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I actually liked the first season a lot more than the second one. I could barely watch some of the season two episodes as they were so predictable and drawn out.

The second season was a typical Hollywood tactic to low-budget a sci-fi show by filming most of it in present day except normally they just do it one or two episodes to cover the costs of more expensive higher budget episodes.

In this case, they did it for most of the season and that after a 2 year delay.

It was obvious the second season was all about reliving the storylines of ST-TNG that were good back then for 1-2 episodes except they dragged them out for much of the season.

There were so many great directions they could have gone with season 2 had they just continued on from season one's storyline but instead they chose to go cheap and think that returning/replaying a few old characters and storylines would compensate.
I disagree. I liked the more in depth look into what made Picard who he was, and the relationship between he and Q. The series is called Picard for a reason, I guess. ;) Learning more about Guinan and her species, and their war with the Q continuum was cool too.

The ending coming back around to explain the beginning, which I'd actually forgotten about, wrapped it all up very well too, and the change in the whole Borg dynamic opens up a lot of possibilities for new storylines. [Spoiler/]
I disagree. I liked the more in depth look into what made Picard who he was, and the relationship between he and Q. The series is called Picard for a reason, I guess. ;) Learning more about Guinan and her species, and their war with the Q continuum was cool too.

The ending coming back around to explain the beginning, which I'd actually forgotten about, wrapped it all up very well too, and the change in the whole Borg dynamic opens up a lot of possibilities for new storylines. [Spoiler/]
They could have easily told their stories in a more creative and time-relative way compared to how they did it.

I am glad you and others enjoyed it though. For me, watching season 2 was like watching season 15 of a once-popular sci-fi show about to end except I still had high expectations.

With Star Trek Discovery being surprisingly good, I really expected more from this show.
Just finished "Chambers" on Netflix. It is a recycled story about a organ transplant that changes the recipient. One of my pet peeves about these series on streaming services is many of them should be 2 hour movies that studies expend to 8 or more episodes. They fill every episode with a lot of pabulum and fluff and when you watch it you just wish it would go somewhere faster. "Chambers" is like that. It would make a better lifetime movie than a 10 episode series. If I never watched it I would not feel like I missed anything. 4 out of 10, but if they cut this into a 2 hour movie I bet it would be 6 or 7 out of 10.
I’m watching Our Great National Parks, and I really relate to think stinky Indonesian plant that only blooms once every 10 years.
Watching the first episode of The Pentaverate on Netflix. It's bizarre, and sort of funny, though I think it could be funnier if Mike Myers didn't insist on doing so many characters.
I finished Season 1 of Winning Time last night. That was enjoyable. Look forward to season 2.

Started a show called Barry on HBO Max. Had a little bit of a slow start, but it really picks up and I am enjoying it!! I'm just about caught up to their current episode on Season 3.

My buddy keeps going on and on to me about this show on Prime called The Offer. I may have to check that one out next.
I finished Season 1 of Winning Time last night. That was enjoyable. Look forward to season 2.

Started a show called Barry on HBO Max. Had a little bit of a slow start, but it really picks up and I am enjoying it!! I'm just about caught up to their current episode on Season 3.

My buddy keeps going on and on to me about this show on Prime called The Offer. I may have to check that one out next.

The Offer is on Paramount +.
Finished Julia on HBO Max and this was one of the best I've seen in a while. Excellent acting and the lead actress who plays Julia, Sarah Lancashire, is exceptional.

Not going to be everyone's cup of tea because of her voice but she nailed Julia Child perfectly. It is a look into the struggles of Public TV and just how she elevated them to another audience.

The coolest thing about it is how she brought off The French Chef when she was neither French nor a chef.
Watching season 2 of The Flight Attendant on HBO Max. Kaley Cuoco plays an alcoholic and trouble seems to follow her wherever she goes. Pretty cool how it’s filmed. Worth checking out.

I do plan to check that out. I've liked her in everything I've seen her in, and I'm guessing she plays lead very well.
Star trek snw episode two. Loved it.
The story was very TNG, which is a good thing. I really like how they're blending known characters with new, fresh ones. So far I think they could've done better with Uhura, but I'll give her a little more time.

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