You objected to me using "exaggerated" if I don't know what it means..... but it's in the definition. "Literally".
I admitted you MIGHT know!'s right I have to show it? I showed you that you might you ADMIITED exaggeration! You'll find a way to obfuscate it....a real pro!
...but I still can't find the post you deleted.
"rocyaice said:
Ok so what quarterback and offensive line did Pollard have? Because I don't recall him struggling or underperforming in the time he had out there......"
I say AGAIN....if it's still here...I do sincerely apologize. I have looked, and looked........I can't find it. the author...could find it EASILY. But you keep refusing.
I totally understand an accusation must be proven by the accuser. I have admitted my failure to find it. If you don't want to show me you did not delete it....fine. But if you CAN show me it's still here! HOLY MOLEY! I'm an idot!
And it still doesn't absolve you from sayiong "the team struggled" and "Pollard didn't". that makes no sense to me.
I concur....hard to figure out all this that we agree.