Some info on the kid...
"Chaz Green would be better known as an NFL prospect if not for his injury history. After redshirting in 2010, his first year in Gainesville, Chaz Green earned the starting right tackle job the following season and started the Gator's first eight games before an ankle injury put him on the shelf. Still, he conducted himself well enough to earn Freshman All-American honors. As as sophomore in 2012, he started ten games, missing three, and then missed the entire 2013 season after a camp injury prior to the opener. He returned in 2014 and started 11 games, splitting time between left and right tackle.
Green is an athletic, tough, and heady player - so much so that some scouts believe his best position git at the NFL level is center. He's not a deluxe athlete by any means, and must improve his strength and ability in pass protection, but Green is very consistent, playing with the body control, foot quickness and good movement skills. In fact, his quick feet make him a good fit for zone-blocking teams. So will the fact that he offers position versatility, with experience at both the left and right tackle spots."
I highlighted the part that is most interesting.