Yes, I understand the space station was keeping everyone alive after the earth became uninhabitable. But most of the 100 who were sent to earth were in a prison within the space station due to violating some of their rules.
The only case I remember was a brother and sister. There was a rule that each couple was allowed to have only one child. So one couple had 2 and kept the girl hidden. They had a secret hatch in their floor where she hid during inspections, and she never left the family quarters. Somehow she was found out. The brother went to prison for hiding her, and I believe the mother was whooshed off into space where she immediately died. I can't remember what they called that. They had a chamber they made the person stand in, then opened the outer door while everyone else stood inside and watched.
Both the brother and sister came to earth, although I think only 1 of them was in prison. I can't remember if the other one snuck on or had some skill that would be needed on earth.