Our mistake - firing Wade Phillips

.......while Garrett may be the problem as well, do you honestly believe the team would've won more than 24 games the last 3 seasons under Wade?

I do, absolutely. I think most coaches could get more than 24. A good coach would have over 30 easy.
No way. Never wanted Wade here. He is a nice man but was a cream puff coach everywhere he's been in charge. His old man could never get to the big one with some very good Oilers teams and he's in the same boat. Garrett has been a disaster but Wade should never have been trusted to win with that Parcells built roster. I'll never second guess his firing.
Jesus ........ threads getting worse and worse ....... this is gonna be a looooong off season
I still wonder to this day why his team quit on him.
He supported his players.
He may have come off as a bumpkin, but I don't think he was a moron.
You can't be as successful a DC as he is and be a moron.

Maybe someone here knows more about the situation than I.

They quit on him because he didn't drive them. As much as the players liked him, they were not motivated to do their jobs by him.

Their immediate boss was a softy, and when you're soft at the top, you're soft all around.

Phillips just didn't have the makeup it takes to be a good head coach despite being a very good DC. He's strictly a lovable X's and O's guy.
Wade was a pretty bad HC, but don't blame him for those quitters. They only cared about their paychecks and nothing else, and best believe they were playing for their jobs the moment their "excuse" got fired.
Sometimes I wonder if R2A is just trolling us
Sometimes I wonder if R2A is just trolling us
Absolutely not. I'm on my phone, laptops broken so can't make a polished argument but I truly believe we'd have won more games if Wade was still the HC. Our defense would be worlds better.
They quit on him because he didn't drive them. As much as the players liked him, they were not motivated to do their jobs by him.

Their immediate boss was a softy, and when you're soft at the top, you're soft all around.

Phillips just didn't have the makeup it takes to be a good head coach despite being a very good DC. He's strictly a lovable X's and O's guy.

The biggest flaw that Wade has is that he trust players to act like pros. Pro football players don't quit. It shows the total lack of leadership and character that the players had. I think it is a league-wide problem and it is a reflection if today's society.
I do, absolutely. I think most coaches could get more than 24. A good coach would have over 30 easy.

Well, Garrett took over a sinking ship (that had Wade as a captain) and the team went 5-3. Wade took over a sinking ship this year, and they didn't win a game. Might be a tough comparison, but you're giving Wade too much credit. He lost that team in 2010, and he was never going to get it back.
The biggest flaw that Wade has is that he trust players to act like pros. Pro football players don't quit. It shows the total lack of leadership and character that the players had. I think it is a league-wide problem and it is a reflection if today's society.

I think it's human nature for people to lose some of their gusto when things take a turn for the worst. An NFL head coach has to be the type of guy who can keep the players focused.

I remember Anthony Spencer saying something to the extent that he realized after that season that he wasn't giving his all. People knocked him for it, but I don't think Spencer was saying that he gave up. I think he was saying that he gave up, but didn't realize until later that he had.

It's on the coaching staff to coach them up in that situation. I think people put too much on team leaders, who have their own jobs to focus on. The leaders on the team likely were too busy trying to figure out how they could do more to get the team out of that tailspin. It's hard to do your job and the coach's too.

The reason the team turned it around effortwise is one of the few things I like about Garrett. He realizes that players have to be pushed through the good times and the bad.
79-54 career record

And how many playoff wins?

Wade would always start out strong with a team but by the third year they would be on the slide.

Happened every time, so we were right to let him go.

However were we right with his replacement?
The team quit on him. Every coach that gets fired has that moment. Its probably why Garrett still has his job. They made David Garrard and Vince Young look like Roger Staubach in his prime. It was embarrassing. Guys literally quit on him. This organization and its stability and locker room presence isn't good enough to have a head coach like Wade here. Because soon as the honeymoon is over that's it.

this is why it is laughable to me when people talk about the first ballot HOFers on this team. In an era where "stats" are being piled up by a lot of players....you need something to separate the "stat sheet stuffers" and the players that are truly having a major impact. The closest thing this team has to a leader AND a stat sheet stuffer is Romo. When I think about all of the double digit leads this team has given up in the 4th quarter...all the game winning drives the opposing teams QB has executed against us....I cannot not think of DeMarcus Ware ending one drive with a 3rd/4th down sack, strip or forced fumble. Heck I know Spencer even has a few...but where has the first ballot HOFer many people say we have been in those situations.
Wade had a bunch of overpaid, pampered , gutless wonders posing as pro football players. They were quitters that didn't respect the team, coach or their profession. I will never forgive those players and will be glad when the last one is gone.

Yeah, while coaches should be held accountable for leadership deficiencies, I always thought that it was the players who should have been held most accountable for "quitting."
This thread is proof of the collective insanity caused by the perpetual misery of mediocrity...

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