Officiating sucks and/or is fixed quit picking on Brittany thread

Whiskey Cowboy

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This is what everyone says they want but somehow always believe that things are never even on their side. Just human nature.
Eh, most humans are fickle creatures. I would just prefer to eliminate the possibility of some guy in striped shirt affecting the outcome of these games if at all possible. It happens to multiple teams every week and is getting worse. I can understand if it's safety related. The penalty on Micah was frustrating but I'm not too mad because it's a tough call in real time because there was contact to the head. The PI and holding penalties....ridiculous. If one team is getting away with mugging the receivers all day, so should the other. If a lineman has a DL in a headlock, sure, call holding. Stop picking and choosing the moments to throw a flag when minor holding happens Every. Single. Play. Just my .02


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This call was a bunch of BS

I thought it was a bogus call but he DID hit him in the head with his hand. Even though he was pulling back and obviously trying NOT to. Carr sold it BIG time crying about it and stretching his neck.


Rising Star
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I thought it was a bogus call but he DID hit him in the head with his hand. Even though he was pulling back and obviously trying NOT to. Carr sold it BIG time crying about it and stretching his neck.

He did but Carr was also out of the pocket so he was a runner at that point and doesn't get the same protection as if he was standing in the pocket. Plus it wasn't a hard hit to the head and they tweaked that rule.


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Its just human error all around. For anyone to think there is a conspiracy is laughable.

The one call that is the most miscalled is PI. I see PI all over the field on EVERYTHING. These CB's hold all game long and they call 10% of it.

I can accept human error as the stripes are human too. That said, I saw lots o calls they called on us that they didn't call on the Raiders. I see the Lions (who, you may notice I got a bit of a soft spot for) get screwed in insane ways. I really want to see them do well as well because their supporters really deserve it.


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a lot of back and forth to be honest...I was with my daughters but even I told some McCauley Kulken looking raider to sit his you know what down. In all it was friendly banter but even they knew there was some serious bad calls. They didn't celebrate that win like I thought they would. Dallas fans are dumb bro, they get loud when we're on offense smh. I even got on my girls for not one point I even told them "I thought I brought cowboys fans". Me beign from California I have a deep hate for the raiders and their fans, this makes me beyond sick.
:muttley: All and all sounds like it was a funny experience. Thanks for the details. Yeah, the fans are counterproductive sometimes.


1st Round Pick
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I was eating and engaging with family for most of the game so a lot I didn't see. I did see that call they made on the Raiders center for looking down then looking up when almost every center does that in shotgun formation for snap timing. Was that wrong by the officials?

They hammered Dallas early on with really big calls. Basically played offense for the Raiders on 3rd downs.

It was so unbalanced they started helping us out but the damage had already been done.

Refs got us good today but whatever. If they execute they win the game.

Whiskey Cowboy

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I was eating and engaging with family for most of the game so a lot I didn't see. I did see that call they made on the Raiders center for looking down then looking up when almost every center does that in shotgun formation for snap timing. Was that wrong by the officials?
Yes, it was.


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I thought it was a bogus call but he DID hit him in the head with his hand. Even though he was pulling back and obviously trying NOT to. Carr sold it BIG time crying about it and stretching his neck.

I have seen more teams trying to "sell" calls like in soccer and it seems to work. Dallas does not do it that much but a lot of the PIs or holds against us are called when the opponent is all dramatic about it. I hate this stuff but if other teams do it maybe we should as well. Look closely in the following games. A lot of holds get called when the DL is trying to sell the call. I don't see Parsons doing this by the way but maybe I missed it.

And the call was total BS by the way. Parsons would have to play with his hands tied behind his back to avoid contact with the QB in that situation.


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I have seen more teams trying to "sell" calls like in soccer and it seems to work. Dallas does not do it that much but a lot of the PIs or holds against us are called when the opponent is all dramatic about it. I hate this stuff but if other teams do it maybe we should as well. Look closely in the following games. A lot of holds get called when the DL is trying to sell the call. I don't see Parsons doing this by the way but maybe I missed it.

And the call was total BS by the way. Parsons would have to play with his hands tied behind his back to avoid contact with the QB in that situation.

Problem is, we'd get called if we tried to take a dive like that.


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What makes calls worse is calling one team for something and allowing the other team to do it the very next time they get the ball. How many choke holds does parsons get each game?

Agree. If they are going to call everything that looks like a hold then fine, but call it on both teams. This game was one of the most blatant that I have seen recently.


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Using the big board to call a penalty after the fact ONLY happens to Dallas. Did officiating cost us the game? NO...but it certainly does not help when a PI goes uncalled near the goal line. But my point is to those who still do not believe that there is a bias against this team, and reinforces my belief that officials have ZERO fear of ANY repercussion from NY when they do whatever the hell they want screwing us over....using the big board AFTER you missed a call is NOT ALLOWED...EVER...UNDER ANY people are both naive and crazy for not buying the bias.
There is a clear anti-Cowboys bias—I don’t care what anyone says.


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The Raiders had a lot of penalties too but NONE came at crucial times. Every time the Cowboys had a chance to turn the tide the yellow laundry hit the field. Every. Time.
I agree. This is exactly what I've noticed too! I swear Dallas woulda put up 40+ points if not for the many bad calls!


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The real reason the refs suck is because that's how the league wants it. Not just talking about today's game (which was one of the worst displays of officiating I can remember). I'm talking about around the league. The Lions are a team that get routinely shafted by the stripes too. All fans get upset at the stripes, but nothing seems to be done. Why? Because the league is rigged! Not just with us, but the entire league is rigged. Roll your eyes if you will, but it's true. It's been blatantly clear since SB 40 when the Steelers benefited from constant terrible calls against the Seahawks. Why play a clear game when you can rig the results how you wish and still get the money while making it seem the games are legit? Also, ask yourself this. What's the biggest source of revenue for the League? Television, correct? So, if the league earns most its money through that outlet and routinely relies on ratings to generate things like cap instead of fans at the stadium, then who is the league going to be more loyal to? The networks or the fans? I'd argue the networks because they need to appease the networks and their talking heads to continue receiving broadcast deals. Thus, the league bends to the wishes of the networks and, in doing so, rig the game to make it appear legit while appeasing the networks.

The league could fix the ref problem in an instant, but they won't. Why should they? It's just a tool to keep the games interesting and keep the outcomes the league wants.


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Man, that was rough.

I am not big on conspiracy theories and such, but dam, that game actually got me thinking "this game looks rigged".

Good news is we play the Saints next week and they usually get bent over by the refs also.


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Man, that was rough.

I am not big on conspiracy theories and such, but dam, that game actually got me thinking "this game looks rigged".

Good news is we play the Saints next week and they usually get bent over by the refs also.

It's amazing how many things derogatorily-labeled as "conspiracy theories" eventually turn out to be true.

As much as I'd like to believe the contrary, there is little doubt in my mind that key games are "managed" by officials to achieve optimal results for the League's corporate masters. When you think about the hundreds of millions of dollars hanging in the balance on these contests in terms of advertising, sponsorship and wagering revenue, it's totally absurd to think anyone directing those with potential control of outcomes would leave any of that to chance. My opinion.
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It's amazing how many things derogatorily-labeled as "conspiracy theories" eventually turn out to be true.

As much as I'd like to believe the contrary, there is little doubt in my mind that key games are "managed" by officials to achieve optimal results for the League's corporate masters. When you think about the hundreds of millions of dollars hanging in the balance on these contests in terms of advertising, sponsorship and wagering revenue, it's totally absurd to think anyone directing those with potential control of outcomes would leave any of that to chance.
Good point..............I really dont want to belive that is true, but I cannot dismiss the possibility that the NFL is just WWE 2.0


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Hahaha, nanana guys. If it would happen to another team, we would have a ref appreciation thread lol.

The Cowboys collapsed within one month and even though we did have some bad ref decisions (like any other team) along the way, this is 100% on the team and no one else. Yes, not even our opponents.