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Van Helsing just seemed to get worse, IMO. Each character added to the story tool away from the believability.
Christopher Heyerdahl was amazing on that show. The only reason I watched it.

It seemed to be more of a gory Buffy series to me, nothing like TWD.
Christopher Heyerdahl was amazing on that show. The only reason I watched it.

It seemed to be more of a gory Buffy series to me, nothing like TWD.
Well, to be fair, why would you expect a show about Van Helsing to be like the Walking Dead? But I do agree with the gory Buffy observation....though I love Buffy because they don't take themselves seriously.
I watched the third episode of Loki. This week confirmed some details and revealed some new details.
Loki used the word "enchant" to describe her powers and confirmed that she prefers the alias Sylvie...
The writers seem to have used Sylvie Lushton, blonde hair/powers/alias, to differentiate her from Loki.

Also we have an idea why Mobius seems to be obsessed with the early 90's, jet skis/Josta energy drink...

The writers revealed the employees of the TVA are variants and they're evidently unaware of this fact.

It further supports my initial theory that the TVA isn’t what it appears to be. Rather than ‘correcting the timeline’, I think it’s’ agents have been lied to and duped into doing the bidding of a group (or I feel an individual) who is in fact, manipulating time for their own ends.

I’m not sure if we will in fact see him, but I think that Kang the Conqueror will be referenced before this series ends.

I also think that Mobius will swoop in and save our two imperiled leads, having been told the truth by the captured agent who realized what’s happened to all of those working for the TVA.
Van Helsing just seemed to get worse, IMO. Each character added to the story tool away from the believability.

Good point. A series is only as good as the characters in it. It's one thing to bring characters in and out but that only works if the characters that are constant are interesting and worth watching. Van Helsing does not have interesting main characters. Anyway, I am into season 2 now and In 3 episodes I can see a bad decision was made in bringing in new characters and I can see the show going downhill fast. How did this last for 4 seasons?
Good point. A series is only as good as the characters in it. It's one thing to bring characters in and out but that only works if the characters that are constant are interesting and worth watching. Van Helsing does not have interesting main characters. Anyway, I am into season 2 now and In 3 episodes I can see a bad decision was made in bringing in new characters and I can see the show going downhill fast. How did this last for 4 seasons?
Bosch, the final season, Amazon. Will finish it today and one of the better productions from Amazon and I like Titus Welliver in just about everything, including the obligatory Irish terrorist.

This last season, 7, could be a lot better but overall I have enjoyed it and looked forward to each new season. This season is just teaming with subplots and I hope they don't wait until the last episode to resolve all of them in a nice neat package and this is already feeling a little too contrived.
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Bosch, the final season, Amazon. Will finish it today and one of the better productions form Amazon and I like Titus Welliver in just about everything, including the obligatory Irish terrorist.

This last season, 7, could be a lot better but overall I have enjoyed it and looked forward to each new season. This season is just teaming with subplots and I hope they don;t wait until the last episode to resolve all of them in a nice neat package and this is already feeling a little too contrived.

I didn't realize the final season was out already. I have been looking forward to it for some time. It's a great show.
Bosch, the final season, Amazon. Will finish it today and one of the better productions frpm Amazon and I like Titus Welliver in just about everything, including the obligatory Irish terrorist.

This last season, 7, could be a lot better but overall I have enjoyed it and looked forward to each new season. This season is just teaming with subplots and I hope they don't wait until the last episode to resolve all of them in a nice neat package and this is already feeling a little too contrived.

Started watching it last night. Such a good show. I am not digging what they did to the J Edgar character. It is so cliche. It also seems like the same or a similar story has been done before. We'll see where it goes but I agree. Like you, I hope this doesn't turn out to have a Scooby-Doo moment at the end where all the truths are revealed and questions answered after a climactic scene.
Started watching it last night. Such a good show. I am not digging what they did to the J Edgar character. It is so cliche. It also seems like the same or a similar story has been done before. We'll see where it goes but I agree. Like you, I hope this doesn't turn out to have a Scooby-Doo moment at the end where all the truths are revealed and questions answered after a climactic scene.
Stay with it, there are some nice twists within it.
Stay with it, there are some nice twists within it.

Finished it last night. To be honest, I thought the ending was probably typically Bosch but still disappointing. It occurred to me that if Harry Bosch was a real person, no one would like him.
Van Helsing just seemed to get worse, IMO. Each character added to the story tool away from the believability.

I can see this point very clearly now that I am almost at the end of season 2. It is already meandering which is never a good sign.
After watching Season 2 Episodes 1- 4 of War of the Worlds I thought it would be a good idea for everyone to get a copy of the "Art of War" by Sun Tzu and learn as much as possible about fighting an asymmetrical war just in case. The survival of the human race may depend on it!
I watched the forth episode of Loki. Make sure you watch the credits this week...
I can't wait to see the next episode. Also, it was awesome to see Classic Loki...
I watched the forth episode of Loki. Make sure you watch the credits this week...
I can't wait to see the next episode. Also, it was awesome to see Classic Loki...
Wow, there was a lot of intensity crammed into this episode! This is definitely the best Marvel series yet!
I watched the forth episode of Loki. Make sure you watch the credits this week...
I can't wait to see the next episode. Also, it was awesome to see Classic Loki...
I hollered. My wife was not pleased. :laugh:

Marvel Studios' injection of comics characters is outstanding. The series is a stepping stone to a solid multiverse integration. I have freaking goosebumps of what lies ahead in the MCU future.
I gotta complain about "War of the Worlds" again. It just frustrates the heck out of me when I see stuff in these shows that make an attempt at realism but only prove the writers are lazy and have no idea what they are talking about. It is so easy today to get basic facts correct when all you have to do is go to google and look it up. For example, almost all military equipment is shielded from EMP. Countries, including the US, have conducted tests using actual nuclear explosions to measure the magnitude of electro-magnetic pulses generated by nuclear detonations - which by the way are far more significant than expected. So the protection against EMP in military equipment is pretty good because it has to be. That means an EMP attack may damage a lot of civilian electronics, but planes, tanks, missiles, trucks, etc. are going to be undamaged by even the biggest EMPs. A tank is basically a big moving Faraday cage with a big gun. It is possible the GPS systems would fail if satellites are damaged, but almost everything else would work. Even military radios and other electric equipment has Faraday bags for carrying and protection against EMP.

I mean just think about it. If military equipment was susceptible to EMP damage all it would take is one small tactical warhead over a battlefield to disable an entire army, or an upper atmosphere blast to take down an entire fleet of fighters and bombers - and missiles for that matter. If there a military force on the planet that stupid?

Had to get that off my chest. Now back your your regularly scheduled programming.
Netflix - i'm upset and disappointed that two of my favorite martial arts movies will be expiring come July 22nd

Five Deadly Venoms
36 Chambers of Shaolin

i googled and read where 5 Deadly Venom had expired before and was returned in 2018 ..i'm very so
hoping the same is done again. - with both of them !

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