR could have released Hardy when he was arrested last Spring, especially after the bench trial ruling. But they wanted him to quietly play until his case was fully resolved. But the Rice fiasco brought too much heat on Hardy and they came up with the CEL as cover.
The LA Angels just traded Josh Hamilton and ate over 60m on his deal because he had another relapse with drugs. Teams can stand on principles. Unlike the Yankees who are trying to ignore all the accomplishments from ARod because he is stained with steroids. But they didn't eat his contract and walk away, they just hoped he would get into more trouble on his own and forfeit his remaining 63m.