Kate Mulgrew's Janeway may be the closest comparison to Martin-Green's Burnham as far as character biography is concerned. In my opinion, Mulgrew was not seen on-screen in
Star Trek: Voyager as often as Martin-Green, even though I would say both had nearly the same screen runtime overall.
Janeway was a science nerd at the Academy. She had academic specialties across several fields. Burnham followed a similar academic path, spending her entire life in Vulcan schools and ending with the Vulcan Science Academy. Add the harsh discipline of logic atop that for Burnham.
Their character buildups are almost distinctive from their fellow series starship captains. Kirk and Pike are very similar, although Pike is more laid back. Both delegate practically all technical duties. Action is where they want to be.
It is kinda unfair comparing Archer hands on application. He led his crew into frontier when it was REALLY the frontier. He delegated out of pure necessity and never got inside anyone's space for situations he was not knowledgeable. Heck. Everything was brand new for everyone on that ship, regardless of their individual specialty. T'Pol needled other crewpeople occasional but she was the science officer so... lol.
Sisko may have been more hands off than anyone else. He delegated and sat back as Deep Space Nine Commander. He did much of the same as the captain of the Defiant. I think the showrunners built that box for the character due to the enormous responsibility he was mandated to uphold. Make sure to guard the Wormhole. Make sure to maintain stability of Bajor. Make sure to keep the peace with the Cardassians. Make sure to keep Starfleet's most outer command station ready for anything. Make sure to do all that and defend the Federation from The Dominion. Dude had a lot on his plate. Likewise, he needed a lot of help all the time.
Picard was the ultimate delegator. The tone Patrick Stewart set started in
Encounter at Farpoint and ended on his self-named series. He was a real manager of people and asked a lot of everyone around him constantly. He demanded the best out of all his crew, even from little Wesley Crusher.

Picard would assist others but that only usually happened during situations where the crew was stretched too thin.
I can see how too much of Burnham is a turn off. She is surrounded by qualified people 24/7. The show does emphasize their individual strengths and specialties, but her character was created to be Miss Know-It-All from day one. That characteristic was laid in
The Vulcan Hello episode and the series stuck with it.
It is all positive for me though. This is the final season. I'm soaking in as much Michael Burnham as I can before she is gone. Probably for good. sigh.
Those are the main fleet captains for me. I will defer to anyone else whoever the captain is on
Star Trek: Lower Decks. Never watched it. Have no plans to ever watch it. I know FAR more about kid captain-in-training Dal (
Star Trek: Prodigy) and even Liam Shaw (
Star Trek: Picard) than whomever that is.