***Official Fire Garrett thread***

Jerry gave up power to Tuna because he needed the guy to sell his stadium.

Jerry is no longer under any pressure. He will not cede any power ... especially at this stage of his life. He's getting desperate in his old age. He knows his window to show the world that he's a football maverick is closing, and he's willing to go to massive extremes to prove himself right. He will put the Cowboys in another decade mediocrity.

Well, I guess we're back to the "don't buy season's tickets" idea and other hopeless gestures...
With Callahan and Kiffin to boot. its sad, I don't think the Eagles are beating the bears so even if the Cowboys lose to the skins, they would still have a shot.

Making the playoffs though is not good enough because frankly, if it wasn't for some late min gaffes and horrid playcalling, we might already be in.

I wouldn't have said that at the start of the year but the mismanagement of games needs to stop. The team is not good enough to overcome Garrettwith this crap defense.

I can't get what I truly want, Romo and Jerry gone so I have to settle for the whole coaching staff.
Yes. But the next coach like Garrett, Wade Phillips and Dave Campo are going to choke in the same manner. The problem isn't just coaching. Until the view from the top changes, expect more of the same thing.

We are the Raiders. :(

I said that years ago that Jerry is the next Al Davis and got Flamed on here …..HES WORSE !!!!!
I've never witnessed a worse coach in professional sports.
I've never witnessed a worse coach in professional sports.
I've never witnessed a worse coach in professional sports.
I say Yes.

I guess I'm not a "real fan."' I'm an old man and at this point I need positive things in my life, and as a retired executive, I don't see anything positive in rooting for a team that just won't make the decisions required to field a championship team. All of you understand it is impossible to cure a cancer without surgically removing it all. The Dallas Cowboys, just don't want to win badly enough. Every player on the team knows the franchise is a billion dollar toy for an owner's ego trip and let's face it those are nice to have paychecks. I've been a fan for a long time.

No more.
I guess I'm not a "real fan."' I'm an old man and at this point I need positive things in my life, and as a retired executive, I don't see anything positive in rooting for a team that just won't make the decisions required to field a championship team. All of you understand it is impossible to cure a cancer without surgically removing it all. The Dallas Cowboys, just don't want to win badly enough. Every player on the team knows the franchise is a billion dollar toy for an owner's ego trip and let's face it those are nice to have paychecks. I've been a fan for a long time.

No more.

I totally understand. I have always liked the team enough to overlook mad Jerry. It's getting harder though. Especially living in another NFL city.
I guess I'm not a "real fan."' I'm an old man and at this point I need positive things in my life, and as a retired executive, I don't see anything positive in rooting for a team that just won't make the decisions required to field a championship team. All of you understand it is impossible to cure a cancer without surgically removing it all. The Dallas Cowboys, just don't want to win badly enough. Every player on the team knows the franchise is a billion dollar toy for an owner's ego trip and let's face it those are nice to have paychecks. I've been a fan for a long time.

No more.
I know this won't happen, but I think it would be cool to see how it played out.

Wouldn't it be cool if someone with some big cahauna's (sp?) became our coach, .. but after becoming the coach he stopped bowing down to Jerry, ... aaaaand he began winning.

Everyone throughout the NFL and the media would find out and see that he was not bowing down to Jerry, but since they are winning Jerry could not fire him.

The more I think about that, the funnier it gets.
Jerry won't allow a coach full control of the team. IMO, he needs to maintain his strong grip of this team and its why any coach that has been mentioned on here won't come and coach here in Dallas. It would be an insult.

Hire a new GM first and let him decide:

Who he wants coaching.

What offensive/defensive scheme they want to implement.

Look at the roster and see who fits that scheme and fill those needs via FA and draft.

Make that tough call that comes with being a GM and let players go that can't perform.

Rely mainly on the draft for depth and invest in this area every year.
Missed this earlier 95% of the time,

I pretty much agree. I think it's most because we're defenseless, and I don't have a problem overall with marginalizing the running game, but he's in danger of losing the team, and if we miss the playoffs, things are going to change.

I appreciate your observations Idgit, but I watched the Superbowl years with relish and the Cowboys look nothing like that team they once were. They will not achieve a Superbowl running the offense exclusively through passing via Romo. Ain't going to happen. Nope. Nada. They will run the ball more or the dysfunction and mediocrity will continue. We are three and one half years into Garrett's tenure and this team still does not know what it wants to be on either side of the ball. A certain team in the NFC South has the same problem with passing and neglecting the running offense. It cost them dearly in Seattle and it cost them yesterday in St. Louis. It will cost them again in the playoffs on the road. It is the reason why I have great affection for what Seattle and San Francisco are both doing on offense (Gore and Lynch). It is my hope that cornerbacks and safeties get taller (ala Seattle) to combat Chuck-ball offenses and tall guys like Graham and Johnson. Force the finesse teams to play streetball...if they can!
So.....did anything interesting happen over the weekend?

Other than Garrett finding a way to lose a game than nobody else has lost since the game was invented.................not much happened.

**for those that dont know what I am talking about, AdamJT had a stat that teams that have had at least a 23 point lead at halftime and scored at least 36 points overall for the game, were 440-0 prior to yesterday. Its now 440-1**

Let that sink in for a second..........440 teams have been in the position we were in yesterday and they all won the game............Garrett is the only one to somehow lose under those conditions.

Just like we are the first team in NFL history to allow 40 first downs in a game...........we are the first team in NFL history to lose a home game when scoring 48 points............we are the first team in NFL history (yall get the point, no need to list them all).

Garrett will have rewritten the record books during his tenure here in Dallas...............literally will be remembered as the worst coach this franchise has ever had.
Other than Garrett finding a way to lose a game than nobody else has lost since the game was invented.................not much happened.

**for those that dont know what I am talking about, AdamJT had a stat that teams that have had at least a 23 point lead at halftime and scored at least 36 points overall for the game, were 440-0 prior to yesterday. Its now 440-1**

Let that sink in for a second..........440 teams have been in the position we were in yesterday and they all won the game............Garrett is the only one to somehow lose under those conditions.

Just like we are the first team in NFL history to allow 40 first downs in a game...........we are the first team in NFL history to lose a home game when scoring 48 points............we are the first team in NFL history (yall get the point, no need to list them all).

Garrett will have rewritten the record books during his tenure here in Dallas...............literally will be remembered as the worst coach this franchise has ever had.

So sad but so true. We have literally wasted 3 1/2 years on one of the worst coaches in NFL history. I am sure other teams / fans in the NFC East are truly loving the Garrett tenure here and hope we keep him.
So sad but so true. We have literally wasted 3 1/2 years on one of the worst coaches in NFL history. I am sure other teams / fans in the NFC East are truly loving the Garrett tenure here and hope we keep him.

It is really amazing of how many EPIC losses we have had under Garrett that are NFL first.............................its almost comical finding new and exotic ways to lose games that have never been lost in that fashion before.
I can only smile at the fact that those who have defended Garrett and his process haver somehow dissapeared from the face of the earth.
I can only smile at the fact that those who have defended Garrett and his process haver somehow dissapeared from the face of the earth.

I have not seen even one of them posting since the game.....................after Aikman took Garrett out behind the woodshed and stomped a mud hole in his arse on national TV for his stupid play calling.................that was pretty much the end of the Garrett era.
I can only smile at the fact that those who have defended Garrett and his process haver somehow dissapeared from the face of the earth.

No we haven't. You're not reading very carefully.
Publicly start boycotting sponsors of the Dallas Cowboys and it will be more effective than posting things on a forum. Jerry cares about the money, hit him where it hurts (corporate sponsors). I am done with watching the Cowboys until Kiffin, Garrett, and Callahan are no longer a part of the "organization."

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