It makes little sense. You can't say that they've whiffed on calculated bets and then say the approach isn't then wrong. When the approach is to sign FA rejects and they don't work out and from a larger picture, you aren't making SB runs, then yeah, the approach probably needs some tweaking.
Name for me a team that has won a SB or been very successful by completely ignoring FA other than to sign bargain bin players like we do now? There aren't many out there. Denver, NE, Seattle, etc............ all have used FA better than we have. Talib, Ware, Hogan, Sheard, Lynch......... all mid to even higher lever FAs that were key members of SB teams. Those teams supplemented their drafts with smart, shrewd and this is the key factor, quality mid-level free agents. Not the freaking Nolan Carrolls of the world as their prime FA acquisitions.
While they don't go crazy with the high priced guys, they hit that mid-level market, something we refuse to do.
And every year its the same thing here. We lament the holes we have not realizing they probably could have been better filled with a smarter approach to FA. Some have tricked themselves into thinking that every hole we create will be filled with draft picks, when in reality, that's unlikely to work just as throwing your entire cap space into a FA class isn't going to work.