No offense to our "lawer" professional poster here but honestly wearing a suit to a regular professional job isn't buying you anything. As a matter of fact If you aren't interviewing for a director or high end manager position, I wouldn't ever bother with wearing a suit. Most of the folks I interview for our jobs come in nice slacks/belt/ls-shirt and nice tie. That's really all we are looking for.
We aren't hiring for GQ magazine and I don't put much into appearance as long as you look presentable and professional. I might actually look at you a bit odd if you come in wearing some 3 piece get up for some 80k/ programmer job we have open.
Keep in mind I am looking at this from a pure IT industry stand point. Im no cigar smoking smart phone droppin wannabe doctor or attorney.
I also look at it this way. If I hire you and you aren't wearing a suit on most days, Im wondering why on earth you interviewed in one to begin with, when your obvious working attire is shirt/slacks and tie.
Keep it basic and don't waste your money.
BTW: I have about 8 suits so it's not like I never wear suits. Im just more practicle than most and nobdy and I mean NOBODY in government wears suits unless they are the big high-ups like Commisioners/Directors/Section Chiefs/Regional types.