Guys, I'm really anxious about tomorrow's game. My wife is a big time Vikings fan. Literally, we had a tough start to the relationship because of the Hershall Walker trade. It is a subject that is not brought up if I'm smart. That and the Hail Mary.
We have been to cowboys/Vikings games together, but it was during our downtime. I had no expectations of winning and Vikings won.
We have promised to be civil and try to watch the game together. Should be a fun night and I can guarantee you the brew will be flowing. We both have Friday off.
I don't think Cowboys have beaten them in Minny since the Monday night game Emmitt went off and broke his hand before the half. Really hoping for a win!
As long as we don't give them ST scores or turnovers for 6, I think we will be fine.
Drink a few for me tomorrow night. Win or lose, I'm gonna need some help!
@Bill Wooten amazing video. Pure rock and roll, the video had a very indy-rock vibe to it. Lead guitarist is a stud and the bassist is a babe.
Reminds me a bit of Queens of the Stone Age and Tame Impala
Let me know if you're still up.
Still here, Bill. You here? Gonna listen to the vid you posted
Still hanging for a bit. After midnight on the East coast. Gotta crash soon. Isbell depressing as hell, but a damn good musician.
I'm here with you, you leave when you need to, Pal. Will listen to all of these. Thank you, my brother.
I'm off to bed, man. Check out his Southeastern release. Every song on that is awesome.
Have a great night. Sorry **** got you worked up on the board today. You da man!
I saw king of New York. It was good oneDid you see King of New York and At Close Range ? 2 of Walkens best moivies--not best known but best guy movies--they rule.
lol. Thats because its true. Double the alcohol and add 4 spoons of (brown) suger...and it is ģourmet healthy.That's what I keep telling myself. Lol