Now that the big deal is done, the Cowboys are now setup for E.T. to phone home


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I know you've probably mentioned it before, but how high are you willing to go in terms of contract and salary for Thomas?

Does it really matter?

Whatever you agree to means nothing if he's just going to sit as soon as he decides he wants more.


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Does it really matter?

Whatever you agree to means nothing if he's just going to sit as soon as he decides he wants more.

Sorry, but I'm not seeing it that way. I'm seeing a guy in the last year of his deal looking for his last long term deal.

And this isn't anything new, that's obvious. He and his agents have been talking to the Seahawks for quite some time about a contract extension. That's a big reason why he went to the Cowboys locker room in December.

And the fact is that any "talks" have obviously gone nowhere, so the guy is using the only leverage he currently has. I don't fault him for that.

But if he's looking for Eric Berry level money of $13 million a year, I don't think I want to be the team that pays that. The safety market is currently moving down, with several name free agents still struggling to find new teams. I wouldn't be eager to set the bar for the top end, especially after just doing that for the offensive guard position.

4-years, $40 million? That's about my ceiling.


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Something reasonable. He's making 10 per year now. I'd offer an extension that pays him 11 or 12 per. He's worth every single penny.

No more than 12 per.

My own is that same $10 million a year level. He is getting older and the safety market is going down, not up. I might compromise with your number of $11 million, but I wouldn't want to see the team going any further.

We just set the league market for guard today and I'm not eager to set the high end on any other position any time soon.


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Sorry, but I'm not seeing it that way. I'm seeing a guy in the last year of his deal looking for his last long term deal.

You look after you've honored the terms of the last mega-contract you signed. You can ask for an early extension, but if they say "No" - honor your damn deal.


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If I were the hawks fo I would call his bluff. Fine him for every day he misses and not give him a penny more. It's always about the money. That will never change.


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You look after you've honored the terms of the last mega-contract you signed. You can ask for an early extension, but if they say "No" - honor your damn deal.

I don't maintain that double standard. If a team can cut a player early, a player can look to renegotiate early. A two-way street for me.


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I don't maintain that double standard. If a team can cut a player early, a player can look to renegotiate early. A two-way street for me.

It's not a double standard. He got a huge signing bonus in order to sign that 5 year deal ($25M+ total guaranteed at signing) with those terms. Is he going to return any of that while he's pouting at home?


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It's not a double standard. He got a huge signing bonus in order to sign that 5 year deal ($25M+ total guaranteed at signing) with those terms. Is he going to return any of that while he's pouting at home?

It's absolutely a double standard. Teams can cut players years before the contract high parties agreed to expires. If it's OK for teams not to honor them, it's OK for players too.


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It's absolutely a double standard. Teams can cut players years before the contract high parties agreed to expires. If it's OK for teams not to honor them, it's OK for players too.

The teams are absolutely honoring the contract that has guaranteed years and years that aren't guaranteed. That's all part of the contract and one of the factors that contributes to the size of the signing bonus.

ET signed agreeing to play at those salaries if the Seahawks keep him for the full 5 years - and he signed knowing that they were only committing to the first 2 years. Don't like it, don't sign it. But just because a team exercises an option (in the contract) to no longer keep a player on the team - it in no way can be interpreted as a team "not honoring" the contract.

Any team that does not honor the terms of a contract will get sued - and will lose. That never (or almost never???) happens.

Risen Star

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I would have lost the Seahawks' phone number the second he failed to show at mandatory mini-camp. I wouldn't trust any d-bag holding out when he's under contract.

For the exact same reason you don't negotiate with terrorists.

Actually the moment when he walked over to sell himself to the other team while in uniform is when they should have thought that we don't want this guy in our locker room.

Zero interest.


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Sighhhhhhh, Earl isn't even here and I already hate him!

He's the new Adrian Peterson!!


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The teams are absolutely honoring the contract that has guaranteed years and years that aren't guaranteed. That's all part of the contract and one of the factors that contributes to the size of the signing bonus.

ET signed agreeing to play at those salaries if the Seahawks keep him for the full 5 years - and he signed knowing that they were only committing to the first 2 years. Don't like it, don't sign it. But just because a team exercises an option (in the contract) to no longer keep a player on the team - it in no way can be interpreted as a team "not honoring" the contract.

Any team that does not honor the terms of a contract will get sued - and will lose. That never (or almost never???) happens.

Any time a player is cut, the team did nit honor the contract agreed to by both parties.