Opinion on an interview suit.

Yeagermeister;3767861 said:
I agree. If I were doing the hiring I'd be looking at the persons qualifications not if he or she were wearing the correct color of shoes.

unfortunately, most people know if they would hire someone 30 seconds into the interview.

When I hired my secretary almost 6 years ago, I knew 30 seconds in I could hire her as long as she didn't blow the interview. The other three I interviewed pretty much had no chance.

I still remember what my secretary was wearing, white turtleneck sweater, coat, black pants and boots. Those things stand out for many people.
Anjinsan;3767864 said:
I've interviewed hundreds of prospective employees and not once did what they wore make a difference. It's all about their experience and how well they handle themselves during the interview. You should be a little more respective of others opinions as there is no set rules on 2-button vs 3-button, etc.
You don't take dress into account. Other people do; many other people do, in fact. I guess it's up to the interviewee to take the risk as to which type of person the interviewer is. Of course, they can simply eliminate that risk by following the rules of interview dress code.

Yeagermeister;3767861 said:
I agree. If I were doing the hiring I'd be looking at the persons qualifications not if he or she were wearing the correct color of shoes.
I interview dozens of people every year. They're all qualified. They all have excellent resumes. This is because they're all pre-screened pretty heavily before they reach the point of coming in for interviews. At that point, their qualifications aren't what you're looking at.
theogt;3768024 said:
I interview dozens of people every year. They're all qualified. They all have excellent resumes. This is because they're all pre-screened pretty heavily before they reach the point of coming in for interviews. At that point, their qualifications aren't what you're looking at.


You're hired.
theogt;3768024 said:
You don't take dress into account. Other people do; many other people do, in fact. I guess it's up to the interviewee to take the risk as to which type of person the interviewer is. Of course, they can simply eliminate that risk by following the rules of interview dress code.

I interview dozens of people every year. They're all qualified. They all have excellent resumes. This is because they're all pre-screened pretty heavily before they reach the point of coming in for interviews. At that point, their qualifications aren't what you're looking at.

If everyone is equally qualified I'd go by personality not if they have on the correct color of shoes.....according to you. lol
Yeagermeister;3768085 said:
If everyone is equally qualified I'd go by personality not if they have on the correct color of shoes.....according to you. lol
If you can't dress right for an interview, I'm certainly not putting you in front of a client.
SaltwaterServr;3766789 said:
What's folk's opinion on an interview suit? Is it a bit much to go with a three button like this one:

http://www.menswearhouse.com/webapp...49407_-1_10558_BLACK SOLID_10051_?cm_vc=40159

or stay with a more traditional two button front, lower lapel?

I've found a few really nice vested suits for under $500, but I'd look like the dweeb in Iron Man 2 wearing one. I've been advised by a HR person in a massive insurance firm to buy at least two in case your second interview ends up with someone who you might have run into during the first. He said it doesn't happen often at all, but it's kind of a running joke that they'll find a good employee coming out of college with nothing but a diploma, loan debt, and the suit they interviewed in.

Nice suit. I actually have that same suit in olive.

Also check the link...some advice from MW on your topic.

Yeagermeister;3768160 said:
Dress right according to you
This isn't fashion. There isn't some gray area where we can all express our individuality and tell each other you look great because that's how you want to look. These are very, very basic and unanimously accepted rules of dress in the corporate world. Anyone that doesn't recognize this simply doesn't operate in that world. There's nothing wrong with that. Personally, I think the rules are stupid and wish they didn't exist. But they are the rules. Not my rules. The rules.

Ever watch American Psycho? There's a kernel of truth in that.
theogt;3767282 said:
1. Do NOT get a black suit. Men do not wear black suits unless it's a funeral or the like. Get a navy or a charcoal suit. Pinstripes are fine as long as they're subtle. If you don't know what a subtle pinstripe is, err on the side of no pattern on the suit.

2. If you're willing to spend $500, go ahead and step up to Jos. A Bank. They have a decent quality/cost ratio at that price range and are a league above Mens Wearhouse. Hit them up now during their end of year sale.

3. Unless you're 6'2"+, do NOT go with a 3-button.

4. At no point do you ever wear a double breasted suit. Or a 3-piece.

These aren't debatable guidelines. These are must abide by rules. Also, you must buy good dress shoes. Do NOT buy shoes with a thick rubber sole. If there's anything you listen to, listen to this: do NOT buy shoes with rubber soles. You don't wear rubber-soled shoes with a suit. I have no idea why anyone would think that's acceptable. If you have a navy suit, wear dark brown shoes. If you have a grey suit, wear black shoes.

Interesting debate on this thread, and I appreciate the information. I put the link to MW simply because it was the fastest example of a 3 button I could find. I had been doing most of my shopping at Joseph's already, and their sale right now it great.

The only job interview I've ever been to that didn't require a suit were when I was under the age of 18 and Dad asked me at dinner if I had a job lined up for summer yet. After that, there hasn't been a single interview I've ever been to that I didn't feel the need to dress for the boss's job. This includes jobs at package stores in Lubbock, waiting tables jobs, teaching assistant at Southwest Texas, you name it.

I'm heading to Banks tomorrow with a few printouts in hand. If they work on a commission, I'm making sure to support a local salesperson. If not, I'll have them order it in store so they don't feel like I've wasted their time.

Again, appreciate the advice given from all parties.
You could always go with a Navy Blazer I wore it in my second interview you can wear certain browns with navy as well as black and many other colors.

Plain nice color shirt has worked for me with a nice tie. basically I gotten 2 jobs in the last 10 years with the same Navy Jacket (my resume and my interview skills also helped). I was able to Mix in a perfectly hemmed brown or charcoal colored pants that are fitted to my Cowboy boots. So I mixed up the pants and shirt and ties that went with that Navy jacket.
Yes I wear Cowboy boots instead of Dress shoes I have a really nice pair of Black Elephant Boots but I also live in Texas where it may be more acceptable. (I need to get me a nice set of Bullhide here next year to go with my Elephants)
theogt;3768263 said:
This isn't fashion. There isn't some gray area where we can all express our individuality and tell each other you look great because that's how you want to look. These are very, very basic and unanimously accepted rules of dress in the corporate world. Anyone that doesn't recognize this simply doesn't operate in that world. There's nothing wrong with that. Personally, I think the rules are stupid and wish they didn't exist. But they are the rules. Not my rules. The rules.

Ever watch American Psycho? There's a kernel of truth in that.

Alright... I'm going to go out Thursday (my b-day) and get myself a couple of new suits following your advice.

I don't plan on having to interview again in my life, but I might as well look good when I go out on sales meetings and the like. :)
Danny White;3768707 said:
Alright... I'm going to go out Thursday (my b-day) and get myself a couple of new suits following your advice.

I don't plan on having to interview again in my life, but I might as well look good when I go out on sales meetings and the like. :)

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

Just because I like to pick nits, it is "all right" and not "alright". Alright is an improper contraction in the same style of "ain't". English professor hammered that home one afternoon this past semester.
crazy this thread came up and got gift cards to MW for xmas and will be headed there tomorrow to take advantage of the 2 for 1 sale and i will be following theos advice. thanks theo though now i need to get new brown shoes and check to see if i have rubber soles on my black shoes lol
SaltwaterServr;3768720 said:
Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

will do

bbgun;3768731 said:
will do


So you want to be a 70's porn star? Well, be the best 70's porn star you can be!
rkell87;3768730 said:
crazy this thread came up and got gift cards to MW for xmas and will be headed there tomorrow to take advantage of the 2 for 1 sale and i will be following theos advice. thanks theo though now i need to get new brown shoes and check to see if i have rubber soles on my black shoes lol
Just an FYI, rubber on the heel is fine (and recommended).
theogt;3768742 said:
Just an FYI, rubber on the heel is fine (and recommended).

I am in the tech field so it is different and I am in Texas so that helps I am sure. So do you guys frown at Cowboy boots I wear them for several reasons one of them has to do with an ankle that has never ever been the same since I had a bone chip removed. As I gotten older the my ankle would go through issues where my tendon basically flares up and swells (according to the Doc kind of like a tennis elbow) and it feels like someone took a baseball bat to the side of my ankle. I switched to Cowboy boots ten years ago and a lot of this has disappeared because it gives me better support and I do not have to break out a stupid ankle brace.
theogt;3768742 said:
Just an FYI, rubber on the heel is fine (and recommended).
cool, turns out i do have rubber soles though how in the world you could tell unless you got a look at the bottom i have no clue, but it could be why i didnt get that CEO job i was hoping for in march :laugh2:
rkell87;3768753 said:
cool, turns out i do have rubber soles though how in the world you could tell unless you got a look at the bottom i have no clue, but it could be why i didnt get that CEO job i was hoping for in march :laugh2:

If you're going to make it into San Antonio, there are Joseph A. Bank's stores at the Quarry and at La Canterra. They've got a few suits on sale that are wool and wool/cashmere blends usually $550 for $165 online, and they might have some in those stores as well.

I talked to a guy who said there is another sale coming up in a few weeks time. They do the buy one get one free every so often as MW is running now.
theogt;3767812 said:
Light brown shoes with navy suits are perfectly fine for every day wear, but not on an interview. If you want to be particularly stylish you can even wear light brown shoes with a light gray suit -- that's a bit too much of a stretch for me, though.

No it isn't. You should be beaten and stabbed if you wear light brown shoes with a navy suit.

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