Twitter: Offensive coaching staff likely staying


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I am really really concerned Jerry and Stephen are going to throw darts at names and then try and bring those people Coach x on offense and Coach x on defense instead of things happening organically and the head coach hiring his own staff.

What is the point of hiring a new coach with new schemes and ways of teaching etc...if you are going to pair him with someone he doesn't want or forcing existing coaches from different schemes on him. You are not really maximizing his ability to win.

a guy like mccarthy has a whole bunch of assistants that are available to be hired to help him install his offense and run it how he wants from day one because they have done it already and successfully in green bay.

Would it shock you if Jerry put Lewis and McCarthy in a room together and said "I'll hire the both of ya, and we'll flip a coin to see who gets to be the head coach!"


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Because it's another dynamic for failure, just like Wade and Garrett was. Riley isn't ready and is simply a good offensive coordinator at this point, and Lewis is an example of a failed head coach, not some you want teaching anyone else.


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I wonder how these "interviews" go?

I can just imagine Jerry & spawn doing most of the talking while showing off all their facilities, the bus, the helicopter, the boat & plane while talking about "his" 3 super bowls, his custom made "GM mirror" he looks into when things get "really tough":


Then he drones on about the time he got his credit card cut up...

shows off his GM jacket with the mustard stain you cant really see but "Oh man, What-A-burger!"

Then close the tour by viewing the "Coaches Corner" aka the orifice office where all head coaches reside until jeri decides what they can say or do next.

and when they finally get around to asking questions, it starts with:

Anyway, how do you feel about castration?


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If Moore is going to run the timing based JG, Norv, Zampese offense forget it! I want all new everything. I’m tired of button hooks.

Doubt it. That playbook was forced onto Moore by Garrett. So he had to adjust his style of play to fit Garrett's playbook.

We will probably get a new playbook soon enough.


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Would it shock you if Jerry put Lewis and McCarthy in a room together and said "I'll hire the both of ya, and we'll flip a coin to see who gets to be the head coach!"

nothing would shock me with the jones family.

if we end up with co head coaches who give simultaneous press conferences everyday at the same time on different ends of the same room I still wouldn't be surprised.


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Because it's another dynamic for failure, just like Wade and Garrett was. Riley isn't ready and is simply a good offensive coordinator at this point, and Lewis is an example of a failed head coach, not some you want teaching anyone else.

I think this pairing would be more McVay/Wade than Wade/Garrett.

I do have some reservations about Riley as a leader of men in the NFL, but what this offense desperately needs is to be dragged into the 21st century. Riley is the guy everyone else is “borrowing” their schemes from. He’s not ahead of the curve, he’s drawing the curve. He’s the guy you want steering this ship while Lewis runs the defense.


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I can see that in Jerry's twisted mind:

Lewis would handle the defense that Riley clearly can't, and then hold his hand while he learns on the job to be a head coach.

If that sounds like Wade Phillips - Jason Garrett all over again, it's because it is.

Except they aren’t even remotely comparable. Riley is an actual offensive play calling savant and has been to the college playoffs 3 years in a row for a major program. He also has tailored his offense to 3 different types of QBs while doing it. Jason Garrett had no real experience calling plays and no experience leading a team on his own.

If Lincoln Riley was your run of the mill coach, this wouldn’t even be up for discussion. His scheme is legit and he would turn Prescott into a top 3 QB. If that means pulling someone like Lewis in at DC, so be it.


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Same old crap.

Unreal, but I don't know what anyone expected.

I posted something years ago here about how he refuses to eat contracts of assistants.

He simply will not do it. They all work for him so everyone should get along.

Also so he can have "his guys" on the new staff to be his eyes and ears.

It's a terrible and dysfunctional organization and he created it. It's not changing because Garrett left. We are simply getting a new Garrett.

I wish more players like Troy and Jason Hatcher would speak up about it



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It's that Amish thing I don't think I can take. Makes me think of a lack of shaving.

Two Amish women were digging potatoes out of the mud with their hands. One woman held a little round potato in each hand, saying “This reminds me of my man Jacob”. The second woman says “Just as big?” The first woman says “no, just as dirty!”


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That's why I think in the end....It's gonna be Kellen's job. Jerry and Stephen will split the difference. Stephen wants to go young...Jerry wants proven experience....Kellen made the #1 offense. They go out and get a real defensive coordinator w/ experience.

Hiring Kellen Moore after 2 years of coaching experience would be the same mistake as Garrett. As a matter of fact, making him OC after one year of coaching experience was bad enough, but the office did very well under him.

People keep comparing Kellen to McVay but the reality is McVay had 9 years of coaching experience before he landed the Rams HC job. Kellen only has 2.

Kellen Moore needs more time to really learn how to coach. If Jerry makes him HC after only 2 years experience, or if Jerry forces him on an HC and doesn’t allow Moore to get out there and learn to be a HC, then Jerry really didn’t learn anything about the Garrett experience.


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I can see that in Jerry's twisted mind:

Lewis would handle the defense that Riley clearly can't, and then hold his hand while he learns on the job to be a head coach.

If that sounds like Wade Phillips - Jason Garrett all over again, it's because it is.

I don’t want a coach forced on or “highly Suggested” to our new head coach. I also don’t want a coach that needs their hand held. If we keep making the same stupid decisions, we are going to keep getting the same stupid results!


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I think this pairing would be more McVay/Wade than Wade/Garrett.

I do have some reservations about Riley as a leader of men in the NFL, but what this offense desperately needs is to be dragged into the 21st century. Riley is the guy everyone else is “borrowing” their schemes from. He’s not ahead of the curve, he’s drawing the curve. He’s the guy you want steering this ship while Lewis runs the defense.

McVay had some NFL experience. Riley has none. And again, you'd be faking it, having the non-head coach handling the duties without the title. And it would fail just like it failed before.

I don't want Riley because he's just a coordinator at this point and not a real head coach yet.


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A year ago Sean McVay was the darling of the NFL and Dallas has a smarter version of him in Kellen Moore. You don't toss that away because you finished 8-8 in a season where you had 11-5 talent. They aren't going to force him on the new HC either, but it would be dumb to throw the baby out of with the bathwater.
How in the hell is moore smarter than McVay?


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I don’t want a coach forced on or “highly Suggested” to our new head coach. I also don’t want a coach that needs their hand held. If we keep making the same stupid decisions, we are going to keep getting the same stupid results!



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I have a hard time picturing somebody qualified to be our HC not already knowing who he wants as his coordinators. I can see them being flexible on the position coaches, but not their top lieutenants.


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Except they aren’t even remotely comparable. Riley is an actual offensive play calling savant and has been to the college playoffs 3 years in a row for a major program. He also has tailored his offense to 3 different types of QBs while doing it. Jason Garrett had no real experience calling plays and no experience leading a team on his own.

If Lincoln Riley was your run of the mill coach, this wouldn’t even be up for discussion. His scheme is legit and he would turn Prescott into a top 3 QB. If that means pulling someone like Lewis in at DC, so be it.

Your opinion is duly noted. All I see is a glorified offensive coordinator that doesn't know the first thing about fielding an even capable defense, or about being a real head coach.

Do not want.


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I don’t want a coach forced on or “highly Suggested” to our new head coach. I also don’t want a coach that needs their hand held. If we keep making the same stupid decisions, we are going to keep getting the same stupid results!

The “hand held” thing with Riley is a complete figment of your imagination. There’s nothing to suggest he’s not ready for the job. Pairing any head coach with a veteran defensive coordinator like Lewis is a good idea.