***Osama Bin Laden Is Dead...US Forces Have His Body***

Originally Posted by nathanlt
Sky News says that he asked to surrender before he was shot. WOW.

The only reason why I doubt that happened is because he's worth more alive than dead. CNN and MSNBC reported that their sources said that one of the reasons why they were in the compound for 40 minutes was to gather as much material for intelligence as possible.

The intelligence community would have LOVED to get their hands on him alive and kicking. Whatever is left of the organization would have been completely destroyed.
AbeBeta;3937509 said:
But not out of respect for the millions of muslim americans who contribute to this nation?

If any muslim who wishes to call themselves an American were to defend him or the way in which we handle his body in any manner whatsoever, they have no right to call themselves an America OR a muslim. Osama killed thousands of Americans and spent his life giving Islam a bad name.
JohnsKey19;3936964 said:
US officials convinced they have the dead body of Osama Bin Laden.

May he burn in hell... it's about time...

Yesssssssss... choke on it, terrorists, then start wondering which one of you is next...
The30YardSlant;3937510 said:
Again, Osama was no Muslim. Hitler called himself a christian, that didnt make it so. A man's actions speak louder than his words.

This is true, but the people who will join the crazies in their organizations aren't going to consider that. They'll see a man who identified himself with Islam, disrespected in death, and will instantly equate it with a disrespect to their own warped views of their faith.

Give the body every respect in death, and shred the ******* and everything he stood for right here.
Dash28;3937519 said:
can just google or type in Osama Bin Laden on google and click realtime.

People and news posting it.

Thank you.. be right back..
Meat-O-Rama;3936980 said:
So each one of us one by one gets a chance to ***** slap him.

Wouldn't work, just think of all the fist fights in line, guys trying to move up and get a shot while he's still conscious...
SaltwaterServr;3937522 said:
This is true, but the people who will join the crazies in their organizations aren't going to consider that. They'll see a man who identified himself with Islam, disrespected in death, and will instantly equate it with a disrespect to their own warped views of their faith.

And they can happily rot in hell along with Osama one day

The only thing worse than killing thousands of innocents, defending it or endorsing it is doing so in the name of God.

You guys will have to forgive me for my strong opinions here, but one of my best friends since grade school saw his mother die in the south tower on 9/11. He is a muslim. His mother was a muslim. I talked to him on the phone tonight and he cried as he told me how he hopes Osama gets no Islamic courtesy in death.
Avery;3936989 said:
Fox, NBC confirmed he's dead. Military got him.

RIP for everyone who's lives have been ripped apart and may justice be served in this life and the next.

As was the case when Khomeini died, I have this mental image of Osama standing before God, and the shock on his face when he is condemned to hell...

I truly believe that God hates nobody as much as those who kill in His name...
nathanlt;3937511 said:
The first ever classy Philly crowd chanting USA!! tonight!


I saw that on the second TV while watching CNN.

First thing I thought, the coach should call time, go out to the mound and bring the team in to tell them what's about to happen. Then go to the batter, and let him know that the pitcher is throwing a soft ball to him, let the New York Mets crush one out of the park to win it in the 9th, and salute him as he rounded the bases.

That would have been epic.

The30YardSlant;3937526 said:
And they can happily rot in hell along with Osama one day

The only thing worse than killing thousands of innocents, defending it or endorsing it is doing so in the name of God

I don't think that picture going around is real. Looks fake to me.

Then again, some of this real pics look fake at times.
Randy White;3937530 said:
I don't think that picture going around is real. Looks fake to me.

Then again, some of this real pics look fake at times.
Yeah. It's difficult to know.

Probably fake.
We Need To Make Pakistan Pay For Keeping That Coward Confined In One Of Their Biggest Cities, In A Huge Compound, A Few Miles From Some Of Their Main Military Bases.

We Should Cut Them Off Economically Immediately.

Pakistan Is Not Our Friends.
actually, the picture doesnt have any white on his hair, so probably fake
Hostile;3937145 said:
They killed him today! Troops on the ground.

I love our troops.

Those boys should never hae to buy a drink again... if I ever meet one of 'em, for sure the drinks are on me...
MC KAos;3937534 said:
actually, the picture doesnt have any white on his hair, so probably fake

Wow, this was already out there.....


Dang, my little Chuck Norris Pakistan passport already shared 6 times on FB.

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