Orlando Scandrick suspended first four games ***for Molly** Post #246

A molly is the furthest thing from a PED, it helps his performance on the field in no way lol. NONE

Depends what Performance he was trying to Enhance.

Seriously though, they are claiming that the Molly was cut with some amphetamines, which are considered PEDs by the league.
Molly doesn't help muscles grow or recover faster, but it can be used to enhance performance. Molly can provide prolonged bursts of energy, which can help a person while working out. Working out can in turn help a players performance on the field. Prolonged bursts of energy also can be a good thing on game day. Plus Molly can provide a sort of sense of heightened perception. That can be beneficial to a player. And just the euphoric mood it puts you in may be a good thing for an athlete on game day. I definitely see Molly as a form of a PED even it is a lesser form.

This was dumb by Scandrick.
Wait...you can forgive alcohol? You think molly is more harmful than alcohol? I'm actually shocked it warrants such a suspension. If Ray Rice got 2 games.....i'm confused to how and why molly gave him so much but I guess because they feel it will hurt him on the field and that's all they care about it seems. You can beat your girlfriend just as long as it doesn't hurt your play on the field.

Players are going to go out and drink from now until forever. It's legal and I have no problem with it.

Marijuana, I know is illegal, but common sense tells me that no way should it ever be illegal.

What will they make illegal next? Pink Flowers?

X and hard drugs like that have no place in society and, imo, take things to an entirely different level.
This may be where developments stand:

...“I would like to apologize to my children, my family, the Jones Family, my coaches, my teammates and my fans,” Scandrick said. “Failing a drug test is far out of my character, and although I never knowingly took a performance enhancing drug/banned stimulant while on vacation in Mexico, I take full responsibility for what goes in my body and more importantly for the embarrassment of a failed drug test.

“It’s my goal by issuing this statement to clear my name and more importantly to be judged by what happens to me in the future. I hope that my family, my Cowboys football family and all my fans can forgive me for this situation. I look forward to a successful 2014 season.”

If Scandrick truly hopes to clear his name, he needs to disclose more details about what he took, why he took it, where he got it, and why being in Mexico has any relevance. Otherwise, his statement reads no differently than the litany of “yeah I tested positive for PEDs, but I’m not a cheater” excuses that have flowed from every player suspended for the first four games of the 2014 season for violating the policy...

This may be where developments stand:

...“I would like to apologize to my children, my family, the Jones Family, my coaches, my teammates and my fans,” Scandrick said. “Failing a drug test is far out of my character, and although I never knowingly took a performance enhancing drug/banned stimulant while on vacation in Mexico, I take full responsibility for what goes in my body and more importantly for the embarrassment of a failed drug test.

This may be where developments stand:

...“I would like to apologize to my children, my family, the Jones Family, my coaches, my teammates and my fans,” Scandrick said. “Failing a drug test is far out of my character, and although I never knowingly took a performance enhancing drug/banned stimulant while on vacation in Mexico, I take full responsibility for what goes in my body and more importantly for the embarrassment of a failed drug test.

“It’s my goal by issuing this statement to clear my name and more importantly to be judged by what happens to me in the future. I hope that my family, my Cowboys football family and all my fans can forgive me for this situation. I look forward to a successful 2014 season.”

If Scandrick truly hopes to clear his name, he needs to disclose more details about what he took, why he took it, where he got it, and why being in Mexico has any relevance. Otherwise, his statement reads no differently than the litany of “yeah I tested positive for PEDs, but I’m not a cheater” excuses that have flowed from every player suspended for the first four games of the 2014 season for violating the policy...


Well people say that being in Mexico is relevant because he was on vacation and people party more when they're on vacation, and where there is a party there is drugs. Therefore you're more likely to do drugs when on vacation. I don't think being on vacation changes anything at all, but that is what some people will say
The possibility exists that any player can be drug tested at anytime throughout the year. A player's best precaution is not ingesting anything which he is not 100% certain is on the banned substance list. Otherwise, a player is willingly playing russian roulette with his own money and career.
Molly doesn't help muscles grow or recover faster, but it can be used to enhance performance. Molly can provide prolonged bursts of energy, which can help a person while working out. Working out can in turn help a players performance on the field. Prolonged bursts of energy also can be a good thing on game day. Plus Molly can provide a sort of sense of heightened perception. That can be beneficial to a player. And just the euphoric mood it puts you in may be a good thing for an athlete on game day. I definitely see Molly as a form of a PED even it is a lesser form.

This was dumb by Scandrick.

If we want to be that broad about it, then tylenol is a performance enhancing drug.
This is basicly the cruxt of what has been learned:

Werder reports that Scandrick tested positive tested positive for MDMA, otherwise known as Ecstasy or, more recently, Molly.

But MDMA isn’t a banned substance under the PED policy. MDMA falls under the substance-abuse policy, and a positive test doesn’t compel a suspension for a first offense. (In Scandrick’s case,the PED test wasn’t even checking for MDMA or other recreational drugs.)

The problem for Scandrick and, apparently, other NFL players who have tested positive for PEDs this offseason is that the MDMA they have taken on a recreational basis wasn’t pure, and it contained amphetamines. Amphetamines remain a banned substance under the PED policy.


...and I have heard hardly any who have abused a drug stand up and claimed they were guilty and conscience was therefore fully sound.

Does amphetamine hit home? Too bad the drugs were cut to the disadvantage of a certain Cowboy cornerback.

Depends what Performance he was trying to Enhance.

Seriously though, they are claiming that the Molly was cut with some amphetamines, which are considered PEDs by the league.

Doesn't matter cut or not. MDMA metabolizes to amphetamine. So either way your pee tests for amphetamines
Molly doesn't help muscles grow or recover faster, but it can be used to enhance performance. Molly can provide prolonged bursts of energy, which can help a person while working out. Working out can in turn help a players performance on the field. Prolonged bursts of energy also can be a good thing on game day. Plus Molly can provide a sort of sense of heightened perception. That can be beneficial to a player. And just the euphoric mood it puts you in may be a good thing for an athlete on game day. I definitely see Molly as a form of a PED even it is a lesser form.

This was dumb by Scandrick.

If he was on pure MDMA/molly, then it's very unlikely he'd be in a state to play NFL-level football. It messes with yr vision/depth perception, and he'd be more in the mood to get to know his teammates and realize how much he loves them. If he was on molly heavily cut with amphetamines, then yeah, it could be used a PED.

But as Abe pointed out, he could've taken pure MDMA and still tested positive for amphetamine, because MDMA eventually metabolizes into amphetamine in yr body.
This is basicly the cruxt of what has been learned:

Werder reports that Scandrick tested positive tested positive for MDMA, otherwise known as Ecstasy or, more recently, Molly.

But MDMA isn’t a banned substance under the PED policy. MDMA falls under the substance-abuse policy, and a positive test doesn’t compel a suspension for a first offense. (In Scandrick’s case,the PED test wasn’t even checking for MDMA or other recreational drugs.)

The problem for Scandrick and, apparently, other NFL players who have tested positive for PEDs this offseason is that the MDMA they have taken on a recreational basis wasn’t pure, and it contained amphetamines. Amphetamines remain a banned substance under the PED policy.


Yeah. But it is inaccurate. Molly breaks down to amphetamine. You get a positive amphetamine test from pure molly
Doesn't matter cut or not. MDMA metabolizes to amphetamine. So either way your pee tests for amphetamines

That question would cruxt at what time and elapsed detection points. This could have been cut directly...and used amphetamine as surmised. That isn't on the table at present for discussion...
The possibility exists that any player can be drug tested at anytime throughout the year. A player's best precaution is not ingesting anything which he is not 100% certain is on the banned substance list. Otherwise, a player is willingly playing russian roulette with his own money and career.

Tested for PEDs. He could have smoked weed and his test wouldn't show it because the PED test does not look for that. Players are not tested for recreational drug from the end of their season until 4/20. That's a good 4 month party window for most
Tested for PEDs. He could have smoked weed and his test wouldn't show it because the PED test does not look for that. Players are not tested for recreational drug from the end of their season until 4/20. That's a good 4 month party window for most
Are you stating that PEDs are not drugs?

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