No HOF Presentation for TO


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He did all this to himself. He is idiot. Just say your not interested in being in the HOF. They aren’t gonna beg you. Go give your speech and get your jacket. Change your mind now.


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The TV in the restaurant I ate lunch at had something on the screen about TO not getting presented individually at the HOF ceremony. The volume wasn't up so I couldn't hear the discussion, but I assume the HOF decided that if TO refuses to come to the ceremony in person, they won't have a segment of the ceremony dedicated to him the way there is with other inductees. I'm guessing they will announce him simply as an inductee, but with no time allotted to talk about his career.

Perfect... the fool deserves nothing. How could anyone talk about his career without saying how disruptive he was on every team he never won a SB on


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You mean sports writers voted him in after they gave their jab last year? And Charles Haley accepting it with "class and dignity" doesn't change the fact that TO has a legitimate reason to be upset.

And let's talk about Haley, Haley is a great player, he's not top 3 at his position like TO. There is a gap between the two.

With the years sportwriters WANTED TO to be a villain, I'm not sure I'm about to praise them for this. They treated McNabb like he was a saint when the feud was happening, go ask many Eagles fans how they felt about McNabb when things didn't go his way? He became just as much of a headache as TO near the end of his career in Philly. It's kinda like McNabb was a diva himself poking TO, it's just the media didn't brand him the villain.

But that's the point, sports writers have voted in some terrible human beings in the past. It talks about priorities and pettiness when they deny a players rightful place as a first ballot over feuds over a decade ago.

We can argue the subjective minutiae of who does or doesn’t deserve first-ballot induction, or who got dissed, or who is being petty, etc, until hell freezes here’s the bottom-line:

By choosing on his own accord to be the first-ever inductee in NFL history to decline to participate in the HOF induction ceremony, TO unlocked a door. Now he must accept what comes through that door.

Nothing you, I or anyone else says is gonna change that fact.


Pixel Pusher
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I heard they weren't even going to mention him at all. Not voting him 1st ballot was petty. His deciding not to go is returning petty for their petty. Now the HOF folks up their petty ante by not mentioning a player who will be in Canton as one of the greatest receivers ever. The HOF folks sure are showing their flexibility in being able to stoop to another's level.

They were always going to mention him when they read the list of the class, just not celebrate him individually.

Personally, I think it's stupid. Their excuse is that they want to celebrate who is there.

What if you get inducted after your dead?

They're just being as petty and don't want him to start a trend of people not attending in favor of holding a party at a location of their choice, because then they'd have competition for eyeballs.

It's all about those dolla dolla bills.


Pixel Pusher
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We can argue the subjective minutiae of who does or doesn’t deserve first-ballot induction, or who got dissed, or who is being petty, etc, until hell freezes here’s the bottom-line:

By choosing on his own accord to be the first-ever inductee in NFL history to decline to participate in the HOF induction ceremony, TO unlocked a door. Now he must accept what comes through that door.

Nothing you, I or anyone else says is gonna change that fact.

lol, why on earth would that be the bottom line on whether he should have gone in first ballot or not?


What's it going to be then, eh?
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I have never held a grudge towards Owens. But I think he really is getting what he deserves at his own choice.

I don't see any reason to give him any honors if he wants to continue to act like a child.


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We can argue the subjective minutiae of who does or doesn’t deserve first-ballot induction, or who got dissed, or who is being petty, etc, until hell freezes here’s the bottom-line:

By choosing on his own accord to be the first-ever inductee in NFL history to decline to participate in the HOF induction ceremony, TO unlocked a door. Now he must accept what comes through that door.

Nothing you, I or anyone else says is gonna change that fact.

I don't think anything is coming through the door. Owens will have his ceremony and then life will go on haha


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lol, why on earth would that be the bottom line on whether he should have gone in first ballot or not?
It’s not...and I didn’t say it was.

What I DID say the bottom-line was, is that by HIS OWN CHOICE not to attend, TO must accept the consequences.


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I don't think anything is coming through the door. Owens will have his ceremony and then life will go on haha
Yeah...he’ll have his whatever hick school (Chattanooga?) he attended, in front of whomever, and remembered by no one, lol!

Silver Surfer

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Listening to the bitterness expressed here as well as the bitterness attributed to TO are reminders to me of how a sense of entitlement can be a destructive force in a person's life.


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Why should they do anything for a guy who won't be there? I suspect they will announce his name when they announce the list of inductees and probably will have his bust on display, but why in the world would you expect them to do anything more than that?

The only loser in this whole thing is the guy who has shown himself to be woefully immature his entire professional life.
You mean losing like being on a future Madden cover? Oh wait, TO will be on the Madden 19 HOF edition. Yikes.


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You know, I loved the guy when he was playing for Dallas. But you would think by now he would have matured to some extent. People can do some stupid crap when they are young, but laugh it off and get it together by the time they're in their 40s. If this guys is angry, broke, or otherwise unhappy then it is of his own doing. He made millions of dollars playing a game he was very good at. His life should have been what most people can only dream, but he's still crying. What they do is send him a picture of the gold jacket he would have received if he attended.

Chuck 54

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The bottom line is that TO will never be a true member of the Hall Of Fame. He will be inducted and recognized there, but he will never be a true member of the fraternity; that’s what he is giving up. He is missing out on the most important night that all inductees talk about as the most memorable and impressive part of the occasion, and that is held by the members only, not the voting media. Those players will never feel close to him. Forget the stupid induction and speeches. TO is staying away from all those guys who walk, crawl, limp, and roll in just to be there for the new inductees because it means that much to them.


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Lol...what in the heck is TO losing by not going or giving a speech.

He’s a loser in general. A guy who has always craved attention and thrown temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.

The HoF didn’t do anything wrong here.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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The TV in the restaurant I ate lunch at had something on the screen about TO not getting presented individually at the HOF ceremony. The volume wasn't up so I couldn't hear the discussion, but I assume the HOF decided that if TO refuses to come to the ceremony in person, they won't have a segment of the ceremony dedicated to him the way there is with other inductees. I'm guessing they will announce him simply as an inductee, but with no time allotted to talk about his career.


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T.O. never stated they were obligated to do so, he's upset at the reasons WHY they don't consider him a first ballot. He's not forcing himself into the HOF, people voted him in - so, obviously, people want him there which is the reason he's getting in.

I don't care what YOU would do - it's not a single person voting him in and not one person would take him out. As I stated already, there's other players far deserving to be removed from the Hall if this is the route you wanna go down.

And there have been players before who should have been first ballot that didn’t get in right away.

None to my knowledge threw a temper tantrum like TO.

Phenomenal talent. One of the most talented WRs I have ever seen.

But an immature knucklehead. He never grew up all his time in the NFL and that pettiness has carried over to retired life where he’s desperate to still remain relevant at some level.