Officiating sucks and/or is fixed quit picking on Brittany thread


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Oh please. Blame the refs all you want but Dallas was PATHETIC TODAY and deserves to be MASSACRED by the media for the coming week. I expect players to be cut first thing in the morning. This team is GARBAGE.

There were plenty of bad calls. These pass interference calls can be called on 7 out of 10 pass plays. Sometimes they call them and sometimes they don't so refs do make an impact on the outcome.


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Oh look. An "L" and magically there are a ton of ref threads. Didn't see that coming.

I'm not on the bias wagon, but seeing 28 flags thrown is just insane for both teams. These guys bust their butts week-in and week-out and then play in a game where the officials are getting more facetime than the announcers. Who wants to watch that?


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I gotta admitt, I don't normally complain about refs but this was beyond a joke. There was so so so many missed calls againt the Raiders. This was ridiculous
What was the atmosphere like? What were the fans talking about? Who did you come away impressed by? Fill us in Bro.


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At least next week against the Saints we know they get rear ended pretty good as well.


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I gotta admitt, I don't normally complain about refs but this was beyond a joke. There was so so so many missed calls againt the Raiders. This was ridiculous
I’m sorry you had to witness that in real time. Get some therapy while you can. That game was nightmare fuel.


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I'm not on the bias wagon, but seeing 28 flags thrown is just insane for both teams. These guys bust their butts week-in and week-out and then play in a game where the officials are getting more facetime than the announcers. Who wants to watch that?

Why don't they clean up their game? Why is the rash of penalties the fault of the officials and not the players?


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I gotta admitt, I don't normally complain about refs but this was beyond a joke. There was so so so many missed calls againt the Raiders. This was ridiculous
There was many bad calls in both sides. And if the awful call against the Raiders at the 2:00 minute warning doesn’t happen with center bobbing his head before snap which is legal they would have had 1st down and ran out the clock in regulation before kicking winning FG.


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Why don't they clean up their game? Why is the rash of penalties the fault of the officials and not the players?

The players do have some responsibility, but depending on how nitpicky you want to get, you could throw a flag on every down.


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28 penalties for nearly 300 yards combined. Win or lose this was a horribly officiated game and would've looked much different if the zebras let the players do their job....which is to play football.

If they "let 'em play" then there'd be threads about how the refs let calls against Dallas slide. Reffing sucks in general. You're just not going to get 7 refs to accurately officiate 11 different matchups while watching the ball, 2 feet down, forward momentum, etc. at the same time.


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I have never been so furious as I have been at the officials today. I won’t go into them all there were so many blatantly bad calls against Dallas. In today’s NFL almost ALL games are one or two great/ or bad plays here or there that win or lose a game. The officials absolutely GAVE those plays to the Raiders…especially the HORRIBLE LONG pass interference calls against the Cowboys….horrible, horrible at least on two of those plays (all four IMO).PLUS the obvious fumble that was overturned…even my SAINTS fan son in law COULD NOT BELIEVE they overturned that. The Cowboys bias HAS TO BE looked into. This is not the first game this has happened.


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I wonder about this stuff to a degree. Go to far one way and you’re naive. Too far the other way, and you’re paranoid.

But I do think the NFL likes division races to be tight. It’s bad for divisions to be wrapped up halfway through the season.


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More than any other sport. If the league wants two teams in the bowl, those two teams will get there. And it can be blatant, and there’s nothing no one can do about it. People are still gonna watch.

Exactly, and it lines the network pockets that way. Why else do the Lions get screwed the way they do? SAS always likes to rag on us and say doom on us and then, magically, the stripes go worse and we wind up bounced no matter what we do, then he gets to laugh while his show, which gets high income to ESPN and Disney, gets more ratings. Despite the mirage o "parity" the league claims, you won't see a Lions and Browns SB as an example. Why? No money to be made there. Think they really care about Rodgers with the offseason? I don't think so. Just a way to get more drama, then some how magically he gets his usual calls while getting more spots to State farm. You're either on Goodell's good side or you get the screw. Jerry and Goodell don't like each other, so.....


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Thats where I am also.
I don't care about losses. I expect them. I don't get upset over a team getting beat.
But when the officiating ruins the enjoyment of my favorite sport I do get upset.
My son and I watch every game. I raised him to love this game and I would love to have him and I watch many many more games in the future.
When the game cheapens itself it is a problem.

I agree and in the 2nd Quarter first I ever turned a game off and this one I did. The game mainly because of the flags made me want to punch these refs in the face.


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Will probably draw tony correnti next week. He’s a peach too

Oh yeah, and then again in the 1st round. Manage to get past that? then we get this crew again.

I wonder about this stuff to a degree. Go to far one way and you’re naive. Too far the other way, and you’re paranoid.

But I do think the NFL likes division races to be tight. It’s bad for divisions to be wrapped up halfway through the season.

Especially us. You watch, they'll start flexing our games to try to draw ratings, so, they couldn't allow us to get too ahead, especially with 4 games in our division to go. Those will get flexed I reckon. They want things "interesting". Not to us, but just to get more ratings.


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I was there, too. Sure was great being able to take that familiar walk of shame through our own stadium as opposing fans jeered me. During the game, when Raiders fans weren't cheering, fellow fans were going just as ballistic as I was over the awful officiating. Amazing to think that, as bad as we were, as bad as the officials were, we somehow ended up 30-30 in OT. A better team, even slightly could have turned this nightmare into a classic. As it is, it's just another heartbreak that shouldn't hit me as hard as it did.


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Oh look. An "L" and magically there are a ton of ref threads. Didn't see that coming.

So Marcus was that roughing the passer call correct? Yes or no will do.

Was that no-call on the sack where Dak was tackled at his legs in the pocket (which is roughing the passer by rule - can't hit a quarterback in the head or legs in the pocket, sissy rules but as you would say rules just the same. So again did the refs miss that? Yes or no will do.

Was that no-call when Pollard or Elliott was hit of bounds and had given their body up beforehand in the fourth quarter missed by the referees? Yes or no will do.

Letting people spank you in the *** over and over doesn't make you more of a man. It just makes your *** sorer. Or it just makes you a Cowboy hating troll. Which one are you - a guy with a really really really sore *** by now or a Cowboy hating troll. Just asking out of genuine curiosity.


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The Raiders were called for 14 penalties. How many more did we need?

LOL...........this guy was in the nose bleads, drunk on beer and he saw every player all over the field and everything the refs missed. :lmao2::lmao2::lmao::lmao::lmao: