Olive Garden’s unlimited Soup & Salad

Olive Garden is awesome, Mike! No one ever says it's the best/most authentic Italian food, yet there's always some dork that comes along to tell everyone so.

My only problem with Olive Garden is their small menu :muttley:

You mean lack of choices or the physical size of the menu?
Choices, Mr. Winicki.

Their menus are quite ergonomic, no complaints there :)

A rough rule of thumb is the fewer the choices the better the food.


It's easier for the kitchen to coordinate the dishes to come out at the same time– And the chances are the meals are going to taste better. The kitchen with fewer menu choices is more efficient in how they make their meals. They're making fewer meal choices more often as opposed to more meal choices less often, which leads to greater competency in making the meals.

Fewer choices on the menu means easier inventorying, which means less likelihood of having to use some a little past its prime in order to get rid of it.
Hey Bish, always remember this, it's NOT how big one is that matters, it' how big one can eat that matters.
@JohnnyTheFox @aria @Trouty @LocimusPrime

have you guys seen this woman or similar? There's apparently a big thing where people pay to watch someone else eat
Any of ya'll "unlimited food" enthusiasts ever in or near Pennsylvania it is imperative that you visit the Shady Maple Smorgasbord. Give it a google if you've never heard of it.

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