***Osama Bin Laden Is Dead...US Forces Have His Body***

Hoofbite;3938951 said:
I noticed her too.

Looking a little too interested and a little too young.

Wonder what her name is. I bet her Facebook account is chalked full of info.

Absolutely no way they would let an intern in that room. None.
Deep_Freeze;3938802 said:
Intern alert in the back...

Hoofbite;3938951 said:
I noticed her too.

Looking a little too interested and a little too young.

Wonder what her name is. I bet her Facebook account is chalked full of info.

Bleu Star;3938954 said:
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: You know it is!

casmith07;3939263 said:
Absolutely no way they would let an intern in that room. None.

i believe that is Audrey Tomason, Director for Counter terrorism.
casmith07;3939263 said:
Absolutely no way they would let an intern in that room. None.

Hey, interns have been known to get to pretty off-limits areas before. Just gotta get the right head start and be willing to take whatever they feed ya. Can't back down, not when a large job is starting you right in the face. I could see an intern being in there. Especially for a real go-getter who isn't afraid to dive on in head-first. After all, that's what they're there for.......to lend a hand. I really don't see why one wouldn't be there. I mean, they escort these guys almost everywhere just in case their services are needed. Probably sucks to be an intern, groveling on your knees for something a little more arousing than the every day grind. Not to mention they're probably getting bent over in terms of pay. I tell ya these interns are getting it from all directions.
Hoofbite;3939291 said:
Hey, interns have been known to get to pretty off-limits areas before. Just gotta get the right head start and be willing to take whatever they feed ya. Can't back down, not when a large job is starting you right in the face. I could see an intern being in there. Especially for a real go-getter who isn't afraid to dive on in head-first. After all, that's what they're there for.......to lend a hand. I really don't see why one wouldn't be there. I mean, they escort these guys almost everywhere just in case their services are needed. Probably sucks to be an intern, groveling on your knees for something a little more arousing than the every day grind. Not to mention they're probably getting bent over in terms of pay. I tell ya these interns are getting it from all directions.

Why am I picturing a blue dress while reading this post?
Hoofbite;3939291 said:
Hey, interns have been known to get to pretty off-limits areas before. Just gotta get the right head start and be willing to take whatever they feed ya. Can't back down, not when a large job is starting you right in the face. I could see an intern being in there. Especially for a real go-getter who isn't afraid to dive on in head-first. After all, that's what they're there for.......to lend a hand. I really don't see why one wouldn't be there. I mean, they escort these guys almost everywhere just in case their services are needed. Probably sucks to be an intern, groveling on your knees for something a little more arousing than the every day grind. Not to mention they're probably getting bent over in terms of pay. I tell ya these interns are getting it from all directions.

I hope you're just joking Hoof - this sort of thing with the level of secrecy requires a clearance higher than even any normal military officer could attain. There is no way they would allow an intern to have such a clearance.
HoleInTheRoof;3938513 said:
You all are misguided.

I know plenty of SEALS. Mostly in team 2, and SDVT 2.

While most don't brag about being a team guy, they don't go out of their way, nor are they forbidden to disclose that they are.

Hell, most of them have a trident tatoo somewhere on them.

This is what I was getting at.

I still have a lot of buddies in the teams.

I went through BUDs in '94 - class 195.

If you ask a guy in the teams about 'SEAL team 6' they will probably laugh...
Hoofbite;3938567 said:
Pretty sure I've found a couple of the Seal members who were responsible.


That was a horrible movie.
nyc;3939325 said:
That was a horrible movie.

Useless trivia...

Michael Biehn was actually in the Navy. He actually put in for BUDs. Didn't make it through. In fact, word is that he was a puss and rang the bell pretty early.


Hmm.. Never really confirmed that he was actually in the Navy. Was told this when taking the dive physical while in the Navy. Can't find any reference of his service.
casmith07;3939302 said:
I hope you're just joking Hoof - this sort of thing with the level of secrecy requires a clearance higher than even any normal military officer could attain. There is no way they would allow an intern to have such a clearance.

Hoof's post went right over your head didn't it?
casmith07;3939302 said:
I hope you're just joking Hoof - this sort of thing with the level of secrecy requires a clearance higher than even any normal military officer could attain. There is no way they would allow an intern to have such a clearance.


lol, that went straight over your head! :lmao2:
Hoofbite;3939291 said:
Hey, interns have been known to get to pretty off-limits areas before. Just gotta get the right head start and be willing to take whatever they feed ya. Can't back down, not when a large job is starting you right in the face. I could see an intern being in there. Especially for a real go-getter who isn't afraid to dive on in head-first. After all, that's what they're there for.......to lend a hand. I really don't see why one wouldn't be there. I mean, they escort these guys almost everywhere just in case their services are needed. Probably sucks to be an intern, groveling on your knees for something a little more arousing than the every day grind. Not to mention they're probably getting bent over in terms of pay. I tell ya these interns are getting it from all directions.

:laugh2: Excellent post Hoof! Great post to get the day rolling.
casmith07;3939302 said:
I hope you're just joking Hoof - this sort of thing with the level of secrecy requires a clearance higher than even any normal military officer could attain. There is no way they would allow an intern to have such a clearance.
Read it again and think "double entendres."
casmith07;3939302 said:
I hope you're just joking Hoof - this sort of thing with the level of secrecy requires a clearance higher than even any normal military officer could attain. There is no way they would allow an intern to have such a clearance.


Sorry cas.
This is what Osama heard right after the last shot

Let me please introduce myself
Im a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadours
Who get killed before they reached bombay
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me lucifer
Cause Im in need of some restraint
So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, um yeah
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down
Woo, who
Oh yeah, get on down
Oh yeah
Oh yeah!
Tell me baby, what's my name
Tell me honey, can ya guess my name
Tell me baby, what's my name
I tell you one time, you're to blame
poke;3939281 said:
i believe that is Audrey Tomason, Director for Counter terrorism.
Okay. Anybody. Help.

Who the HECK is Audrey Tomason?????

I call myself searching the entire Net for this woman. All my searches come up nada.

She is Audrey Tomason. She's listed on the freaking WhiteHouse.gov Photo of the Day as Director of Counterterriorism:


I can't find an agency for Counterterrorism which reports within the Executive Office of the President. Is this agency a part of the National Security Council? Is she part of the Director of National Intelligence organization?

Michael Leiter is Director of the Counterterriorism Center. Go to search.USA.gov and type his name. You get results.

Repeat the same search for everyone's name listed under the photo. Watch out for Tony Binken. It's misspelled. It's 'Blinken'. You get tons of info.

"Audrey Tomason"??? The results come back as "Welcome to Mrs. Thompson's Class!" What the flip???

Who is this woman?
You guys won't help me?


I'll go ask someone who knows.

Where's Jack Bauer when you need him?

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