One Too May Negative Cowboy Fans Out There

Hostile;2770623 said:
I love the constant dart games between optimists and pessimists. Always good for some laughs.

Hey, don't leave out us realists!
Bach;2770626 said:
Hey, don't leave out us realists!
I get to be a realist? Thank you Bach. Is there a secret handshake I need to learn in this club?

Doomsay;2770622 said:
It's hard for me to understand how anybody can be supportive of a fundamentally flawed GM/owner paradigm that has demonstrated it's inadequacies consistently over a 13-year period except for a notable interregnum during the Parcells years. This GM's x-Jimmy or Bill, piecemeal, self aggrandizing approach to football or "Broadway" as he lables it, is infantile and and has never worked in the modern NFL.

Yesmnen coaching staffs without true authority cobbled together by a non-football GM will never succeed as a unit. Now we have done a complete strategic 180 in about 4 months. Cutting malcontent starters /subs that we signed or resigned within just the past year or two, killing an inexcusable ammount of cap-space in the process. we have also gone cheap and deep into the cellar of FA and the draft to select journeymen that will play nice (I know some have some upside).

This strategic whipsawing along with the decade long record of this buffon in charge is hardly anything to support, and being critical of it doesn't make anybody a disloyal fan. The Cowboys existed before Jerry and they be around after he's gone, he aint the team by a longshot.

Then why support the team? I understand what you are saying but if you don't care for the owner, the coaches the players then what exactly are you pulling for? As for he is not the team he is the owner he is not going anywhere he is not selling the team it is his team
Doomsday101;2770628 said:
Then why support the team? I understand what you are saying but if you don't care for the owner, the coaches the players then what exactly are you pulling for?

The laundry.

The franchise and its history is eternal. These personalities you are devoting your time and energy pulling for are secondary to that and always will be.

Answer this question: if Jerry Jones, the coaching staff and every player on this team became the Los Angeles Cowboys, would you switch allegiances tomorrow?
Alexander;2770572 said:
Basically, yes according to some people.

Nobody that posts here hates the team. That's idiotic. They might hate the circumstances or the situation, but nobody hates the team outside of trolls. Nor should they be required to throw their undying support at those who aren't achieving. Yes, we are a spoiled spoiled bunch. Big deal. My answer to that is go be a Bengals fan and keep your low standards.

bravo. A voice of reason
Alexander;2770633 said:
The laundry.

The franchise and its history is eternal. These personalities you are devoting your time and energy pulling for are secondary to that and always will be.

And the past is past, you can keep living in it all you want. I have been a fan since 1965 and I love the history of the team and have seen the ups and downs of this franchise and will continue to do so I don't look at this team and try and compare it to any other team we have had. I have nothing against a person with constructive criticism no one is beyond it but he sucks is not a constructive criticism. I’m not question yours or anyone else loyalty I’m just trying to understand how you or anyone could pull for a team that you dislike from top to bottom
Alexander;2770591 said:
Anyone who has been a fan of this team through three or four decades simply can't be a blind homer if they appreciate any of the successes we enjoyed from the 1960s-1990s. That's where the standard (okay, being spoiled if you want to get nasty about it) comes from.

For some newer fans, it is clear the dog days of Campo are dismissed too easily, while the strides back to respectability we made under Parcells are met with too little appreciation. The 5-11 era should be one of shame, not a reason to look at 9-7 now and be appreciative or treasure a 13-3 one and done like we had in 2007. Teams like Dallas, Oakland, Pittsburgh and Miami all have rich histories and traditions that any long-time fan appreciates. That's why I get a kick out of those that scream bandwagon if they feel a negative fan right now would hop back on board if we suddenly won a Super Bowl. Fact is, that person was probably on board well before they were and never left.

I wholeheartedly agree. Especially about the Parcells' years being underappreciated.

I will say that I can appreciate a 5-11 team that has minimal talent a lot more than a team loaded with talent (as in 2008) that goes into the playoffs and plays dead.

That is the Wade Phillips effect. Talent with low performance. Try as he may, there is just something in Wade that says to the team, "We're OK. Let's just do the best we can," and leaves it at that.
Jimma, on the other hand, would say "You are paid better than 90% of the population. You'd better perform and perform well because you can be cut, you can sit the bench, you can just leave to Cleveland if you don't!"

That is the basic difference difference between the two.
Lose a game and joke around on the team flight? No way under Jimma.

And a 5-11 team with heart is better than a 9-7 team that believes its press clippings and then lies down and dies in the playoffs.

Doomsday101;2770628 said:
Then why support the team? I understand what you are saying but if you don't care for the owner, the coaches the players then what exactly are you pulling for? As for he is not the team he is the owner he is not going anywhere he is not selling the team it is his team

Jerry does not equal team. I will always support this team. Right now the best thing for this team IMO would be Jerry getting forced into another face-saving surrender of power to a real coach. This squandering of talent this time around is far more painful than his basement chemistry set experiments in the late 90's with an aging team on it's last legs. If Jerry had followed up Bill's departure by hiring a decent coach with a normal level of autonomy and authority, I have no doubt that we could have won multiple playoff games over the past 2 years. That to me is inexcusable, and I don't feel much like supporting the moron that authored it (again).

On the other hand, I don't call fans that support Jerry's control of this team non-fans, I just don't agree with them on that point.
Doomsay;2770655 said:
Jerry does not equal team. I will always support this team. Right now the best thing for this team IMO would be Jerry getting forced into another face-saving surrender of power to a real coach. This squandering of talent this time around is far more painful than his basement chemistry set experiments in the late 90's with an aging team on it's last legs. If Jerry had followed up Bill's departure by hiring a decent coach with a normal level of autonomy and authority, I have no doubt that we could have won multiple playoff games over the past 2 years. That to me is inexcusable, and I don't feel much like supporting the moron that authored it (again).

On the other hand, I don't call fans that support Jerry's control of this team non-fans, I just don't agree with them on that point.

I disagree that Wade is a bad coach and that he has no power. That is your opinion not a fact. I liked BP but we had the same issues with dumb penalties bring in players like Eddie George please many around here thought that was stupid. In the end BP did do a lot of good things and I see some good things that Wade has brought but like BP we are not there yet. BP was given time to do the job I think Wade deserves as much.
Doomsay;2770655 said:
This squandering of talent this time around is far more painful than his basement chemistry set experiments in the late 90's with an aging team on it's last legs. If Jerry had followed up Bill's departure by hiring a decent coach with a normal level of autonomy and authority, I have no doubt that we could have won multiple playoff games over the past 2 years. That to me is inexcusable, and I don't feel much like supporting the moron that authored it (again).

On the other hand, I don't call fans that support Jerry's control of this team non-fans, I just don't agree with them on that point.

Well done. Could not have said it better: "Squandering of talent this time around."
Doomsday101;2770648 said:
I have nothing against a person with constructive criticism no one is beyond it but he sucks is not a constructive criticism. I’m not question yours or anyone else loyalty I’m just trying to understand how you or anyone could pull for a team that you dislike from top to bottom

And not a single person who is labelled negative like you are attempting here hates the team from "top to bottom". If so, please point them out. Until then the broad brush you are using is no less extreme than the one you keep accusing others of using when you believe they think everything "sucks".
Alexander;2770671 said:
And not a single person who is labelled negative like you are attempting here hates the team from "top to bottom". If so, please point them out. Until then the broad brush you are using is no less extreme than the one you keep accusing others of using when you believe they think everything "sucks".

I did not use the word hate, again you seem to assume a lot I asked a question you gave an answer. There are some who do not seem to like much of anything about the team so I asked why or how could you support a team that you don’t seem to like much about. Personally I don’t care if people watch Dallas or not that is their own choice.
Alexander;2770674 said:
I loathed Bum Bright. He wasn't the team either.
I feel he is more responsible for Landry's final years being dismal than any other reason. He simply would not spend the money it took to keep the team competitive any more.
Doomsday101;2770659 said:
I disagree that Wade is a bad coach and that he has no power. That is your opinion not a fact. I liked BP but we had the same issues with dumb penalties bring in players like Eddie George please many around here thought that was stupid. In the end BP did do a lot of good things and I see some good things that Wade has brought but like BP we are not there yet. BP was given time to do the job I think Wade deserves as much.

Two factual responses:

BP is a ballbuster that converted this team from one of the absolute worst organizations in the NFL into a playoff contender in a nano-second. Bill has a long and established history of turning teams around and is a shoe-in HOF candidate for that reason and his playoff/Superbowl success.

Wade, in his own words "doesn't expect any more of his players than they expect of themselves". Wade's teams have always deteriorated and Wade has lost every playoff game he's coached. Wade will not be enshrined in Canton.

Opinions: I didn't like BP as a gameday coach, but his contributuion in turning this team around pricipally by wresting this team from Jerry's unprofessional grips is undenyable.

I have not been inside the Dallas locker room or in closed sessions, but on every occasion that I have seen Wade (principally press conferences and hard knocks, or actions like taking responsibility for TO's unsportsmanlike penalties -what a joke), he has been a consilatory goofy and unauthoritative figure. Couple that with what players have said about him, it's hard for me to imagine anybody being that different behind the scenes than he is in public. I'd take the odds anyday that the Wade you see is the Wade you get.
Hostile;2770699 said:
I feel he is more responsible for Landry's final years being dismal than any other reason. He simply would not spend the money it took to keep the team competitive any more.

Seemed like his Landry hatred exceeded his interest in the team.
Doomsay;2770703 said:
Two factual responses:

BP is a ballbuster that converted this team from one of the absolute worst organizations in the NFL into a playoff contender in a nano-second. Bill has a long and established history of turning teams around and is a shoe-in HOF candidate for that reason and his playoff/Superbowl success.

Wade, in his own words "doesn't expect any more of his players than they expect of themselves". Wade's teams have always deteriorated and Wade has lost every playoff game he's coached. Wade will not be enshrined in Canton.

Opinions: I didn't like BP as a gameday coach, but his contributuion in turning this team around pricipally by wresting this team from Jerry's unprofessional grips is undenyable.

I have not been inside the Dallas locker room or in closed sessions, but on every occasion that I have seen Wade (principally press conferences and hard knocks, or actions like taking responsibility for TO's unsportsmanlike penalties -what a joke), he has been a consilatory goofy and unauthoritative figure. Couple that with what players have said about him, it's hard for me to imagine anybody being that different behind the scenes than he is in public. I'd take the odds anyday that the Wade you see is the Wade you get.

I agree with this.
Doomsay;2770703 said:
Two factual responses:

BP is a ballbuster that converted this team from one of the absolute worst organizations in the NFL into a playoff contender in a nano-second. Bill has a long and established history of turning teams around and is a shoe-in HOF candidate for that reason and his playoff/Superbowl success.

Wade, in his own words "doesn't expect any more of his players than they expect of themselves". Wade's teams have always deteriorated and Wade has lost every playoff game he's coached. Wade will not be enshrined in Canton.

Opinions: I didn't like BP as a gameday coach, but his contributuion in turning this team around pricipally by wresting this team from Jerry's unprofessional grips is undenyable.

I have not been inside the Dallas locker room or in closed sessions, but on every occasion that I have seen Wade (principally press conferences and hard knocks, or actions like taking responsibility for TO's unsportsmanlike penalties -what a joke), he has been a consilatory goofy and unauthoritative figure. Couple that with what players have said about him, it's hard for me to imagine anybody being that different behind the scenes than he is in public. I'd take the odds anyday that the Wade you see is the Wade you get.

And Wade is not BP but BP style did not lead to less penalties than what we see now or costly mistakes. I have nothing aginst BP but we did not win a playoff game under him all I have said with Wade is he deserves as much of a chance as you would give any HC. As for wrestling the team from Jerry? Please BP did not wrestling anything away for Jerry. Jones was just as involved with BP here as he is with Wade.
Doomsday101;2768525 said:
Wouldn't a realist wait and see what Austin brings to the table before assuming the worst? I admit I'm a hardcore Cowboys fan I do understand the question marks that face the team and the challenge they have to overcome them but even you said "show me" I just on the side of the players that they can, if I'm wrong the season will be long if the player show they can raise to the challenge then the season is looking good. I don't mind siding with the Cowboys after all they are my team and the word fan comes from the latin word fanatic

A fan, aficionado, or supporter is someone who has an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking and enthusiasm for a sporting club.

But I'm not blind to the challenge of this team

The part that has me a bit concerned is that we saw what Austin brings to the table. Truth is., if he was the all-pro some on this forum have made him out to be, he would have unseated Crayton...or at the least, Hurd! The fact that there was one team who even flirted with signing him is a little telling too. Not saying he won't be productive - he may. i am just not sold at what he has "broought to the table" as a WR...KR, yes but not WR.
Doomsday101;2770726 said:
And Wade is not BP but BP style did not lead to less penalties than what we see now or costly mistakes. I have nothing aginst BP but we did not win a playoff game under him all I have said with Wade is he deserves as much of a chance as you would give any HC.

Wade has already has his chance at head coach - it didn't work out really well and the league (other than Jerry) decided that he was a decent DC, but not HC material. I would be highly surprised if Wade ever gets another HC job. He didn't deserve it in the first place, and after looking at what Jerry did this offseason, please don't mention the "C" word again.

As for wrestling the team from Jerry? Please BP did not wrestling anything away for Jerry. Jones was just as involved with BP here as he is with Wade.

You are calling that a "Fact" too? :)

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