Most of the posters here belong to multiple sites and yet would say this is by far the best. I'd guess 60% or more of these folks were at the DMN forums which were the worst I ever visited. Thats because this is a 2 way street where mods enable good posters and practices. But even at that the person most responsible pays for the servers and software then takes time to develop the software further: Reality.
Time is no excuse for not knowing basic guidelines. If you don't have time to read those you dont have time to post. Calling out mods in public will get you attention but I doubt its the kind you want.
I do appreciate the apologies in this post and in the spirit of cooperation we will all benefit.
One point I would make where I completely disagree with you is about Opinions and such. No, not every thread here is opinion. Adamjt makes posts that are wholly factful. Pittdawg gives us updates about Rob which are informative but not opinion. We get injury updates, articles, mailbags, predictions and other things which would not fall under the heading of pure opinion. SOME posters content is pure opinion but that is a bad practice IMHO. What makes this site is not everyone's opinion that is to be sure, but all the other posts which shape those opinions.
All that said some folks love opinion threads where they can argue til the moon comes up. By placing all those threads in one location they are able to go directly to the type of posts they are seeking out. And the front page remains free to host a news story about Price being activated or Adam's stats.
Thanks again and please do feel free to PM any of us (BP and Juke especially) if you are at all confused, concerned or dissatisfied. We make concerted efforts to not play favorites and each have different takes amongst ourselves anyways. The only thing we absolutely agree on is that WG is the best looking mod and the Cowboys are the best team in professional sports.