Our mistake - firing Wade Phillips

Finished 1-7 and the team quit on him. That SNF game was the end of it. The guy is too soft. Great defensive mind, like Norv, their ceiling is coordinator.

Well it's a great thing we brought in a hard nosed guy like Red to replace him because the demeanor has CLEARLY changed over his tenure :rolleyes:
Why did Parcells leave anyway? I honestly forget. Was he burned out? I remember Jerry giving him an extra million to stay the year before, but he ended up leaving the next year anyway. The fact that it was right after the bobbled snap made it feel like he left us high and dry. If it was Jerry's meddling, that explains it. It just felt like unfinished business. Who knows what he would've done with the 13-3 team the following year? We'll never know.

Because that's what Parcells does.
That season they went 1-7 with one coach and 5-3 with the other.

Interim coaches have some kind of handicap, it's like bringing in a substitute teacher, morale increases instantly. With Wade, we went 13-3, with Garret we went 8-8, 8-8. and...8-8
Wade had a bit of the new girlfriend after getting a divorce in 2007. The longer he remained the more the team realized this new girlfriend was worse than the ex-wife.

Phillips is just not a good head coach. His strength is coaching the defense. And this year he wasn't that great at that. The Texans may have ranked high in yards allowed, but they were not an efficient defense.
Other than the fact the team completely quit on him - I agree.

Yeah i agree. Clearly wade was a better HC but the team did quit on him. I do think he earned a benefit of the doubt to finish the year more than garrett. I did not think so at the time but i thought they would do better replacing him.
Wade Phillips and Jason Garrett are pretty similar - They're both exceedingly nice people and it negatively reflects on how their players perform. They know that with Wade and Jason there won't be any tongue lashing or ramifications, they know they probably won't be benched for poor performance. They know they won't be held accountable.

That's why Wade needed to go and that's why Jason needs to go as well.
Garrett stinks yes but I don't believe Wade was that much better honestly...
Interim coaches have some kind of handicap, it's like bringing in a substitute teacher, morale increases instantly. With Wade, we went 13-3, with Garret we went 8-8, 8-8. and...8-8

Wasn't Phillips an interim coach this year? How did that turn out?
As a coach, so you can never let a team quit on you. That's a very basic fundamental of coaching.

With all the flaws Jason Garrett has, he at least has that ability.

Are you sure? Give Garrett a 1-6 team with Romo out for the year, and without Jerry reaming the players' ***** and telling them they were playing for their jobs.

I say the team quit on the season more than Wade.
Are you sure? Give Garrett a 1-6 team with Romo out for the year, and without Jerry reaming the players' ***** and telling them they were playing for their jobs.

I say the team quit on the season more than Wade.

No i'm not sure, cause it hasn't happened yet. But they did go 5-3 that year after Garrett took over and in those 3 loses, they were competitive.

I see Wade as a soft coach who doesn't command respect.
I was all for it, and I was wrong. In hindsight he was a great coach for us, Garrett was the problem and is the problem now.

.......while Garrett may be the problem as well, do you honestly believe the team would've won more than 24 games the last 3 seasons under Wade?

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