On a scale of 1-10, how upset are you about the Tapper and Jaylon Smith picks?

I'm probably in the minority but I was excited by the Jaylon pick and disappointed by the Zeke pick. I was hoping they'd go defense in the first round, but I'm certainly rooting for Elliott to prove me wrong.
I hate the fact Tapper is injured but he had no control over that.
Jaylon Smith was clearly a risk for a very talented young player I can't say I would have taken that risk if it were my call to make but should he make a full recovery as his doctor feels he will then he could help this defense a lot over the next few years.
Both of them have that quick twitch and some suddenness to them. And I don't mean to sound trite but when I say suddenness those players can really go and get after that football.
Tapper was taken late so not upset at all. Jaylon...maybe a little. The club really needed defensive help this year. Maybe Smith will be great..but its a long shot. Too risky with the 2nd and l am sure the club could have had him later in the draft.
The Smith pick was sacrificed to Jerry Jones' ego. I so very much hope I'm wrong, but I don't think we're safe to assume he plays again.

At the very least, he would have been there in the 3rd or 4th round and was massive, massive, massive reach.

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