Nors party - 3-4 defense!

Nors said:
Tio - I don't run. I answered all your misdirections in this thread - rewind.

We are going 3-4 TIO - Keep pushing me and I'll rub your nose in that for a year! capiche? Smart man backs off as we don't trade for Howard yet draft Spears. Ware and Burnett. Do the MATH. LOL

Bring it my friend if you feel the need. NOTICE THE HIGH PROFILE POSTERS NOT POSTING TONIGHT... THEY GET IT.
Go ahead, rub my nose in the howard deal. Ill just constantl remind you of all of your mistakes as they are far more numerous than mine. Burnett spears and ware could just as easily equal 4-3 if you take all our players into account and aren't blind about the situation as you are. High profile posters not posting? Is taht supposed to mean something, most are in the chat.
I've been saying 3-4 for a while now. I'm not just now coming around.

With Ware, Spears and Burnett now onboard, you'd have to think we'll be playing a whole lot of the 34.

We've drafted one first round LB since the early 80's (Robert Jones), and that was only because most of the other positions were filled.

In a 4-3, we just don't take LB's high, because like Randall Godfrey, Dixon Edwards, Dexter Coakley, Godfrey Myles, Dat Nguyen, etc. all showed... you can get very productive 4-3 LB's in later rounds. The DL and secondary is where we've always spent our high defensive picks.

Now all of the sudden we take a LB in round 1 and one in round 2. The winds of change are blowing.
The 3-4 is here because Parcells was SICK (As were most DOOMSDAY fans) From seeing a once proud & tough D turn into a wussified, crappy, predictable, passive, "occupy & engage" always lose the lead, never rush the passer, clueless zimmy wuss D...

Parcells will now take over on D and he will RUSH the QB from all angles...

A smart coach will not show his hand even now, we want teams to have to practice vs both 4-3 & 3-4...

But make no mistake...Parcells will go with what he knows...The 3-4 the vast majority of the time...

And that should be GREAT news to all Cowboy fans EVERYWHERE!

Give credit (Nors) when its due...
Hollywood Henderson said:
The 3-4 is here because Parcells was SICK (As were most DOOMSDAY fans) From seeing a once proud & tough D turn into a wussified, crappy, predictable, passive, "occupy & engage" always lose the lead, never rush the passer, clueless zimmy wuss D...

Parcells will now take over on D and he will RUSH the QB from all angles...

A smart coach will not show his hand even now, we want teams to have to practice vs both 4-3 & 3-4...

But make no mistake...Parcells will go with what he knows...The 3-4 the vast majority of the time...

And that should be GREAT news to all Cowboy fans EVERYWHERE!

Give credit (Nors) when its due...

I think we will run both alignments. I really have no preference. I merely want the team to run the defense best suited to the talent on the roster. I want a dominating defense period. One that sacks the QB, creates turnovers and makes stops on crucial third downs.

In my post I never said Nors was not correct in his assertion that we will run alot more 3-4. What I said was the 4-3 formation as a whole is not a passive defensive formation. I gave examples of the alignment being aggressive and attacking and no 3-4 supporter can refute the examples. Our defense of late lacked impact players, "catalytic" players or "pressure" players. The fact is with more of these talented players the alignment means nothing. Talent wins not alignments.
Nors said:
Bring it - I was dead *** right on -
3-4 Draft and no silly Howard Trade.

Sour grapes - eh?
What about that Bs you started about Ty law coming to dallas.
Was it Quincy you liked or Hutch? REFRESH my memory.
Hollywood Henderson said:
A smart coach will not show his hand even now, we want teams to have to practice vs both 4-3 & 3-4...

But make no mistake...Parcells will go with what he knows...The 3-4 the vast majority of the time...

I agree with your first point and think this draft and a lot of the press talk has been to have more sets on D and from that - keep opposing offensive coordinators from gameplanning us.

But doesn't it completely contradict your second point? No one in the Dallas organization has said we will run the 3-4 the majority of the time and when asked - Jones and Parcells have gone out of their way to say we won't. How do we give Nors credit for saying the opposite?
All off-season, Jones has maintained the defensive scheme of choice would be predicated on finding the right personnel to make the switch. And while both Ware and Spears would seem to suggest that personnel is now on board, neither Jones nor Parcells would commit to a permanent defensive change.

"No, not necessarily," Jones said when asked if the two top picks suggested the Cowboys are moving to a 3-4 defense. "The combination of Spears and Ware leaves us total flexibility to do some of the things that the 3-4 allows you to do, without being principally a 3-4 team."
First, Nors you hated Ware so how right were you about that?

Or us taking Davis?

Or Miller?

Or any of the other 25-30 players you had us drafting?

These 3 picks can be just as good in a 4-3 scheme.

Base 4-3:

Ellis, Ferguson*, Glover, Ware

Base #2:

Spears, Ferguson*, Glover, Ellis


Ellis, Ferguson*, Glover, Spears


Ellis, Ferguson*, Spears, Ware

4-3 pass:

Ellis, Spears, Glover, Ware

* Carson spells Ferguson

Burnett in the mix at both OLB spots in 4-3.

The picks today give us tremendous depth on the DL, depth wasted in a 3-4.

Listen to the PC, where Parcells said Ellis and Glover got too many snaps and we drafted Spears, who can take snaps for both in a 4-3.
Wow, I finally post on this Forum and the thread gets siphoned off to the Smack category. The irony!
Nors said:
After an uphill fight. We finally have gone 3-4. We drafted hybrid DE/OLB in Ware. DT/DE Hybrid in Spears. Went with #42 for a big LB in Burnett!

There was no Howard Trade! Its dead.

The 3-4 is here - great day for the Dallas organization.
All you Nors haters - kiss my *** tonight!

And bow to the Northeast!
Take a lesson from the whale Nors. He only gets harpooned when he comes up to spout. Luckily you live in the area of the country that whalers came from, perhaps there are Emergency rooms to remove the harpoons.

For those who don't know, I sent Nors a PM tonight saying I finally agree we have the personnel to run an effective 3-4. Dominant? No, I can't go there because I'd rather have La'Roi Glover on the field than Bradie James. Great defense is about putting your best 11 guys on the field. You won't find a football coach anywhere who disagrees with that. To find people who condone that you have to search message boards and find people who spout stuff with arrogance. Spouters are easy to find, they stick out like sore thumbs.

Let me tell you some ways in which they are easily recognized.

#1. Every poster makes suggestions, speculations, or predictions. The Message Board spouters are no different in this respect, but they hate debates. The only real difference is in how they handle the reactions to their postulations. Don't debate a spouter. It mortally injures them.

#2. They think everyone should automatically agree with them just because of who they are. Disagreeing with them is not having a difference of opinion, it is evidence of "hate." No matter how many times you assure a spouter that there is no hate, they feel hate because you aren't drinking their Koolaid. It is a personal affront to them when you disagree. Disagreeing with a spouter means you are "insulting" said spouter.

#3. Spouters are wrong just like everbody else. The difference is they will not admit or accept that they are wrong. Point out an error to a spouter and they interpret it as more hatred.

#4. Spouters can be just as right as everyone else. However they do not recognize anyone else for being right. They only seek recognition themselves. When they are right, even to the smallest degree they strain arm muscles patting themselves on the back and attempting to rub noses in their predictions.

If you put the pieces of the mosaic together you will realize that we are not dealing with a rational person who wants what is best for the team or who listens to what anyone else says and tries to apply it to further the overall football knowledge of a group. Spouters want everything to be about them and their ideas.

A spouter wouldn't want to hear that the real reason a prominent poster on a subject isn't posting might actually have to do with said prominent poster taking his family to the State Fair. Naw, to a spouter it must mean that said prominent poster is silent because he has his head in the sand in utter humiliation. Doesn't matter at all that nothing could be further from the truth. Not even a little bit.

Well, pardon me if I don't pucker up, and if I don't genuflect to a geographic region. Until I can be proven wrong even one time on the things we've actually discussed as opposed to the things you imagine we discuss you can color me not impressed by the chest thumping lack of class this displays.

I'd repeat the laundry list of things spouted upon which you are 100% wrong all the time on a consistent basis, but I really am in no mood for more spin control. Too happy with the Draft and the fact that Jerry Jones and Bill Parcells (football men) foresee a defense that is versatile as opposed to magic. From where I sit they seem to have done something knowledgable posters on this forum have preached for years now. They went out and improved the personnel.

You see, I know you'll deny this and try and spin control it, but everyone with half a brain will know the truth. You haven't been preaching a switch to a 3-4 once we acquired players of this caliber. You've been preaching it with the acquisitions of people like Scott Shanle and Ryan "The Real QB Killa" Fowler. Everyone knows it.

No one would accept it with that kind of personnel because the scheme is not magical. Not one person who has debated the 3-4 on the opposite side of you "hates" the 3-4. They hated the idea of a scheme run with sub par personnel. Luckily for those of us on this side of the fence where the tornadoes aren't spinning, the football men at Valley Ranch did what we have asked. They went and got the personnel to make the switch if they decide to. Of course they haven't said they will do either scheme yet, but spouters will ignore all facts.

Meanwhile I will enjoy watching you make a fool of yourself drooling over a player you said it was "idiotic" to consider over someone you liked better. I mean it is amusing how you have already changed your tune thinking everyone will forget your advice that we "book it." I seem to remember saying that since you are never right about these things that I wouldn't book it. Who says History doesn't repeat it self. It's Groundhog Day.

Spouters are so predictable. Congratulations on the Howard deal being dead. Please do all in your power to explain why Ty Law still isn't under contract begging to give us a Parcells friendly deal to play FS here. On 2nd thought, don't. The wife went to Costco Tuesday and we don't need TP.

Where's that Henson trade by the way?

Now, go ahead and whine about the "insults." Your fault that you invited the harpoons but go ahead and blame everyone else. Nantucket would be a good place to find a surgeon. Good luck.

A wise old cowboy once told me, "never take a knife to a gunfight." He should have changed it say flyswatter. Now, go swat the demons who "hate" you.


The Owner of the Nors Cup
Hostile said:
Take a lesson from the whale Nors. He only gets harpooned when he comes up to spout. Luckily you live in the area of the country that whalers came from, perhaps there are Emergency rooms to remove the harpoons.

For those who don't know, I sent Nors a PM tonight saying I finally agree we have the personnel to run an effective 3-4. Dominant? No, I can't go there because I'd rather have La'Roi Glover on the field than Bradie James. Great defense is about putting your best 11 guys on the field. You won't find a football coach anywhere who disagrees with that. To find people who condone that you have to seach message boards and find people who spout stuff with arrogance. Spouters are easy to find, they stick out like sore thumbs.

Let me tell you some ways in which they are easily recognized.

#1. Every poster makes suggestions, speculations, or predictions. The Message Board spouters are no different in this respect, but they hate debates. The only real difference is in how they handle the reactions to their postulations. Don't debate a spouter. It mortally injures them.

#2. They think everyone should automatically agree with them just because of who they are. Disagreeing with them is not having a difference of opinion, it is evidence of "hate." No matter how many times you assure a spouter that there is no hate, they feel hate because you aren't drinking their Koolaid. It is a personal affront to them when you disagree. Disagreeing with a spouter means you are "insulting" said spouter.

#3. Spouters are wrong just like everbody else. The difference is they will not admit or accept that they are wrong. Point out an error to a spouter and they interpret it as more hatred.

#4. Spouters can be just as right as everyone else. However they do not recognize anyone else for being right. They only seek recognition themselves. When they are right, even to the smallest degree they strain arm muscles patting themselves on the back and attempting to rub noses in their predictions.

If you put the pieces of the mosaic together you will realize that we are not dealing with a rational person who wants what is best for the team or who listens to what anyone else says and tries to apply it to further the overall football knowledge of a group. Spouters want everything to be about them and their ideas.

A spouter wouldn't want to hear that the real reason a prominent poster on a subject isn't posting might actually have to do with said prominent poster taking his family to the State Fair. Naw, to a spouter it must mean that said prominent poster is silent because he has his head in the sand in utter humiliation. Doesn't matter at all that nothing could be further from the truth. Not even a little bit.

Well, pardon me if I don't pucker up, and if I don't genuflect to a geographic region. Until I can be proven wrong even one time on the things we've actually discussed as opposed to the things you imagine we discuss you can color me not impressed by the chest thumping lack of class this displays.

I'd repeat the laundry list of things spouted upon which you are 100% wrong all the time on a consistent basis, but I really am in no mood for more spin control. Too happy with the Draft and the fact that Jerry Jones and Bill Parcells (football men) foresee a defense that is versatile as opposed to magic. From where I sit they seem to have done something knowledgable posters on this forum have preached for years now. They went out and improved the personnel.

You see, I know you'll deny this and try and spin control it, but everyone with half a brain will know the truth. You haven't been preaching a switch to a 3-4 once we acquired players of this caliber. You've been preaching it with the acquisitions of people like Scott Shanle and Ryan "The Real QB Killa" Fowler. Everyone knows it.

No one would accept it with that kind of personnel because the scheme is not magical. Not one person who has debated the 3-4 on the opposite side of you "hates" the 3-4. They hated the idea of a scheme run with sub par personnel. Luckily for those of us on this side of the fence where the tornadoes aren't spinning, the football men at Valley Ranch did what we have asked. They went and got the personnel to make the switch if they decide to. Of course they haven't said they will do either scheme yet, but spouters will ignore all facts.

Meanwhile I will enjoy watching you make a fool of yourself drooling over a player you said it was "idiotic" to consider over someone you liked better. I mean it is amusing how you have already changed your tune thinking everyone will forget your advice that we "book it." I seem to remember saying that since you are never right about these things that I wouldn't book it. Who says History doesn't repeat it self. It's Groundhog Day.

Spouters are so predictable. Congratulations on the Howard deal being dead. Please do all in your power to explain why Ty Law still isn't under contract begging to give us a Parcells friendly deal to play FS here. On 2nd thought, don't. The wife went to Costco Tuesday and we don't need TP.

Where's that Henson trade by the way?

Now, go ahead and whine about the "insults." Your fault that you invited the harpoons but go ahead and blame everyone else. Nantucket would be a good place to find a surgeon. Good luck.

A wise old cowboy once told me, "never take a knife to a gunfight." He should have changed it say flyswatter. Now, go swat the demons who "hate" you.


The Owner of the Nors Cup


Oh, I hope you don't consider this spouting. Not 100% correct but...

After two trades, #11 to CAR for #14 and #79 and #20 to BAL for #22 and #124 we take:

#14 Spears DE/DT LSU

#22 Roth DE Iowa

#42 Burnett OLB TEN

#79 from CAR, Considine FS Iowa

#109 Britt OT Alabama

#124 from BAL, Jacobs RB/FB S ILL

#148 Jackson WR N Col

#208 Sesay TE Missouri

#209 Burt DT Miami of Ohio

#224 Grootgood S USC

The two trades did not happen, but Baltimore did take the player I said they would trade up for, Clayton.

What's funny is I picked Spears, one of the tweeners Kiper said could play 3-4 along with Ware, Pollack, and Cody, and an OLB all with the thoughts of staying in a 4-3.

Considine, Jacobs and Sesay are all still in play.:D
blindzebra said:

Oh, I hope you don't consider this spouting. Not 100% correct but...

After two trades, #11 to CAR for #14 and #79 and #20 to BAL for #22 and #124 we take:

#14 Spears DE/DT LSU

#22 Roth DE Iowa

#42 Burnett OLB TEN

#79 from CAR, Considine FS Iowa

#109 Britt OT Alabama

#124 from BAL, Jacobs RB/FB S ILL

#148 Jackson WR N Col

#208 Sesay TE Missouri

#209 Burt DT Miami of Ohio

#224 Grootgood S USC

The two trades did not happen, but Baltimore did take the player I said they would trade up for, Clayton.

What's funny is I picked Spears, one of the tweeners Kiper said could play 3-4 along with Ware, Pollack, and Cody, and an OLB all with the thoughts of staying in a 4-3.

Considine, Jacobs and Sesay are all still in play.:D
Not bad at all. You won't be a spouter unless when this happens you come back and tell everyone to pucker and kiss your southern region or bow to you.

Point of fact, no one is going to consider you a fotball guru or God if that comes to pass. That is what sets a spouter apart. The demand for recognition.
Hostile said:
Take a lesson from the whale Nors. He only gets harpooned when he comes up to spout. Luckily you live in the area of the country that whalers came from, perhaps there are Emergency rooms to remove the harpoons.

For those who don't know, I sent Nors a PM tonight saying I finally agree we have the personnel to run an effective 3-4. Dominant? No, I can't go there because I'd rather have La'Roi Glover on the field than Bradie James. Great defense is about putting your best 11 guys on the field. You won't find a football coach anywhere who disagrees with that. To find people who condone that you have to seach message boards and find people who spout stuff with arrogance. Spouters are easy to find, they stick out like sore thumbs.

Let me tell you some ways in which they are easily recognized.

#1. Every poster makes suggestions, speculations, or predictions. The Message Board spouters are no different in this respect, but they hate debates. The only real difference is in how they handle the reactions to their postulations. Don't debate a spouter. It mortally injures them.

#2. They think everyone should automatically agree with them just because of who they are. Disagreeing with them is not having a difference of opinion, it is evidence of "hate." No matter how many times you assure a spouter that there is no hate, they feel hate because you aren't drinking their Koolaid. It is a personal affront to them when you disagree. Disagreeing with a spouter means you are "insulting" said spouter.

#3. Spouters are wrong just like everbody else. The difference is they will not admit or accept that they are wrong. Point out an error to a spouter and they interpret it as more hatred.

#4. Spouters can be just as right as everyone else. However they do not recognize anyone else for being right. They only seek recognition themselves. When they are right, even to the smallest degree they strain arm muscles patting themselves on the back and attempting to rub noses in their predictions.

If you put the pieces of the mosaic together you will realize that we are not dealing with a rational person who wants what is best for the team or who listens to what anyone else says and tries to apply it to further the overall football knowledge of a group. Spouters want everything to be about them and their ideas.

A spouter wouldn't want to hear that the real reason a prominent poster on a subject isn't posting might actually have to do with said prominent poster taking his family to the State Fair. Naw, to a spouter it must mean that said prominent poster is silent because he has his head in the sand in utter humiliation. Doesn't matter at all that nothing could be further from the truth. Not even a little bit.

Well, pardon me if I don't pucker up, and if I don't genuflect to a geographic region. Until I can be proven wrong even one time on the things we've actually discussed as opposed to the things you imagine we discuss you can color me not impressed by the chest thumping lack of class this displays.

I'd repeat the laundry list of things spouted upon which you are 100% wrong all the time on a consistent basis, but I really am in no mood for more spin control. Too happy with the Draft and the fact that Jerry Jones and Bill Parcells (football men) foresee a defense that is versatile as opposed to magic. From where I sit they seem to have done something knowledgable posters on this forum have preached for years now. They went out and improved the personnel.

You see, I know you'll deny this and try and spin control it, but everyone with half a brain will know the truth. You haven't been preaching a switch to a 3-4 once we acquired players of this caliber. You've been preaching it with the acquisitions of people like Scott Shanle and Ryan "The Real QB Killa" Fowler. Everyone knows it.

No one would accept it with that kind of personnel because the scheme is not magical. Not one person who has debated the 3-4 on the opposite side of you "hates" the 3-4. They hated the idea of a scheme run with sub par personnel. Luckily for those of us on this side of the fence where the tornadoes aren't spinning, the football men at Valley Ranch did what we have asked. They went and got the personnel to make the switch if they decide to. Of course they haven't said they will do either scheme yet, but spouters will ignore all facts.

Meanwhile I will enjoy watching you make a fool of yourself drooling over a player you said it was "idiotic" to consider over someone you liked better. I mean it is amusing how you have already changed your tune thinking everyone will forget your advice that we "book it." I seem to remember saying that since you are never right about these things that I wouldn't book it. Who says History doesn't repeat it self. It's Groundhog Day.

Spouters are so predictable. Congratulations on the Howard deal being dead. Please do all in your power to explain why Ty Law still isn't under contract begging to give us a Parcells friendly deal to play FS here. On 2nd thought, don't. The wife went to Costco Tuesday and we don't need TP.

Where's that Henson trade by the way?

Now, go ahead and whine about the "insults." Your fault that you invited the harpoons but go ahead and blame everyone else. Nantucket would be a good place to find a surgeon. Good luck.

A wise old cowboy once told me, "never take a knife to a gunfight." He should have changed it say flyswatter. Now, go swat the demons who "hate" you.


The Owner of the Nors Cup

Outstanding post Hos...

Nors got schooled yet again...
All I'm going to say is this:

There's lots of posters on these forums and for the most part, all knowledgable.

Often when predictions are made and the stars align just as predicted, they do not pat themselves on the back and create threads intended to solely disrupt the harmonious aura surrounding this forum in joyous times. They simply give the facts and face up to the outcome whether it be good or bad. They are not in it for their own glory or simply to wag their tongue out at others.

Many others in here lamented that the Howard trade would not happen. This wasn't exactly a breakthrough considering that after a week or so of non-activity, it was clear that this wasn't going to happen to the collective whole of the board. I do not see them standing up and beating their chest.

Being humble is a hard thing to do so since your mistakes are glorified and your accolades are unknown. Why? Because you don't preach them.

In my mock draft, I predicted 2 of our 3 picks right. I incorrectly had Merriman at #11 instead of Ware, had us taking Spears at #20 and had us selecting Burnett but at #58 instead of #42 in a tradedown.

Why didn't you hear about it until now? Because I didn't feel the need to make the rest of the posters here look like uninformed nitwits and myself to be a draft king that all should bow to.

Perhaps that is a lesson that you can apply in your future.

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