OPINION: Our new Head Coach should be Mike Zimmer


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Future 585;1300116 said:
You can challenge the fact that that defense gave up play after play with games on the line.

How in the world has this 3-4 been run well?

Before Ellis went down it was running quite well. Once Ellis went down the Cowboys decided to stay in the base 3-4 and then the slide began. That was Parcells decision and Zimmer carried it out. And as we lost critical games, then Parcells let Zimmer use more 4-3 schemes and the defense got better.



Intramural Legend
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AMERICAS_FAN;1300204 said:
Before Ellis went down it was running quite well. Once Ellis went down the Cowboys decided to stay in the base 3-4 and then the slide began. That was Parcells decision and Zimmer carried it out. And as we lost critical games, then Parcells let Zimmer use more 4-3 schemes and the defense got better.


Technically, I agree with you. But with Ellis in I still feel that this wasn't a true 3-4. Ellis can't play in space and he was essentially a DE who stood up...we all knew what he was doing on every play.

When he went down we had the best scheme of the season against Indy, after that the gameplanning and execution fell to pieces.


Junior College Transfer
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AMERICAS_FAN;1300007 said:
Sorry fellas, those replies won't cut it. Tell me why? Or won't you 'cause you can't? I know you can't cahlenge the fact that when Zimmer was rnning hte 4-3 he was using Roy Willimas the right way to take advantage of his strengths. You can't challenge the fact that with lesser talent Zimmer still had the #1 defense. You can't cxhallenge the fact that the defense only slid when Parcells made his own impositions on it, much like he choked the offense when he held Payton back. You can't challenge the fact htat Zimmer showed verstility by learning the 3-4 in such a short time and running it well with more of the pieces in place. No, you can't challenge ANY OF IT so all you post is simple-minded "GROZ" replies. Yeah, very constructuve that is! :rolleyes: If you can't say why, don't bother saying anything at all.

"Groz" is probably taxing the mental ability as it is. LOL


They are dead-set on gittin' Zimmer that nothing can dissuade them.
If someone proposed Zimmer sell souvenirs in the gift shop they'd be opposed. And I can hardly wait for the selling-souvenires-in-the-gift-shop-is-all-Zimmer-can-do responses. :)


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ZIMMER is hand cuffed to do what B.P. tells him to do. But, he is the DC and he must make adjustments to the 3-4 during the games. Zimmer seems to have a difficult time disguising sp? his blitz packages.

I do not see him as a valuable solution to be our head coach.


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CrazyCowboy;1300235 said:
ZIMMER is hand cuffed to do what B.P. tells him to do. But, he is the DC and he must make adjustments to the 3-4 during the games. Zimmer seems to have a difficult time disguising sp? his blitz packages.

I do not see him as a valuable solution to be our head coach.

We haven't be able to blitz since he's been the DC. We just sort of run in to the line and stop.

Mr Cowboy

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AMERICAS_FAN;1300204 said:
Before Ellis went down it was running quite well. Once Ellis went down the Cowboys decided to stay in the base 3-4 and then the slide began. That was Parcells decision and Zimmer carried it out. And as we lost critical games, then Parcells let Zimmer use more 4-3 schemes and the defense got better.


Alright Mr. Zimmer, go take your valium and stay away from the board for a day or two.. All These evil post about your son will go a way in a day or two. The people in here are just frustrated and angry with the lousy job your son has done as a defensive coordinator of the Dallas Cowboys.

Don't worry, he'll get a couaching job somewhere, perhaps in Canada. I hear they use 12 players up there, that can only help Zimmy with his schemes.


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For someone to say, as jazzcat22 did, that BP is not placing restrictions on Zimmer is ridiculous. If anyone on here thinks that Purcells isn't running the show on D, you're off your rocker. I can't imagine that he is not dictating personnel, scheme, philosophy, etc. to the defensive coaches. I think that Zimmer was a good coach in a 4-3; it's Bill's fault for having made him a 3-4 coach. I still like ZImmer, but I don't see how he can stay. The reality is that Purcells will just install a puppet at D Coordinator, like Saprano and Haley on the O-side. There is no room for a big name DC in Bill's World, his ego won't allow it.


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Yeagermeister;1300256 said:
probably :D

How about GROEC?

get rid of every coach

lol, at this point i dont care who goes and who stays. TO, parcells, whoever. jst bring in somebody/ies who are going to bring enthusiasm and get these players motivating and playing right. wether thats parcells or somebody else. i really dont care just get it done


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I guess there is a chance that Parcells is responsible for the defense more than Zimmer. Whoever had control of it last year shouldn't this year


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AMERICAS_FAN;1299978 said:
While I expect the GROZ camp to rip me on this post, I think it’s unfounded and I’ll stick by my opinion. Mike Zimmer should be our next head coach – either next year if Parcells retires, or the year after if Parcells decides to play-out his contract.

I like mike Zimmer and I like him as a coach. Even Parcells saw a lot in him, which is why he talked him into staying in the NFL vs. becoming a head coach in college. Parcells even challenged him to learn/run the 3-4 and Zimmer did. Before Ellis went down, Zimmer was on the verge of making this a top-notch 3-4 defense. Much like he did with the 4-3 only several years ago. Post Ellis’ injury, Parcells forced Zimmer to stay in a conservative 3-4 set and that forced the defensive slide. It wasn’t until Parcells loosened his leash on Zimmer a bit that we saw more 4-3 alignments of late, which worked well in the playoffs when used (it was the Parcells-imposed 3-4 fronts that really cost us defensively against Seattle).

The point is this. The GROZ camp wants Zimmer gone so badly, but what you campers don’t realize is that Zimmer is a great defensive couch who can mount a solid defense if only Parcells lets him do it his way. After last season, we all thought that Sean Payton was too conservative and vanilla in his play calling, only to find out that what was really holding Payton back was Parcells in Dallas, and Jim Fassal before him in New York. Payton turned out quite well without the stubborn obstacles before him because he’s forward thinking. I see Zimmer the same way – he could easily have gone to college to run a 4-3 defense, yet he took on the challenge to stay and run the 3-4.

That says a lot about Zimmer’s abilities and I think that without Parcells in his way, he can run the Cowboys and lead the 4-3 defense attack with some 3-4 wrinkles. This move would make some good sense because Zimmer already knows the schemes and his players, and this team has been built on defense over the last few drafts. Also, because Zimmer is a defensive coach, as head coach he would bring in his own offensive coordinator who can still implement whatever changes/improvements that he wants to on offense. With Zimmer at the healm, we could build on and solidify the defensive players/schemes in place and turn attention to the offense with some new leadership/coordinator solely focused on that. I think it would be a win-win, and my only hope is that Parcells retires/gets out of the way so we can get this team going once and for all.


honestly man...seek serious psychiatric help immediately



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Zimmer needs a change of scenery. Dallas needs a new DC and a new OC. Chris Palmer sux. Sparano sux. I hate to admit it but our defense looks like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off! No one knows who to cover. What is your assigment on this play? That is our problem in the secondary! No one knows who to cover. A lot of defenses have far less talent on defense than we do but don't have the problems covering that we do. We need help bad on defense. Oh yeah, and just throw TO the ball!

Bob Sacamano

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well we all saw what happened to Payton when he left the shadow of BIll Parcells

so you never know


Regular Joe....
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summerisfunner;1300318 said:
well we all saw what happened to Payton when he left the shadow of BIll Parcells

so you never know

Think about it. Bill has produced some pretty decent assistants who have become good HCs.

Bob Sacamano

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ABQCOWBOY;1300321 said:
Think about it. Bill has produced some pretty decent assistants who have become good HCs.

true, and BP has put the blanket on many of those assistants too

Payton wasn't allowed to be creative in Dallas, circumstances notwithstanding, and neither is Zimmer, although Zimmer has all the tools to be aggressive on D

reason why: BP


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AMERICAS_FAN;1299978 said:
While I expect the GROZ camp to rip me on this post, I think it’s unfounded and I’ll stick by my opinion. Mike Zimmer should be our next head coach – either next year if Parcells retires, or the year after if Parcells decides to play-out his contract.

I like mike Zimmer and I like him as a coach. Even Parcells saw a lot in him, which is why he talked him into staying in the NFL vs. becoming a head coach in college. Parcells even challenged him to learn/run the 3-4 and Zimmer did. Before Ellis went down, Zimmer was on the verge of making this a top-notch 3-4 defense. Much like he did with the 4-3 only several years ago. Post Ellis’ injury, Parcells forced Zimmer to stay in a conservative 3-4 set and that forced the defensive slide. It wasn’t until Parcells loosened his leash on Zimmer a bit that we saw more 4-3 alignments of late, which worked well in the playoffs when used (it was the Parcells-imposed 3-4 fronts that really cost us defensively against Seattle).

The point is this. The GROZ camp wants Zimmer gone so badly, but what you campers don’t realize is that Zimmer is a great defensive couch who can mount a solid defense if only Parcells lets him do it his way. After last season, we all thought that Sean Payton was too conservative and vanilla in his play calling, only to find out that what was really holding Payton back was Parcells in Dallas, and Jim Fassal before him in New York. Payton turned out quite well without the stubborn obstacles before him because he’s forward thinking. I see Zimmer the same way – he could easily have gone to college to run a 4-3 defense, yet he took on the challenge to stay and run the 3-4.

That says a lot about Zimmer’s abilities and I think that without Parcells in his way, he can run the Cowboys and lead the 4-3 defense attack with some 3-4 wrinkles. This move would make some good sense because Zimmer already knows the schemes and his players, and this team has been built on defense over the last few drafts. Also, because Zimmer is a defensive coach, as head coach he would bring in his own offensive coordinator who can still implement whatever changes/improvements that he wants to on offense. With Zimmer at the healm, we could build on and solidify the defensive players/schemes in place and turn attention to the offense with some new leadership/coordinator solely focused on that. I think it would be a win-win, and my only hope is that Parcells retires/gets out of the way so we can get this team going once and for all.


Pass the joint you smoking on. It must really be some good stuff.


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summerisfunner;1300329 said:
true, and BP has put the blanket on many of those assistants too

Payton wasn't allowed to be creative in Dallas, circumstances notwithstanding, and neither is Zimmer, although Zimmer has all the tools to be aggressive on D

reason why: BP

its possible, but Zimmer was a conservative boob that couldnt develop pass rushes before Parcells got here too
