Opinion: Looking like we'll have Scandrick

We could certainly use him. Guy is our best secondary player, maybe the best player on the defense... sadly.
The policies aren't the issue I'm raising. I'm talking about the retroactive nature that is being discussed. A lot of people are making the assumption that a policy change on tuesday means rules that were broken on monday are forgiven. I'm not sure that would be the case.

Especially since part of the policy change supposedly includes a lowering of the number you need to hit to "test positive" for weed. What about others that have been suspended in the past and lost game checks?

The union's stance is that it does not make sense to punish people under an old policy when a new policy is in place for the current league year.

I honestly think the union has this right - the motivation to finally get a deal done here reflects an acknowledgement that the previous policy is not working as intended. The league and union didn't really realize that they were going to catch a bunch of people who were partying with the PED policy. Players can do all the recreational drugs they want at the conclusion of the season to 4/20 (yes, they league does start testing again on 4/20 - someone had a sense of humor) so they don't want an overlap between drugs of abuse like meth and PEDs. The other issue is the limit for testing positive for marijuana - the limit is now so low that a player actually can test positive if exposed to second hand smoke (who knows if Gordon was telling the truth) - other sports have limits 3-7 times higher. There are aspects of the policy that are broken - it may have taken some high profile cases to motivate the sides from coming together but that doesn't mean they can't make things right
That's what I meant. I don't see how you could retroactively lower one suspension and not raise another.

Because it is all arbitrary nonsense that becomes binding through federal law because it is a collective bargained labor contract.

They can do it because they agree to do it.
I still detest the prospects of real human justice always pending upon a specialized case that determines value and precedent in the same stroke.
Scandrick and Welker would likely have to be placed in Stage 1 of the drug abuse program - despite testing positive during the off-season when there is no drug abuse (only ped) testing. Gordon's case is sorta silly. His "B" sample was below the limit. Had that been the "A" sample, he'd not have been suspended. The threshold is already way lower than several other sports

I saw an article this morning that one of the things the NFL is looking to add is mandatory suspensions for DWI so even if Gordon gets his substance-abuse suspension reversed he could still end up suspended for the DWI
Drug-policy negotiations ongoing between NFL and players’ union

Negotiations between the NFL and the players’ union regarding potential changes to the sport’s drug policies were ongoing as of early Saturday night, according to multiple people familiar with the deliberations.

No deal was likely to be completed and ratified in time for the suspensions of any players to be lifted for Sunday’s slate of games, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the discussions remained at a sensitive stage. But an agreement, they added, remained within reach if the two sides could work out a few final details.

It appeared the major remaining obstacle to a deal was the league’s desire to increase penalties for driving under the influence. The NFL is seeking a two-game suspension for a player convicted of DUI, according to people with knowledge of the negotiations. The penalties apparently would apply to other NFL personnel as well. Profootballtalk reported the league also is seeking to have a player arrested for DUI subject to a one-game de-activation with pay, before the legal process plays out.


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