***Osama Bin Laden Is Dead...US Forces Have His Body***

TheCount;3938722 said:
If this has been posted already, forgive me.



Nice, I could see him actually doing that, with a few curse words included.
Deep_Freeze;3938796 said:

Nice, I could see him actually doing that, with a few curse words included.

If he had a cigarette...it would be completely bad ***.
crazytown41;3938607 said:
Oh how naive some can be. :lmao:

I'm sure your special ops forces buddies are doing fine. But what about the ones that aren't Jack Bauer?

You may want to take your own advice and do some research on the subject...

I think first hand experience including time served in the box is enough research, thanks.

"special ops forces" -- GTHO.
Peter King(R) said on O'Reilly that they got the lead (several years ago) about the courrier from waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and also later had that info confirmed by Al Libi an aide to Bin Laden.(with strong interrogation measures)
MarionBarberThe4th;3938829 said:

I knew Jerry Jones would, "git er done.."


He's thinking, "I wonder if there are any football players in this mess."
Deep_Freeze;3938802 said:
Intern alert in the back...

I noticed her too.

Looking a little too interested and a little too young.

Wonder what her name is. I bet her Facebook account is chalked full of info.
Hoofbite;3938951 said:
I noticed her too.

Looking a little too interested and a little too young.

Wonder what her name is. I bet her Facebook account is chalked full of info.

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: You know it is!
theogt;3938778 said:
Everything posted on the internet is real.

I thought everybody knew that...

Conversely, if it's not on the net, it's not real... that's a proven scientific fact...
speedkilz88;3938826 said:
Peter King(R) said on O'Reilly that they got the lead (several years ago) about the courrier from waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and also later had that info confirmed by Al Libi an aide to Bin Laden.(with strong interrogation measures)

That's strange, an article I read earlier today said that Mohammed gave nothing up during waterboarding, that he actually revealed these facts in standard interrogation some weeks or months later...
silverbear;3939129 said:
It has, but it never gets old... post it again... :D

Agreed. That animated gif made me laugh harder today than it did when I saw it last night. I keep thinking of John Wayne..
HoleInTheRoof;3938513 said:
You all are misguided.

I know plenty of SEALS. Mostly in team 2, and SDVT 2.

While most don't brag about being a team guy, they don't go out of their way, nor are they forbidden to disclose that they are.

Hell, most of them have a trident tatoo somewhere on them.

Im pretty sure being in the Navy SEALS or the Army Special Forces unit, and being in a black ops unit that "doesn't exist" are two different things entirely. Correct me if im wrong though.
speedkilz88;3938826 said:
Peter King(R) said on O'Reilly that they got the lead (several years ago) about the courrier from waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and also later had that info confirmed by Al Libi an aide to Bin Laden.(with strong interrogation measures)
Peter King also supported terrorists in Northern Ireland. Not to mention the secret service saw him as a threat to Ronald Reagan. He is hardly the most credible source.

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