Olbermann to work football pre-game show for NBC

Hostile;1459298 said:
I can't defend or condemn either guy. Their politics mean less to me than something I might step in out in the pasture.



They both want your vote and money. Neither care to fix anything. Never have. Never will. A lot of talk.

I just want to comment on your last statement.

Left or right, both want to fix things. They just want to fix things their way. If given free reign The Left would allow unqualified abortion without parental consent, guns would be banned and we would all be riding bikes to work.

The right would ban abortion, give broader powers to the State, reduce taxes and cut spending.

But what happens is that when they finally get to Washington, the realization that they need each other sets in because they start to "Compromise".

The country has lost it's identity.

Instead of cutting spending and taxes, we cut the taxes but increased spending.

While I am a member of the Republican party and a staunch supporter of President Bush and think overall he has done a very good job, I do not walk in lockstep with all of his policies.

The truth is, I would prefer a very conservative President with the house and Senate to match. Because then we could get something done. At least from my perspective.

It's not that no one WANTS to get anything done, just that it's very difficult with a divided Government.
I don't think I've ever seen a more wrong, grossly oversimplified description of American politics in my life. Ok, maybe I have but I'm prone to hyperbole.
Cajuncowboy;1459321 said:
I just want to comment on your last statement.

Left or right, both want to fix things. They just want to fix things their way. If given free reign The Left would allow unqualified abortion without parental consent, guns would be banned and we would all be riding bikes to work.

The right would ban abortion, give broader powers to the State, reduce taxes and cut spending.

But what happens is that when they finally get to Washington, the realization that they need each other sets in because they start to "Compromise".

The country has lost it's identity.

Instead of cutting spending and taxes, we cut the taxes but increased spending.

While I am a member of the Republican party and a staunch supporter of President Bush and think overall he has done a very good job, I do not walk in lockstep with all of his policies.

The truth is, I would prefer a very conservative President with the house and Senate to match. Because then we could get something done. At least from my perspective.

It's not that no one WANTS to get anything done, just that it's very difficult with a divided Government.
Just responding to the statement in bold. I don't believe that at all. I think if things were fixed they'd feel un-needed. Nothing ever gets fixed. The same topics guide every election.

Politicians should be paid on commission for actual things they accomplish. Our taxes would all be a lot lower.

Poli...a prefix meaning many.

Tics...blood sucking parasites.
Hostile;1459327 said:
Just responding to the statement in bold. I don't believe that at all. I think if things were fixed they'd feel un-needed. Nothing ever gets fixed. The same topics guide every election.

Politicians should be paid on commission for actual things they accomplish. Our taxes would all be a lot lower.

Poli...a prefix meaning many.

Tics...blood sucking parasites.

And yet without politics, our nation would cease to exist

Rag on politics all you want, but without them Earth would be nothing more than a desolate crater right now
theogt;1459326 said:
I don't think I've ever seen a more wrong, grossly oversimplified description of American politics in my life. Ok, maybe I have but I'm prone to hyperbole.

If you are responding to me it's right on the button.

If you have something to prove anything I said was wrong let's see it other than just saying "you're wrong". That is the typical trash talking political statement that runs rampant now in politics.

Give us some substance over symbolism.
The only time I would watch that left wing moron is if he slit his wrists on national TV. And then just till he blead out and I was sure he was dead.
CliffnMesquite;1459353 said:
The only time I would watch that left wing moron is if he slit his wrists on national TV. And then just till he blead out and I was sure he was dead.


Olbermann's a vile human being, who panders to the lowest common denominator of the American left. For me, it is impossible to separate his politics from his presence on an NFL broadcast. If he's on, I won't be watching, just as I turn the dial when he's on Dan Patrick.
Cajuncowboy;1459352 said:
If you are responding to me it's right on the button.

If you have something to prove anything I said was wrong let's see it other than just saying "you're wrong". That is the typical trash talking political statement that runs rampant now in politics.

Give us some substance over symbolism.
If I responded substantively, this thread would get locked quick, fast, and in a hurry.

Just stating my opinion is sufficient in this context, I believe.
theogt;1459373 said:
If I responded substantively, this thread would get locked quick, fast, and in a hurry.

Just stating my opinion is sufficient in this context, I believe.

So you are unable to do so in a manner in which it would keep the thread open?

That says a lot about your position right there.
theogt;1459326 said:
I don't think I've ever seen a more wrong, grossly oversimplified description of American politics in my life. Ok, maybe I have but I'm prone to hyperbole.

I don't mean to speak for CajunCowboy, but there is much validity in what he says if we break down both ends of the spectrum into their respective core constituencies - i.e. the rabid ideologues who are the primary drivers in both parties, the people on whom politicians rely to rally support. On the Left, the core constituency tends to be completely anti-second amendment and pro-abortion under any circumstance.

Don't misunderstand me. I'm not absolving the Right, which has its own group of whackjobs - those who spend as if the national debt were merely a theory.
What a coincidence, I was talking with a guest here at the hotel just last week, and said that Olbermann would be perfect for Monday Night Football... I figured hire him, then hire Rush, and you'd have the loudmouth, pompous blowhard that everybody loves to hate (Howard Cosell), and the smart*** who bursts the loudmouth's bubble from time to time (Don Meredith)...

It's a formula that worked once before... all we need is THE perfect announcer, this era's Frank Gifford...

Olbermann was always my favorite anchor on SportsCenter, that dude is seriously funny...

"If you're scoring at home, or even if you're alone"...

"He pulled a groin; his own, we hope"... :D
silverbear;1459419 said:
If nothing else, right wingers hate him... that in itself is a kind of recommendation... :D

We don't hate him, I can't hate anyone who is willing to do a job that 99.9% of the population is far too scared and mentally weak to handle
theogt;1459212 said:
I disagree with them all and think they're all boobs. I'm neither liberal nor conservative.


The notion that "Our pompous windbag is better suited for football than your pompous windbag" just makes no sense. At least one has a background starting in sports. It won't make him any less a windbag, and I dread the first time he, TIki and Costas are called on to discuss the cultural signifigance of some "disgusting act" that occurred on the football field, but besides that I don't see anything wrong with him getting the job.

Then again, I've never seen him on his TV show (which seems irrelevent since he'll be doing sports, not politics) so what do I know? I get all my news from the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. I don't suffer pompous windbags, from any political party.

Brendan Shanahan says that Olberman delivers. (maybe too obscure...not many recognize hockey as a sport, or the positions they play.)
You guys want to talk about him as a possible sports anchor...go for it.


This is NOT going to go on any further or it will be locked...and no I am not afraid of that big abrasive bully Hos.:D